46 research outputs found

    Primary breast lymphoma – a review of the literature and report of three cases

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    Primary breast lymphoma (PBL) is a rare disease accounting for 0.4-0.5% of all breast malignancies. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common histological diagnosis. The clinical presentation of PBLs is usually no different from that of carcinoma. In this paper we review the literature on the clinical presentation, diagnosis, prognostic factors and treatment options of PBL. In the light of the information gained we discuss three patients with primary breast lymphoma (one with a central nervous system relapse) who were treated in our department in the years 2002-2007. In conclusion: there is no consensus on the question of how to best treat PBL: chemotherapy, radiotherapy or combined therapy. However, the last approach to be the most successful one. Due to high incidence of central nervous system (CNS) involvement in PBL patients, many authors strongly believe that patients with aggressive forms of PBL should receive CNS infiltration prophylaxis, even in the early stages, as this may improve the outcome and significantly reduce the risk of a CNS disease relapse

    Corruption in Spain and Catalonia after 2008

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    e authors decided to deal with the theme of the influence of corruption on the political processes in contemporary Spain and Catalonia. e investigation of this problem requires the reference to both: a political situation in entire state and in the peripheral region, included in the territorial range of Spain. erefore, the main objective of the article is the attempt to answer three questions: 1) What is the corruptive phenomenon based on and why a public sphere is endangered with it to such a degree?, 2) How did the Spanish citizens react to corruptive processes a er 2008?, 3) Did Catalonia, whose politicians regard this region as definitely separate from Spain, differ considerably from a political centre and other regions of the country within intensity of the occurrence of corruptive phenomena a er 2008

    Diabetologia dziecięca — hospitalizacja w mapach potrzeb zdrowotnych Polski w 2014 roku

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    Opieka nad chorym na cukrzycę stanowi znaczące wyzwanie dla polityki zdrowotnej z uwagi na stale rosnącą liczbę zachorowań, zarówno w przypadku dorosłych, jak i dzieci. W Polsce opieka szpitalna nad dziećmi chorymi na cukrzycę jest scentralizowana i większość świadczeń realizują szpitale o charakterze uniwersyteckim i wojewódzkim. Mimo to struktura udzielanych świadczeń jest wysoce zróżnicowana pomiędzy województwami, zarówno pod względem liczby hospitalizacji na 100 tys. dzieci, salda migracji, długości pobytu w szpitalu, jak i odsetka hospitalizacji z powodu ostrych powikłań

    Dostępność osobistych pomp insulinowych wśród dzieci z cukrzycą w Polsce w 2014 roku

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    Jednym z głównych aspektów kompleksowej opieki medycznej nad pacjentem z cukrzycą, w szczególności dziećmi, jest dostępność do nowoczesnej technologii — do osobistych pomp insulinowych. W Polsce ubezpieczyciel (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) poprzez świadczenie odrębnie kontraktowane refunduje dzieciom zestawy infuzyjne do osobistej pompy insulinowej. Struktura udzielanych świadczeń jest bardzo zróżnicowana pomiędzy województwami pod względem dostępności do pomp insulinowych

    The Use of Supplementation Among People Practicing Powerlifting and its Connections with their Self – esteem and Body Value

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    Supplementation is one of the forms of powerlifting training support. It may have an influence on physical parameters of the contenders and may also have an impact on perception of the body and self – esteem. The aim of the study was to assess relationships between age, BMI, data concerning training, supplementation, self – assurance and body value among the contenders practising powerlifting.51 people who regularly practise powerlifting: 11 women aged 23.5 ±3.6 and 40 men aged 23.9 ±8.5 have been examined using self – esteem (SES) and body – esteem (BES) questionnaires. Data concerning age, BMI, training variables and supplementation have been also gathered.Supplementation is used by 91% of women and 85% of men. Men use more types of supplements than women (p < 0.05). Among women SES does not correlate with any other variables. Among men SES negatively correlates with the number of used supplements, as well as with all of the BES domains.Using supplementation among people who train powerlifting is rather common. Among women, SES in not related in any way with training or supplementation. Among men, lower self – esteem (SES) is significantly counterbalanced with BES

    Expression of KIM-1, VEGF and bFGF in the transplanted kidney as predictive factors of kidney allograft function

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    Introduction: Transplantation is now a common treatment for kidney failure. However, it is associated with numerous complications, among which is rejection. Currently, factors that can predict the function of the transplanted kidney are being sought. This study aimed to investigate whether the expression of KIM-1 (kidney injury molecule-1), VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) assessed in the transplanted kidney before transplantation can be a predictive marker of the later function of the transplanted kidney and the occurrence of complications such as delayed graft function (DGF) and acute rejection (AR). Material and methods: The study group included 44 kidney allograft recipients who underwent kidney transplantation. Results: There were no statistically significant correlations between KIM-1, VEGF and bFGF gene expression in transplanted kidney biopsies and the occurrence of DGF and AR. The expression of the bFGF gene correlated significantly with the creatinine levels before and on the first day after transplantation. There were no statistically significant correlations between creatinine levels and expression of the KIM-1 and VEGF genes. There was also no statistically significant correlation between bFGF, KIM-1 and VEGF gene expression in the transplanted kidney and later eGFR and diuresis values. A statistically significant negative correlation was found between bFGF and serum potassium levels before transplantation and up to one month after transplantation. KIM-1 expression correlated significantly negatively with pre-transplant serum potassium levels. VEGF expression correlated significantly negatively with potassium levels 2 and 24 months after transplantation. Conclusions: The present results suggest that the expression of KIM-1, VEGF and bFGF assessed in the transplanted kidney before transplantation is not a significant predictor of the later function of the transplanted kidney. The expression of the bFGF gene correlates with the creatinine levels before and on the first day after transplantation. The expression of KIM-1, VEGF and bFGF may correlate with potassium serum levels