8,952 research outputs found

    Consumption: Beyond Certainty Equivalence

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    This paper discusses the recent research on the consumption function that has attempted to relax the assumption of certainty equivalence. While there remain many open questions, both theoretical and empirical, it is clear that the assumption of certainty equivalence can be misleading. Under more plausible specifications of preferences toward risk, uncertainty lowers the level of consumption, increases the expected rate of growth of consumption, and increases the response of consumption to news about income. Moreover, changes in the amount of uncertainty are a potentially important source of fluctuations in consumption.


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    Banning orders have been issued since 1951 in terms o f the Internal Security Act 44 of 1950. Currently 109 banning orders are in force. They provide for the infringement of "inter alia” the rights to choose one’s own company, place of work and type of occupation, social contact is either very limited or non-existent. Banning orders have been justified in the light ofthe exciting dangers to the security of the slate, to the upholding of law and order and the threat of Communism. The Rabie Commission into Security Legislation has recommended that the present system bemaintained. In this paper the contents of banning orders are discussed with reference to juridical concepts such as the rule of law, human rights and the principles of natural justice. Banning orders are analyzed in terms of the "imago Dei”-concept and of what the Christian attitude to human rights should be. The exclusion of the common law revisionary powers of the Supreme Court and the absence of independent control are discussed. The recommendations of the Rabie Commission are analyzed and critized. One has to conclude that banning orders form a radical departure from the well-established principle that everyone is deemed innocent until his guilt has been adequately proved in an independent court o f law. This drastic deviation has not been remedied by the proposed Revision Committee whose independence and obligation to apply the rules o f natural justice are not absolute

    Die konsep ontwikkeling: Opvattíngs en teorieë

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    The aim of this essay is to given brief discussion of the changing interpretations of the concept development. In the years following the Second World War an indiscriminate and uniform attitude concerning development - that can best be summed up in the words: food for one must be food for all — existed. During the Sixties, the era of positivism and high capitalism, two schools of thought branched out. The Social Sciences Research Council emphasised po­ litical development The Comparative Administration Group, on the other hand, emphasised the output function of development, “the implementation of development programmes, or the transformation of dreams into concrete development practice"

    The upholding of human rights by the courts during states of Emergency*

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    Die onafhanklikheid van die regbank met betrekking tot die toepassing van die fundamentele prosessuele menseregte in Suid -Afrika vorm die onderwerp van hierdie oorsigartikel. Die raamwerk waarteen die huidige toepassing van dié regte ondersoek word, is die effek van die noodtoestandregulasies in Suid -Afrika sedert 1985 op die voortbestaan van dié regte met besondere verw ysin g na die rol van die howe in die verband. Hierdie toedrag van sake word gekontrasteer met die voorgestelde menseregteakte van die Suid -Afrikaanse Regskommissie, die IC L S (LWO) Declaration on Human Rights en die VN se Ontwerp Universele Deklarasie van die Onafhanklikheid van die Regbank. Die basiese internasionaal-erkende prosessuele menseregte word vervolgens kortliks bespreek. Na 'n uiteensetting van die Suid-Afrikaanse howe se interpretasie van die noodtoestandmaatreëls, word 'n aantal voorstelle vir die opname en implementering van die beginsels onderliggend aan die algemeen-aanvaarde prosessuele menseregte en die hierbovermelde dokumente gemaak

    Race discrimination in South Africa: An overview

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    In hierdie oorsigartikel word die vernaamste verskyningsvorme van rasbepaalde diskriminasie (apartheid) bondig teen die raamwerk van die gelykheidsbeginsel bespreek. Die beginsel (soms ook bekend as die diskriminasieverbod) is in S uid-Afrika van besondere belang gesien die historiese en huidige beklemtoning van ras as primére ordeningskriterium in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg. Die werkwyse wat gevolg word, is om na 'n uiteensetting van die gelykheidsbeginsel in 'n aantal internasionale verdrae, die Gereformeerde Ekumeniese Sinode se Testimony on human rights en die voorgestelde menseregteakte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Regskommissie, n bondige oorsig van 'n aantal verskyningsvorm e van statutére apartheid te gee. Ten slotte word gekonkludeer dat 'n behoorlike en diepgaande proses om die wetgewing en verbandhoudende administratiewe praktyk te herroep, n conditio sine qua non v ir die erkenning en afdwinging van die gelykheidsbeginsel is

    InP and GaAs characterization with variable stoichiometry obtained by molecular spray

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    Both InP and GaAs surfaces were studied in parallel. A molecular spray technique was used to obtain two semiconductor surfaces with different superficial compositions. The structures of these surfaces were examined by electron diffraction. Electron energy loss was measured spectroscopically in order to determine surface electrical characteristics. The results are used to support conclusions relative to the role of surface composition in establishing a Schottky barrier effect in semiconductor devices

    Coordination of development approval processes revisited – Lagoon Bay Lifestyle Estate (Pty) Ltd v The Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs & Development Planning of the Western Cape and Others [2011] 4 All SA 270 (WCC)

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    From text: This article deals with the decision-making powers of different spheres of government, in terms of various pieces of legislation, with regard to the development of agricultural land and, more specifically, the subdivision or rezoning of such land

    Wary Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Stalwo (Pty) Ltd & Another (Trustees of the Hoogekraal Highlands Trust & SAFAMCO Enterprises (Pty) Ltd (amicus curiae); Minister of Agriculture & Land Affairs (intervening)) [2008] JOL 22099 (CC)

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    In terms of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 70 of 1970, the (national) Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has to authorise, in writing, every application for the subdivision of agricultural land. The following proviso was added to the definition of ‘agricultural land’ in the Act in 1995: “Provided that land situated in the area of jurisdiction of a transitional council as defined in section 1 of the Local Government Transition Act, 1993 (Act No. 209 of 1993), which immediately prior to the first election of the members of such transitional council was classified as agricultural land, shall remain classified as such.” The question that arose in this case was whether the proviso only existed during the lifetime of transitional councils. An affirmative answer to the above question would result in the de facto and de jure implicit termination (and disappearance) of agricultural land as a category in South African law and, consequently, of the Minister’s power to approve any subdivision of agricultural land. A negative answer would imply that agricultural land remains as a category, that the provisions of SALA need to be complied with, and that the Minister’s written approval needs to be obtained for each and every application for subdivision of agricultural land. This article contends that the Constitutional Court was correct in finding that the proviso (and the Act) is still applicable today

    States of emergency

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    Noodtoestand. Nood toestand word deesdae as so alle daags en gemeenplasig beskou dat daar nie werklik sprake van diepgaande gesprekvoering en besinning oor die bestaan, inhoud en voortsetting daarvan is nie. Hierdie artik el beoog om 'n oorsig oor die afgelope vier jaar van noodtoestand in Suid -Afrik a te gee. Aanvanklik in 1985 is daar slegs 'n gedeeltelike noodtoestand afgekondig wat later opgehef is. ’ n Algemene noodtoestand is in Junie 1986 afgekondig sedertdien is dit jaarliks in in 1987 en 1988 herafgeko ndig. Die beperkings op individuelevryheid , pers vryheid en die normale regsgang is met elke verdere noodtoestand uitgebrei. Die gevolg hiervan is dat daar slegs by hoë uitsondering 'n beroep op die howe gedoen kan word om ondersoek na die geldigheid van nood toestand maatreëls en verbandhoudende owerheidsoptredes in te stel