4,515 research outputs found

    Persuading developers to buy into software process improvement: a local opinion and empirical evidence

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.---- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.In order to investigate practitioners’ opinions of software process and software process improvement, we have collected a large volume of qualitative evidence from 13 companies. At the same time, other researchers have reported investigations of practitioners, and we are interested in how their reports may relate to our evidence. Thus, other research publications can also be treated as a form of qualitative data. In this paper, we review advice on a method, content analysis, that is used to analyse qualitative data. We use content analysis to describe and analyse discussions on software process and software process improvement. We report preliminary findings from an analysis of both the focus group evidence and four publications

    Persuading developers to buy into software process improvement: an exploratory analysis

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    In order to investigate practitioners' opinions of software process and software process improvement, we have collected information from 13 companies, in a variety of ways i.e. the use of Repertory Grid Technique, survey and focus group discussions. Both the Repertory Grid Technique and the focus group discussions (43 discussions occurred, in total) produced a large volume of qualitative data. At the same time, other researchers have reported--investigations of practitioners, and we are interested in how their reports may relate to our own. Thus, other research publications can also be treated as a form of qualitative data. In this paper, we review advice on a method, content analysis, that is used to analyse qualitative data. Content analysis is a method for identifying and classifying words and phrases used in--ordinary language. We use content analysis to describe and analyse discussions on software--process and software process improvement. We report preliminary findings from an analysis--of both the focus group evidence and some publications. Our main finding is that there is an--apparent contradiction between developers saying that they want evidence for software process improvement, and what developers will accept as evidence. This presents a serious problem for research: even if researchers could demonstrate a strong, reliable relationship between software process improvement and improved organisational performance, there would still be the problem of convincing practitioners that the evidence applies to their particular situation


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    This review focuses on electrochemical metallization memory cells (ECM), highlighting their advantages as the next generation memories. In a brief introduction, the basic switching mechanism of ECM cells is described and the historical development is sketched. In a second part, the full spectra of materials and material combinations used for memory device prototypes and for dedicated studies are presented. In a third part, the specific thermodynamics and kinetics of nanosized electrochemical cells are described. The overlapping of the space charge layers is found to be most relevant for the cell properties at rest. The major factors determining the functionality of the ECM cells are the electrode reaction and the transport kinetics. Depending on electrode and/or electrolyte material electron transfer, electro-crystallization or slow diffusion under strong electric fields can be rate determining. In the fourth part, the major device characteristics of ECM cells are explained. Emphasis is placed on switching speed, forming and SET/RESET voltage, R(ON) to R(OFF) ratio, endurance and retention, and scaling potentials. In the last part, circuit design aspects of ECM arrays are discussed, including the pros and cons of active and passive arrays. In the case of passive arrays, the fundamental sneak path problem is described and as well as a possible solution by two anti-serial (complementary) interconnected resistive switches per cell. Furthermore, the prospects of ECM with regard to further scalability and the ability for multi-bit data storage are addressed

    Chirped-pulse interferometry with finite frequency correlations

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    Chirped-pulse interferometry is a new interferometric technique encapsulating the advantages of the quantum Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer without the drawbacks of using entangled photons. Both interferometers can exhibit even-order dispersion cancellation which allows high resolution optical delay measurements even in thick optical samples. In the present work, we show that finite frequency correlations in chirped-pulse interferometry and Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry limit the degree of dispersion cancellation. Our results are important considerations in designing practical devices based on these technologies.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The Link Between Ejected Stars, Hardening and Eccentricity Growth of Super Massive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei

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    The hierarchical galaxy formation picture suggests that super massive black holes (MBHs) observed in galactic nuclei today have grown from coalescence of massive black hole binaries (MBHB) after galaxy merging. Once the components of a MBHB become gravitationally bound, strong three-body encounters between the MBHB and stars dominate its evolution in a "dry" gas free environment, and change the MBHB's energy and angular momentum (semi-major axis, eccentricity and orientation). Here we present high accuracy direct N-body simulations of spherical and axisymmetric (rotating) galactic nuclei with order a million stars and two massive black holes that are initially unbound. We analyze the properties of the ejected stars due to slingshot effects from three-body encounters with the MBHB in detail. Previous studies have investigated the eccentricity and energy changes of MBHs using approximate models or Monte-Carlo three body scatterings. We find general agreement with the average results of previous semi-analytic models for spherical galactic nuclei, but our results show a large statistical variation. Our new results show many more phase space details of how the process works, and also show the influence of stellar system rotation on the process. We detect that the angle between the orbital plane of the MBHBs and that of the stellar system (when it rotates) influences the phase-space properties of the ejected stars. We also find that massive MBHB tend to switch stars with counter-rotating orbits into co-rotating orbits during their interactions.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Baryon deceleration by strong chromofields in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions

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    It is assumed that strong chromofields are generated at early stages of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions which give rise to a collective deceleration of net baryons from colliding nuclei. We have solved classical equations of motion for baryonic slabs under the action of a time-dependent longitudinal chromoelectric field. It is demonstrated that the slab final rapidities are rather sensitive to the strength and decay time of the chromofield as well as to the back reaction of the produced partonic plasma. The net-baryon rapidity loss of about 2 units, found for most central Au-Au collisions at RHIC, can be explained by the action of chromofields with the initial energy density of about 50 GeV/fm^3. Predictions for the baryon stopping at the LHC are made.Comment: 10 pages in revtex, 3 eps figure

    Stability of Multiplanetary Systems in Star Clusters

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    Most stars form in star clusters and stellar associated. To understand the roles of star cluster environments in shaping the dynamical evolution of planetary systems, we carry out direct NN-body simulations of four planetary systems models in three different star cluster environments with respectively N=2k, 8k and 32k stars. In each cluster, an ensemble of initially identical planetary systems are assigned to solar-type stars with 1M\sim 1 M_{\odot} and evolved for 50~Myr. We found that following the depletion of protoplanetary disks, external perturbations and planet-planet interactions are two driving mechanisms responsible for the destabilization of planetary systems. The planet survival rate varies from 95%\sim 95\% in the N=2k cluster to 60%\sim 60\% in the N=32k cluster, which suggests that most planetary systems can indeed survive in low-mass clusters, except in the central regions. We also find that planet ejections through stellar encounters are cumulative processes, as only 3%\sim 3\% of encounters are strong enough to excite the eccentricity by Δe0.5\Delta e \geq 0.5. Short-period planets can be perturbed through orbit crossings with long-period planets. When taking into account planet-planet interactions, the planet ejection rate nearly doubles, and therefore multiplicity contributes to the vulnerability of planetary systems. In each ensemble, 0.2%\sim 0.2\% of planetary orbits become retrograde due to random directions of stellar encounters. Our results predict that young low-mass star clusters are promising sites for next-generation planet surveys, yet low planet detection rates are expected in dense globular clusters such as 47 Tuc. Nevertheless, planets in denser stellar environments are likely to have shorter orbital periods, which enhances their detectability.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Understanding the dynamical structure of pulsating stars. HARPS spectroscopy of the delta Scuti stars rho Pup and DX Cet

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    High-resolution spectroscopy is a powerful tool to study the dynamical structure of pulsating stars atmosphere. We aim at comparing the line asymmetry and velocity of the two delta Sct stars rho Pup and DX Cet with previous spectroscopic data obtained on classical Cepheids and beta Cep stars. We obtained, analysed and discuss HARPS high-resolution spectra of rho Pup and DX Cet. We derived the same physical quantities as used in previous studies, which are the first-moment radial velocities and the bi-Gaussian spectral line asymmetries. The identification of f=7.098 (1/d) as a fundamental radial mode and the very accurate Hipparcos parallax promote rho Pup as the best standard candle to test the period-luminosity relations of delta Sct stars. The action of small-amplitude nonradial modes can be seen as well-defined cycle-to-cycle variations in the radial velocity measurements of rho Pup. Using the spectral-line asymmetry method, we also found the centre-of-mass velocities of rho Pup and DX Cet, V_gamma = 47.49 +/- 0.07 km/s and V_gamma = 25.75 +/- 0.06 km/s, respectively. By comparing our results with previous HARPS observations of classical Cepheids and beta Cep stars, we confirm the linear relation between the atmospheric velocity gradient and the amplitude of the radial velocity curve, but only for amplitudes larger than 22.5 km/s. For lower values of the velocity amplitude (i.e., < 22.5 km/s), our data on rho Pup seem to indicate that the velocity gradient is null, but this result needs to be confirmed with additional data. We derived the Baade-Wesselink projection factor p = 1.36 +/- 0.02 for rho Pup and p = 1.39 +/- 0.02 for DX Cet. We successfully extended the period-projection factor relation from classical Cepheids to delta Scuti stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (in press