8 research outputs found

    Vremenska varijabilnost i prostorna razdioba suša u nizinskom dijelu Slovačke

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    Atmospheric drought in lowlands in Slovakia is analyzed on the bases of Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardised Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). This paper gives information about the dynamic, intensity, seasonal and territorial differences in occurrence of drought with various intensity: mild (near to normal), moderate, severe and extreme for the period 1961–2011. Future changes in occurrence of drought are determined on the basis of model data (regional circulation models KNMI and MPI) for temperature and precipitation for two periods: 2001–2050 and 2051–2100. The results show that temperature has an important role for occurrence of moderate and severe drought at monthly level and precipitation is the main factor for occurrence of extreme drought. There are an increasing number of cases with severe or extreme drought in summer for most of the investigated stations. Future projection of drought shows general tendency to increasing frequency of severe dry events in 2001–2050 and 2051–2100 while there will be a little decreasing of extremely dry months in comparison to 1961–2010.Analizirana je suša u nizinskom dijelu Slovačke pomoću standardiziranog oborinskog indeksa (SPI) i standardiziranog oborinsko-evapotranspiracijskog indeksa (SPEI). Ovaj rad daje informaciju o dinamici, jakosti, sezonskim i prostornim razlikama u pojavi suše različite jakosti: slabe (blizu normale), jake, umjerene i ekstremne za razdoblje 1961.–2011. Buduće promjene u pojavi suše određene su iz podataka modela (regionalni cirkulacijski modeli KNMI i MPI) za temperaturu i oborinu za dva razdoblja: 2001.–2050. i 2051.–2100. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da na mjesečnoj skali temperatura ima važnu ulogu u pojavi umjerene i jake suše, dok je oborina glavni čimbenik pri pojavi ekstremne suše. Za većinu istraživanih stanica ustanovljen je porast broja jakih i ekstremnih suša tijekom ljetnog razdoblja. Projekcija buduće pojave suše pokazuje opću tendenciju porasta učestalosti događaja jakih suša u razdoblju 2001.–2050. i 2051.–2100., dok će se broj ekstremno suhih mjeseci malo smanjiti u usporedbi s razdobljem 1961.–2011

    Changes in the daily range of the air temperature in the mountainous part of Slovakia within the possible context of global warming

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    Mean global and regional air temperatures have increased in the last several decades more than at any time during the history of instrumental measurement. Because of changes in the energy balance of the daily regime of the Earth's surface, it seems that the daily minimum temperature will increase more than the daily maximum one. The general theoretical analysis have indicated the daily range (TR) of air temperatures decrease, but they are also influenced by several other factors such as topography, wind, solar radiation, cloudiness, humidity, soil moisture, upwind and lee effects, etc. This paper contains a sample from an analysis of past conditions showing changes in TR at several Slovak stations from 1961–2010 and possible changes in TR up to the time frame of the year 2100 using climate change scenarios based on four climatic models adopted in Slovakia (global CGCM3.1 and ECHAM5, regional KNMI and MPI) and three emission scenarios (IPCC SRES A2, B1 and A1B). The trends and correlations of daily air temperature ranges with other climatic variables were analyzed

    How can the transition from conventional to automatic measurements affect the climatological normals? – A case study from an alpine meteorological observatory at Skalnaté Pleso, Slovakia

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    Harmonizing automatic with conventional meteorological measurements is essential to ensure continuity and homogeneity of long-term climate observations when considering the transition from manual (conventional) to automatic measurement regimes. In this paper, we analysed climate datasets from Skalnaté Pleso Observatory (1778 m a.s.l.), situated at an alpine treeline ecotone of the High Tatra Mts. (Western Carpathians). At this station, two previous climatological normals 1961–1990 and 1991–2020 were calculated from the conventional measurements. To ensure reliable data for the subsequent standard normal period 2021–2050 in the case of termination of manual measurements, a comparative study of the differences between manual and automatic recordings is required. For this purpose, parallel measurements of principal climatological surface parameters (PCSPs) covering the period of six years 2017–2022 were analysed. Data measured by the manual method were used as a reference to calculate bias for the automatic measurements and to derive the corrections. Monthly regressions (MR) and cumulative distribution functions (CDF) were calculated and applied for the correction of monthly values of PCSPs from automatic measurements. Our results indicate that after applying appropriate correction methods, automatic weather stations can maintain the continuity and homogeneity of monthly and annual long-term PCSP series. Although the corrections applied to data measured at Skalnaté Pleso Observatory cannot be extrapolated to other locations, the presented methodology can be used in other places to adjust data in climatological series during transitions from manual to automatic observations, which is indispensable for the study of climate variability

    Climate of the Carpathian Region in the period 1961–2010: climatologies and trends of 10 variables

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    The Carpathians are the largest mountain range in Europe and they represent a geographic barrier between Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Balkans. In order to investigate the climate of the area, the CARPATCLIM project members compiled the Climate Atlas of the Carpathian Region, which consists of high-resolution daily grids (0.1˚ x 0.1˚) of sixteen meteorological variables and many derived indicators related to 1961-2010. We computed the gridded climatologies for 1961-2010 for eight variables (air pressure, cloudiness, precipitation, relative humidity, minimum and maximum temperature, sunshine duration, and wind speed) and we discuss their spatial patterns. For each variable, we calculated the gridded linear trends related to 1961-2010 both on annual and seasonal basis. In general, temperature was found to increase in every season in 1986-2010, confirming the trends occurring in Europe in the last decades. On the other way, wind speed decreased in every season. Cloudiness and relative humidity decreased in spring, summer, and winter, and increased in autumn, whilst sunshine duration, as expected, behaved in the opposite way. Precipitation slightly increased and air pressure showed no significant trend, except of a few grid points. Then, we dealt with the correlation between the variables: excluding the high elevation points, the most correlated are sunshine duration and temperature. In particular, positive and negative sunshine duration anomalies are found to be respectively correlated with positive and negative temperature anomalies during the global dimming (60’s and 70’s) and brightening (90’s and 2000’s) periods.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen