266 research outputs found

    Universality and correlations in individuals wandering through an online extremist space

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    The 'out of the blue' nature of recent terror attacks and the diversity of apparent motives, highlight the importance of understanding the online trajectories that individuals follow prior to developing high levels of extremist support. Here we show that the physics of stochastic walks, with and without temporal correlation, provides a unifying description of these online trajectories. Our unique dataset comprising all users of a global social media site, reveals universal characteristics in individuals' online lifetimes. Our accompanying theory generates analytical and numerical solutions that describe the characteristics shown by individuals that go on to develop high levels of extremist support, and those that do not. The existence of these temporal and also many-body correlations suggests that existing physics machinery can be used to quantify and perhaps mitigate the risk of future events

    Value of Safety of Anticoagulant Therapy in Elderly Patient with Atrial Fibrillation and High Risk of Bleeding

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    The review article discusses  the safety issue of anticoagulant therapy in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation and high risk of bleeding.  An evidence base is presented demonstrating the high safety of rivaroxaban in patients over 80  years of age,  with a high risk of bleeding  and cardiovascular complications,  the presence of comorbid  pathology, geriatric syndromes  and chronic kidney disease (including in combination with anemia). The problem of low adherence to treatment in elderly patients and the possibility of solving it were separately considered

    The role of the social vocabulary research in the Russian language teaching practice (on the example of zoomorphic nominations Homo Socialis)

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is stipulated by the necessity to solve a problem of multicultural humanitarian education and formation of tolerance of students to unfamiliar culture. The purpose of the article is to research educational potential of metaphorical vocabulary in different languages, such as zoomorphic naming units of a man in his social roles and functions. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a communicatively oriented approach to training highly qualified specialist, the future teacher of Russian as a foreign language or an interpreter. The study produced the following results: the possibility to use ethno-linguistic study of Russian language results is illustrated; a selection of lexical items and phraseologic- zoomorphism, which nominate people on the social roles and functions - tat teacher can use in the classroom, is presented; the technique of analysis of the vocabulary in which social seme is located in different zones of the word, is presented; the necessity of the use of research results in the practice of teaching in higher school in order to ensure the formation of socio-cultural and communicative competence of students is substantiated. The results can be applied in the organization of educational process in higher educational institutions. The article may be useful to researchers in the field of pedagogy, to teachers, to post-graduate students, to graduate students and students of the following specialties: Russian as a foreign language, Russian language in the practice of interpretation. © 2016 Leontyeva et al

    Teenagers’ vandalism and the importance of parent-child relationships in addressing it

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    Vandalism in the urban environment is a common phenomenon but is difficult to evaluate. The scale of damage caused by vandalism is rarely analyzed, and therefore a limited number of scientific works are devoted to the phenomenon of vandal behavior and the identification of its causes. While the role of the family in the formation of deviant behavior is indicated by many researchers, the context of vandalism and the issue of family determination remains open. This article studies the parents’ styles of upbringing and their preparation for teenagers’ vandal behavior. By identifying the degree of influence of the family in the formation of such a destructive form of interaction between teenagers’ and the material environment it is possible to identify a group of teenagers who are ready to commit acts of vandalism. An attempt is made to correlate child-parent relations with teenagers’ motivational readiness to commit acts of vandalism. To study the relationship of child-parent relations and teenagers’ vandal behavior, data was collected (using psycho-diagnostic techniques) from 60 teenagers and their parents from complete and incomplete families, the socially well-off and the socially disadvantaged. The results were processed using descriptive statistics, MANOVA and linear regression analysis. It was found that parental upbringing styles play a decisive role in initiating vandalism, while the educational effects of mother and father have their own specific characteristics. The results can be used in the organization of social support for children from socially disadvantaged families in order to prevent vandalism and its radicalization. © 2018, Kazan Federal University. All rights reserved

    Postinfectious syndrome of convalescentsixodes tick-borne borreliosis

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    The aim: to study the psycho-vegetative status of the quantitative contents of serotonin in blood platelets in patients after the Ixodes tick-borne borreliosis, to evaluate the clinical efficiency treatment by adamantilfenilamin of postinfection asthenia.Materials and methods: there was clinical supervision and inspection conducted of 118 convalescents borreliosis after a course of inpatient treatment. All patients were examined using psychovegetative tests. Platelet serotonin concentration levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay. For the treatment of postinfectious asthenia 36 convalescents received adamantilbromfenilamin in a dose of 100 mg for 25 days.Results: when tested convalescents marked change in indicators of emotional and personality disorders. Quantitative study of blood platelet serotonin content revealed a significant decrease in this indicator relative to control values. Study the correlations between obtained when testing the psycho-emotional parameters and platelet serotonin levels showed a negative correlation between serotonin and an indicator of reactive anxiety (R = -0,81, p <0,05). To correct these violations convalescents with severe asthenia postinfection were treated adamantilfenilamin. Established clinical efficacy contributing to the improvement of the quality of life.Conclusion: the research of neurotransmitter serotonin in patients during the convalescence period after borreliosis possible to evaluate the extent of potential damage to the nervous tissue in the inflammatory process and its involvement in the formation of anxiety and depressive symptoms. adamantilbromfenilamin can be recommended for rehabilitation patients with residual effects in the form of postinfectious asthenia

    Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of ecdysone response

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    The mechanisms of ecdysone-dependent expression have been studied for many decades. Initially, the activation of individual genes under the influence of ecdysone was studied on the model of polythene chromosomes from salivary glands of Drosophila melanogaster. These works helped to investigate the many aspects of the Drosophila development. They also revealed plenty of valuable information regarding the fundamental mechanisms controlling the genes’ work. Many years ago, a model describing the process of gene activation by ecdysone, named after the author – Ashburner model – was proposed. This model is still considered an excellent description of the ecdysone cascade, which is implemented in the salivary glands during the formation of the Drosophila pupa. However, these days there is an opinion that the response of cells to the hormone ecdysone can develop with significant differences, depending on the type of cells. The same genes can be activated or repressed under the influence of ecdysone in different tissues. Likely, certain DNA-binding transcription factors that are involved in the ecdysonedependent response together with the EcR/Usp heterodimer are responsible for cell-type specificity. A number of transcriptional regulators involved in the ecdysone response have been described. Among them are several complexes responsible for chromatin remodeling and modification. It has been shown by various methods that ecdysone-dependent activation/repression of gene transcription develops with significant structural changes of chromatin on regulatory elements. The description of the molecular mechanism of this process, in particular, the role of individual proteins in it, as well as structural interactions between various regulatory elements is a matter of the future. This review is aimed to discuss the available information regarding the main regulators that interact with the ecdysone receptor. We provide a brief description of the regulator’s participation in the ecdysone response and links to the corresponding study. We also discuss general aspects of the mechanism of ecdysone-dependent regulation and highlight the most promising points for further research

    Особенности фенотипического и генотипического липидного статуса коренного этноса Арктики в условиях островного проживания

