22 research outputs found

    Proceedings of USITS' 99: The 2

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    Performance-enhancing mechanisms in the World Wide Web primarily exploit repeated requests to Web documents by multiple clients. However, little is known about patterns of shared document access, particularly from diverse client populations. The principal goal of this paper is to examine the sharing of Web documents from an organizational point of view. An organizational analysis of sharing is important, because caching is often performed on an organizational basis; i.e., proxies are typically placed in front of large and small companies, universities, departments, and so on. Unfortunately, simultaneous multi-organizational traces do not currently exist and are difficult to obtain in practice

    Fungal Biotechnology in Space: Why and How?

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    Fungi have been companions of mankind for millennia. Mushrooms inspired our eating culture, and yeasts and filamentous fungi were developed into highly efficient cell factories during the last 100 years to produce many products utilized in different industries worldwide. What more is to come in the next 100 years? We propose here that fungi can become important cell factories for life in space, especially regarding the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger as the cutting-edge must-have for space travel in the twenty-first century and beyond. First, it is one of the most robust and efficient production systems used nowadays in industrial biotechnology. Second, it is a multipurpose cell factory that produces a diverse range of organic acids, proteins, enzymes and natural products. And third, it is a common fungal isolate of the International Space Station. A. niger could thus become an essential companion of astronauts for the autonomous production of food, enzymes and antibiotics during space travel. What needs to be done to achieve these visionary goals? In this chapter, we will discuss the opportunities of A. niger as a cell factory spanning from Earth to space. We summarize the current state of the art of A. niger biotechnology on Earth and discuss the general tools and technologies still in need of development to take a new step for mankind: space biotechnology