179 research outputs found

    Effect of water deficit and sowing date on oil and protein contents in soybean co-inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense.

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    The soybean chemical composition is strongly influenced by genetic factors, as well as their interaction with the environment and management practices. Among the environmental factors, water deficit and temperature are those that most contribute to modify the chemical composition of beans, especially oil and protein contents. The present study aimed to assess the effects of co-inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense on soybean oil and protein contents. Two field experiments were carried out on different sowing dates. The design consisted of randomized blocks, in a split-split-plot arrangement, with four replications, including two irrigation depths (25 % and 100 % of the ETc), two inoculation methods [Bradyrhizobium japonicum (strainsSemia 5079 and Semia 5080) and Azospirillum brasilense (strains AbV5 and AbV6 + Bradyrhizobium japonicum)] and two cultivars (ANTA 82 and TMG 132). The co-inoculation did not affect the oil and protein contents of beans for any of the assessed management conditions. The water deficit in the reproductive stage, combined with the sowing dates, altered the oil and protein contents in both the assessed cultivars, showing, respectively, a higher average protein and oil content in the beans for the cultivars TMG 132 and ANTA 82

    Informações técnicas para o cultivo da BRS Tropical no Estado do Tocantins.

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    Em atendimento a uma demanda dos produtores de arroz tocantinenses por cultivares de arroz com características para alta produtividade, qualidade de grãos e tolerância à doenças, a Embrapa disponibiliza a BRS Tropical. Essa cultivar desenvolvida pelo programa de melhoramento de arroz irrigado é adaptada às condições tropicais, apresentando alto potencial produtivo e características agronômicas e culinárias adequadas para cultivo no sistema de irrigação por inundação nas regiões produtoras de arroz do estadobitstream/item/113876/1/Cotec222.pd

    Evaluation of the Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation in global climate models for the SPARC QBO‐initiative

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    The Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation initiative (QBOi) is a model intercomparison programme that specifically targets simulation of the QBO in current global climate models. Eleven of the models or model versions that participated in a QBOi intercomparison study have upper boundaries in or above the mesosphere and therefore simulate the region where the stratopause semiannual oscillation (SAO) is the dominant mode of variability of zonal winds in the tropical upper stratosphere. Comparisons of the SAO simulations in these models are presented here. These show that the model simulations of the amplitudes and phases of the SAO in zonal‐mean zonal wind near the stratopause agree well with the information derived from available observations. However, most of the models simulate time‐average zonal winds that are more westward than determined from observations, in some cases by several tens of m·s1^{–1}. Validation of wave activity in the models is hampered by the limited observations of tropical waves in the upper stratosphere but suggests a deficit of eastward forcing either by large‐scale waves, such as Kelvin waves, or by gravity waves

    Diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia according to the WHO classification in the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group AML-97 protocol

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    We reviewed and categorized 638 of 809 patients who were registered in the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group acute myeloid leukemia (AML)-97 protocol using morphological means. Patients with the M3 subtype were excluded from the study group. According to the WHO classification, 171 patients (26.8%) had AML with recurrent genetic abnormalities, 133 (20.8%) had AML with multilineage dysplasia (MLD), 331 (51.9%) had AML not otherwise categorized, and 3 (0.5%) had acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage. The platelet count was higher and the rate of myeloperoxidase (MPO)-positive blasts was lower in AML with MLD than in the other WHO categories. The outcome was significantly better in patients with high (≥50%) than with low (<50%) ratios of MPO-positive blasts (P < 0.01). The 5-year survival rates for patients with favorable, intermediate, and adverse karyotypes were 63.4, 39.1, and 0.0%, respectively, and 35.5% for those with 11q23 abnormalities (P < 0.0001). Overall survival (OS) did not significantly differ between nine patients with t(9;11) and 23 with other 11q23 abnormalities (P = 0.22). Our results confirmed that the cytogenetic profile, MLD phenotype, and MPO-positivity of blasts are associated with survival in patients with AML, and showed that each category had the characteristics of the WHO classification such as incidence, clinical features, and OS