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    Introduction. Dyslipidemia and obesity are interdisciplinary and “multi-metabolic” diseases, pathogenetically associated with the development of atherothrombosis, which creates practical health problems. The development of both dyslipidemia and obesity is influenced by socio-demographic, environmental, genetic and many physiological and behavioral factors, while the contribution of genetic factors is 40-70%. The goal is to identify the genetic characteristics oflipid status and fat metabolism in the indigenous ethnic group of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation under conditions of permanent islandliving.Methods. A cross-sectional population study of an indigenous ethnic group (n = 44) living on Vaygach Island (70 ° 01 ' Nlat 59 ° 33 ' E). The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project №18-00-00814-(18-00-00478). Serum cholesterol and triglycerides were determined as markers oflipid metabolism in blood serum. To analyze the genetic profile, the polymorphism of the FTO A23525T gene and the LPL Ser447Ter gene was determined by polymerase chain reaction.Results. In the sample of the indigenous ethnic group, BMI was 26.0 [21.5; 29.75] kg/m2. BMI for men is 23.0 [18.0; 28.0] kg/m2, for women - 25.0 [18.0; 29.25] kg / m2. Carriers of the unfavorable allele A had a higher BMI than carriers of the T allele. Analysis of the effect of rs9939609 genetic polymorphism on thelevel of total cholesterol did not show statistically significant differences between the FTO gene genotypes. A minimal triglyceride concentration was observed in carriers of the protective genotype Ter/Ter.Conclusion. Understanding the similarities and differences in genetic susceptibility among different ethnic groups can ultimately contribute to a more focused primary prevention and patient-oriented approach of cardiovascular pathology. Введение. Дислипидемия и ожирение являются междисциплинарными и мультиметаболическими состояниями, патогенетически связаны с развитием атеротромбоза, являясь важной проблемой практического здравоохранения. На развитие как дислипидемии, так и ожирения влияют социально-демографические, экологические, генетические и многие физиологические и поведенческие факторы, при этом вклад генетических факторов составляет 40-70%.Цель - выявить генетические особенности липидного статуса и жирового обмена у коренного этноса арктического региона РФ в условиях постоянного островного проживания. Методы. Проведено поперечное популяционное исследование коренного этноса (п = 44), проживающего на острове Вайгач (70°01' с. ш. 59°33' в. д.) в период комплексной научной экспедиции, выполняемой в рамках финансирования РФФИ гранта №18-00-00814-КОМФИ (18-00-00478). В качестве маркеров липидного обмена в сыворотке крови определяли общий холестерин и триглицериды. Для анализа генетического профиля определяли полиморфизм гена FTO A23525T и гена LPL Ser447Ter методом полимеразной цепной реакции.Результаты. В выборке коренного этноса ИМТ составил 26,0 [21,5; 29,75] кг/м2. ИМТ для мужчин - 23,0 [18,0; 28,0] кг/м2, для женщин - 25,0 [18,0; 29,25] кг/м2. Носители неблагоприятного аллеля А имели более высокий ИМТ, чем носители аллеля Т. Анализ влияния генетического полиморфизма rs9939609 на уровень общего холестерина не показал статистически значимых отличий между генотипами гена FTO. Минимальная концентрация триглицеридов была отмечена у носителей протективного генотипа Ter/Ter.Заключение. Понимание сходства и различий в генетической восприимчивости среди разных этносов может в конечном итоге способствовать более целенаправленной первичной профилактике и пациентоориентированному подходу сердечно-сосудистой патологии


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    The result of this study represented nature of the change of trombocyte serotonine at patient with acute period of tick-borne encephalitis. It was investigated that level of trombocyte serotonine was reliable reducted at patient with tick-borne encephalitis in to peak of the disease and to period early recovery, unlike control meanings. The quantitative factors of trombocyte serotonine were greatly lower upon more heavy paralytic (local) form, than at nonparalytic (febrile and meningeal). Presence of reliable difference between parameter of trombocyte serotonine upon these forms of tick-borne encephalitis allows using his as prediction for estimation of the development to gravity of the disease.Представлены результаты изучения характера изменения тромбоцитарного серотонина у больных в остром периоде клещевого энцефалита. Выявлено достоверное снижение уровня серотонина в тромбоцитах крови у больных клещевым энцефалитом в разгар заболевания и в период ранней реконвалесценции относительно контрольных значений. При более тяжелой паралитической (очаговой) форме количественные показатели тромбоцитарного серотонина были существенно ниже, чем при непаралитической (лихорадочной и менингеальной). Наличие достоверной разницы между показателями тромбоцитарного серотонина при этих формах клещевого энцефалита позволяет использовать данный параметр в качестве прогностического для оценки развития тяжести заболевания

    Formation of synergetic effect of human resource management of business organization

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    The article presents the contents of synergetic effect of human resources management of business organization which can be seen in excess of the sum of results of work of all employees as human capital bearers above the results of work of individual employees with unique professional competencies together with knowledge, abilities and experience as the sources of competitive strengths of business organization. Predictions of development of business organization taking into account the influence of possibility of formation of synergetic effect on different stages of human resources life cycle are presented