470 research outputs found

    Problems and prospects of development of ecological tourism in Ireland

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    The paper presents the research on the development of ecological tourism in Ireland. The basic directions and problems of development of ecotourism. Income from ecotourism in the country was analyzed in the article, as well as the model for the attraction of tourists to Irelan

    The Multiband Photometry of GRB Host Galaxies: Comparison with the Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby and Theoretical Modeling Galaxies

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    We present one of the results of BVRIBVRI photometry of the hosts of GRB for the host galaxy of GRB 970508 and the theoretical modeling of its continuum spectral energy distribution (SED) to show that it is important to take into account internal extinction in the host galaxies. We compared the BVRI broad-band flux spectrum of the host to template SEDs of local starburst galaxies and found that there is a significant internal extintion in this host. Moreover, this comparison allows us to derive the absolute magnitude (M_{B_{rest}}) and rouhgly estimate reddening (A_V). Population synthesis modeling of the continuum SED for different reddening laws demostrates that the observational data of the host galaxy of GRB 970508 are best fitted by the spectral properties of a model SED with extinction of A_V\approx 2.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, poster presentation on 2nd Rome Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Er

    Research of academic motivation at the stage of forming a threshold level of mastering competences

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    The relevance of researched problem is caused by the society requirement to form and implement educational and creative potential of a student as a conductor of changes that set a high level of motivational behavior. The aim of this article is to develop a structural model of motivational behavior of students that allow carrying out modeling of specific characteristics and their practical application. The leading approach to the research of this problem is the provision of the theory of self-determination on basic needs that allow considering basics of intrinsic motivation. The results of the research are: the structural model of motivational behavior is considered in the article, the questions are selected and the questionnaire on educational motivation is developed for the poll of student's groups “Economy and Management”. The development and approbation of multi-profile software programs are “Students’ Questionnaire” to implement on-line poll or interviews with students on academic motivation. The results of the research can be useful for specialized structural divisions of the university, teachers, and also for the students in case of further research of the issues of academic motivation and individual educational paths. © 2016 Eremicheva et al

    Hyperuricemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients

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    Hypertension (HTN) remains one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular events. Modification of additional risk factors, along with a blood pressure decrease, significantly affects the risk of cardiovascular events. Hyperuricemia is one of the new factors that has a high prevalence in the population and affects the risk for cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients. In the treatment with fixed-dose combinations in patients with hypertension and hyperuricemia, metabolic neutrality is of particular importance. When prescribing diuretics, the practitioner faces additional difficulties. These drugs are highly synergistic when added to other major antihypertensives’ classes, but, in some cases, may worsen the metabolic profile. The use of the thiazide-like diuretic indapamide largely avoids a negative effect on the metabolic profile, making it the preferred choice for patients with hyperuricemia

    Student readiness formation for activities oriented to health saving

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    The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need of formation and development among students of educational organizations of the personal qualities directed to updating of their potential concerning preservation and promotion of health, organization of own style of a healthy lifestyle, i.e. formation of readiness for healthoriented activity - HOA. The purpose of the article consists in the development of conceptual aspects of readiness formation of students for HOA. The leading methodological approach to the research of this problem is a personal and activity approaches, allowing us to disclose the features of organization of an educational process directed to readiness formation of students for HOA. Conceptual aspects of students’ readiness formation for HOA conclude in the fact that health is considered as a target resource of a person which can be operated; the basis of this resource is the health saving potential of the person, its components and phases of development are presented; the model of student readiness for HOA is developed. Materials of the article can be useful to pedagogical workers regarding the organization of activities for preservation and promotion of student health in educational organizations, by means of change of intrinsic and substantial components of this activity. © 2016 Tretyakova et al