    APCcdh1 Mediates Degradation of the Oncogenic Rho-GEF Ect2 after Mitosis

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    Background: Besides regulation of actin cytoskeleton-dependent functions, Rho GTPase pathways are essential to cell cycle progression and cell division. Rho, Rac and Cdc42 regulate G1 to S phase progression and are involved in cytokinesis. RhoA GDP/GTP cycling is required for normal cytokinesis and recent reports have shown that the exchange factor Ect2 and the GTPase activating protein MgcRacGAP regulate RhoA activity during mitosis. We previously showed that the transcription factors E2F1 and CUX1 regulate expression of MgcRacGAP and Ect2 as cells enter S-phase. Methodology/Principal Findings: We now report that Ect2 is subject to proteasomal degradation after mitosis, following ubiquitination by the APC/C complex and its co-activator Cdh1. A proper nuclear localization of Ect2 is necessary for its degradation. APC-Cdh1 assembles K11-linked poly-ubiquitin chains on Ect2, depending upon a stretch of,25 amino acid residues that contain a bi-partite NLS, a conventional D-box and two TEK-like boxes. Site-directed mutagenesis of target sequences generated stabilized Ect2 proteins. Furthermore, such degradation-resistant mutants of Ect2 were found to activate RhoA and subsequent signalling pathways and are able to transform NIH3T3 cells. Conclusions/Significance: Our results identify Ect2 as a bona fide cell cycle-regulated protein and suggest that its ubiquitination-dependent degradation may play an important role in RhoA regulation at the time of mitosis. Our findings raise the possibility that the overexpression of Ect2 that has been reported in some human tumors might result not only from deregulated transcription, but also from impaired degradation

    Impact of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism on Cortical Thickness and Voxel-Based Morphometry in Healthy Chinese Young Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Following voxel-based morphometry (VBM), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism (rs6265) has been shown to affect human brain morphology in Caucasians. However, little is known about the specific role of the Met/Met genotype on brain structure. Moreover, the relationship between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and Chinese brain morphology has not been studied. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The present study investigated brain structural differences among three genotypes of BDNF (rs6265) for the first time in healthy young Chinese adults via cortical thickness analysis and VBM. Brain differences in Met carriers using another grouping method (combining Val/Met and Met/Met genotypes into a group of Met carriers as in most previous studies) were also investigated using VBM. Dual-approach analysis revealed less gray matter (GM) in the frontal, temporal, cingulate and insular cortices in the Met/Met group compared with the Val/Val group (corrected, P<0.05). Areas with less GM in the Val/Met group were included in the Met/Met group. VBM differences in Met carriers were only found in the middle cingulate cortex. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The current results indicated a unique pattern of brain morphologic differences caused by BDNF (rs6265) in young Chinese adults, in which the Met/Met genotype markedly affected the frontal, temporal, cingulate, and insular regions. The grouping method with Met carriers was not suitable to detect the genetic effect of BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on brain morphology, at least in the Chinese population, because it may hide some specific roles of Met/Met and Val/Met genotypes on brain structure

    Interactions between Glucocorticoid Treatment and Cis-Regulatory Polymorphisms Contribute to Cellular Response Phenotypes

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    Glucocorticoids (GCs) mediate physiological responses to environmental stress and are commonly used as pharmaceuticals. GCs act primarily through the GC receptor (GR, a transcription factor). Despite their clear biomedical importance, little is known about the genetic architecture of variation in GC response. Here we provide an initial assessment of variability in the cellular response to GC treatment by profiling gene expression and protein secretion in 114 EBV-transformed B lymphocytes of African and European ancestry. We found that genetic variation affects the response of nearby genes and exhibits distinctive patterns of genotype-treatment interactions, with genotypic effects evident in either only GC-treated or only control-treated conditions. Using a novel statistical framework, we identified interactions that influence the expression of 26 genes known to play central roles in GC-related pathways (e.g. NQO1, AIRE, and SGK1) and that influence the secretion of IL6