284 research outputs found

    Pharmacological studies on acetylcholine and other transmitter receptors from invertebrate muscle and central neurones

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    Muscle tension recordings were made from earthworm body wall muscle and the action of acetylcholine, cholinomimtics and cholinolytics examined. The effect of cholinergic agents on muscle twitches induced following field stimulation was also investigated. Carbachol was 8 times more active than acetylcholine in the presence of physostigmine.α-Bungarotoxin, d-tubocurarine, gallamine, atropine, mecamylamine and hexamethonium reduced both electrical stimulation of the muscle and the acetylcholine response while β-bungarotoxin reduced the electrically induced twitch but enhanced the acetylcholine contraction. 0.4µM Hemicholinium abolished the electrically induced twitch while having no effect on the acetylcholine response, but at 4.0µM, did reduce the acetylcholine response. These results provide further evidence for cholinergic excitatory innervation of earthworm body wall muscle.Intracellular recordings were made from identifiable central neurones of Helix aspersa and the action of anthelmintic compounds investigated. The anthelmintics pyrantel, morantel and deacylated amidantel mimicked acetylcholine induced excitation"D" and inhibition "H" had the same ionic mechanism and were blocked by d-tubocurarine. This suggests these compounds interact with acetylcholine receptors on Helix neurones. Levamisole only inhibited the activity.A series of glutamate analogues was tested on Helix neurones which were either excited or inhibited by Lglutamate. The only analogue with clear glutamate-like activity was thio-glutamic acid. In normal saline Lglutamate hyperpolarises the membrane potential of cell F-1. This event is chloride mediated and is reversed to a depolarisation followed by hyperpolarisation in low external chloride. This afterhyperpolarisation is reduced in sodium or potassium free saline or following application of strophanthidin, 1.0-100µM.The local anaesthetics procaine and tetracaine mimicked the "H" and "D" effects of acetylcholine on certain neurones. Tetracaine, 0.01µM, gradually and reversibly reduced both "H" and "D" responses of acetylcholine and the "H" response to dopamine. This provides evidence that local anaesthetics can interact with responses linked to chloride, sodium and potassium ion channels

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Beton untuk Campuran Beton dengan Bahan Tambah Viscocrete

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    Salah satu indikator kemajuan suatu negara yakni pembangunan infrastruktur. Namun, seiring dengan peningkatan pembangunan, semakin banyak limbah beton yang akan diproduksi. Limbah beton merupakan material yang  berpotensi untuk didaur ulang sebagai alternatif pengganti agregat kasar yang dibutuhkan dalam campuran beton. Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan limbah silinder (Recycled Concreate Aggregates) dan viscocrete terhadap nilai kuat tekan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuat tekan rencana 21 MPa dengan nilai slum 60-180 mm serta menggunakan semen PCC. Penggunaan kadar viscocrete dalam penelitian ini adalah 0,2% dan 0,6% dari berat semennya dengan umur pengujian 7, 14, dan 28 hari. Terdapat 4 variasi sampel uji dengan jumlah masing-masing 15 benda uji. Penelitian ini menunjukkan semakin banyak kadar viscocrete yang digunakan maka semakin besar penurunan nilai kuat tekannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kuat tekan karakteristik untuk beton normal memperoleh hasil 21,47 MPa. Untuk beton dengan RCA yakni 21,60 Mpa mengalami kenaikan 0,6% dari beton normal. Sedangkan beton RCA dengan bahan tambah viscocrete 0,2%  adalah 17,21 MPa mengalami penurunan 19,72% dari beton normal. Adapun beton RCA dengan bahan tambah viscocrete 0,6% adalah 14,26 MPa mengalami penurunan 41,89% dari beton norma

    Calculation of Power Loss and Voltage Regulation for Different Static Loads

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    The Voltage regulation and power losses computations for distribution systems are strongly dependent on power flow solutions. The classical constant power load model is typically used in power flow studies of transmission or distribution Systems; however, the actual load of a distribution system cannot just be modeled using constant power models, requiring the use of constant current, constant impedance, exponential or a mixture of all these load models to accurately represent the load. This paper presents a study of voltage regulation and power losses of a distribution system using different Static load models

    Uniqueness Based Records Out Cause With Complete Audit In The Clouds

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    CRA must retain an arbitrary confidential value for users without affecting the security of the revocable IBE plan. In the Search Engine Optimization and Elmira Plan, for each user, each user creates a secret key by hitting some partial keys, which depend on the partial keys that grandparents use in the hierarchy tree. Another drawback is the lack of scalability, which means that the KU-CSP should have a secret value for each user. In this article, we recommend a new, revocable IBE plan with Cloud Revocation Authority to address each of the shortcomings, i.e. the performance is greatly improved and the CRA maintains system confidentiality for users only. Finally, we expanded the proposed IBE revocable plan to provide a CRA-supported certification plan for a limited time period to manage multiple cloud services. In the current system, bad-behaved users / at-risk in ID-PKS configuration are naturally high. The immediate cancellation method employs a reliable web-authorizing authority to reduce the burden of PKG management and help users decode the encrypted text. For experimental results and reward analysis, our plan is perfect for mobile devices. For security analysis, we make it clear that our plan is completely safe against adaptive recognition attacks according to Daffier-Hellman's two-pronged assumption. Outlines define the structure of an IBE cancellable plan with CRA and define their own security concepts to design potential threats and attacks. CRA Assisted Authentication Plan with Limited Time Rights to Manage Multiple Cloud Services


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    Image Reordering Based On The Theme Of Diversity

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    A unique thematic function is proposed to improve the code within the P2P environment, which both displays relevant information as well as balances workload. Therefore, we recommend that you use the updated codebook methodology to improve the information you replace with the resulting codebook and related information, as well as the workload balance between nodes that manage different coding words. An updated version of the Codebook is proposed to be distributed according to the distribution / mixing of personal passwords, which improves target performance at a lower update cost. While most current approaches focus on restricting scalability as well as optimizing high-dimensional visual features, we include content-based images in peer-to-peer systems in this paper to peer-to-peer word models. We recommend using the case. This season's codebook should be updated periodically, instead of the regular time. Within this paper, we offer a unique presenting method to increase mobility around the world, demonstrating both balance and workload. In addition, the peer-to-peer network is dynamically developed, making a stable codebook less efficient for retrieval operations. In order to be able to improve recovery performance and reduce network costs, indexing trimming techniques have been developed. Unlike the central environment, the key challenge is to efficiently acquire an efficient global code book, as images are distributed across peer-to-peer networks


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    Utilization of bagasse as an added ingredient of making bricks. Researchers used ash Waste Dregs Sugar CaneFactory Takalar, South Sulawesi. The purpose of this study is utilization of bagasse ash for use in the manufacture ofbricks. In this study, as many as four variants, the variant SN Normal brick samples (without the addition of sugar caneash amps), S10, S30, and S50 samples of bricks mixed with bagasse ash as much as 10%, 30%, 50%. Experience lookedoutside, the power of fiber, bulk density and compressive strength. The test results of samples bricks can be concludedthat utilization of bagasse ash in the production of bricks which are well used is the sample S10 (10% bagasse), canreduce the level of cracking and the weight of the contents of a brick of 7% -12%, and the salt content of 4% -12%, theEffects of bagasse ash increased the absorption of 42% -110%. And decrease the compressive strength up to 23%
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