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    Production kinetics and some functional properties of long-lived marrow plasma cells were studied in mice immunized with T-independent type 2 antigens. Alpha (1→3) dextran was used as an antigen for immunization. The mice were immunized by dextran, and the numbers of IgM antibody producing cells were determined by ELISPOT method. The cell phenotype was determined by cytofluorimetric technique. In the area of normal bone marrow lymphocytes ~4% of T and ~85% of B cells were detected. About 35% of the cells expressed a plasmocyte marker (CD138); 3% were CD138+IgM+, and about 6% of the lymphocytes were double-positive for CD138+IgA+. Among spleen lymphocytes, 50% of T and 47% of B cells were detected. About 1.5% lymphocytes were CD138+, and 0.5% were positive for CD138 and IgM. Time kinetics of antibody-producing cells in bone marrow and spleen was different. In spleen populations, the peak amounts of antibody-secreting cells have been shown on the day 4; the process abated by the day 28. Vice versa, the numbers of the antibody-producing cells in bone marrow started to increase on the day 4. The process reached its maximum on day 14, and after 28th day became stationary. The in vitro experiments have shown that supplementation of bone marrow cells from immune mice with dextran did not influence their functional activity. It was previously shown for cells responding to T-dependent antigens only. A specific marker for the long-lived plasma cells is still unknown. However, these cells possess a common CD138 marker specific for all plasma cells. A method for isolation of bone marrow CD138+ cells was developed. The CD138+ cells were of 87-97% purity, being enriched in long-lived bone marrow cells, and produced monospecific antibodies

    Concept "WEDDING" existence in the Russian linguoculture

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    The article analyzes the concept "wedding" in Russian linguistic culture. The main research method is linguoculturological, in terms of which the detailed analysis of structural units of lexical-semantic field of the concept "wedding" in Russian linguistic culture has been carried out. In the process of analyzing the factual material different methods were applied: the method of continuous sampling, the field method, the descriptive and diachronic methods. The emphasis is placed on the analysis of factual material with a glance of realization of the concept "wedding" in different sources, mainly Russian folklore, idiomatic expressions, as well as precedential phenomena existing in the conceptual picture of the world of the native speakers of the Russian language

    Features of physical development of schoolchildren in the conditions of specialized training

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of physical development of 13-year-olds and cadet basic profile of teaching in urban schools in the parameters of somatometry and visiometry characterizing physical development, functional state, adaptation of the heart and body to current training loads. Coming of puberty is marked by intense growth of the body with heterochronous changes in the proportions and dimensions of its muscular skeletal system and the structure of internal organs. During this period, the role of mechanisms for self-regulation of heart activity and, in general, autonomous regulation of the functions of the cardiovascular system increase

    The Reference System in Determining the Parameters of Horizontal Deformations of the Earth's Crust on Geodynamic Polygons

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    The article is devoted to the choice of the reference system and the related problem of initial data errors while determining the features of the earth's crustal deformations, determined at the geodynamic polygons (GDP) by the differences of the equalized coordinates of network points between the geodetic measurements epochs. It is shown that the problem is not eliminated in the transition to satellite measuring instruments. In determining the geometric component of the earth's crust deformations, it is recommended to take into account the physical nature of its origin. To ensure the uniformity of the reference system for all geodesic measurements epochs on the local GDPs it is recommended to use the free geodetic networks equalization device without reference points. The deformation components obtained according to the theory of elasticity should be recognized the priority features of the earth's crust deformations on such GDPs

    A Patient with 38 Years of Smoking History and Severe Shortness of Breath

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    Aim: to present a clinical case of post-COVID bronchiolitis in an adult.Key points. A 54-year-old female patient with a long history of smoking was hospitalized in the pulmonology department of the Clinic with a leading complaint of progressive shortness of breath after a COVID-19 infection. The diagnosis was established: bilateral bronchiolitis associated with a new coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction — positive); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease stage II according to GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease), exacerbation. Against the background of the therapy, there was a significant positive dynamics in well-being and in CT-picture of bronchiolitis. The patient was discharged for outpatient follow-up treatment. One of the most common symptoms of post-COVID syndrome is shortness of breath. Diagnosis of bronchiolitis, in which this symptom may be the only one, is difficult, especially in patients with a long history of smoking and the presence of comorbid pulmonary pathology.Conclusion. A clinical case of bilateral bronchiolitis in the framework of the post-COVID syndrome is presented. The key to successful diagnosis of bronchiolitis is a thorough differential analysis of the totality of anamnestic and clinical laboratory data, as well as a characteristic CT pattern