4 research outputs found

    Penggambaran Karakter Tokoh Utama Pada Komik Doraemon Karya Fujiko F Fujio

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    The research is description the characteristic of the main character of Doraemon, which is Nobita. The researcher uses structural approaches to describe the structure aspect (character, characteristic and moral value of the main character) as the main base in analyzing the characteristic of the main character. The researcher uses Doraemon Comic seri 22 and 23 too. The result of the analyzing the description character of main character in Doraemon is Nobita is a main character was a protagonis and in his old he has a developing character. Characteristic of Nobita is want to help someone, intrepid, spoiled, obsessed and lazy. The result of the moral value of main character is any a positive value and negative value, the postive value of main character is to defend the truth and like to help someone, but the negative value of the main character is spoiled

    Kepercayaan Masyarakat Toono – Iwate Terhadap Misteri Mayoiga Dalam Toono Monogatari Karya Yanagita Kunio

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    Toono Monogatari is a folklore that has become a tradition in Toono – Iwate. In Toono Monogatari researcher examine the Mayoiga legend, which is a mysterious house in the middle of Toono forest. This study uses a reception analysis of literature and analysis of folklore to determine the responses of readers to believe in Mayoiga legend and what functions of the legend on Toono\u27s society. The method for obtaining data by distributing questionnaires to 33 respondents of the Japanese and in-depth interviews in the field on research directly in Toono – Iwate, Japan. While the result is that the legend Mayoiga is still believed by some of Toono\u27s people, and results of research to the folklore is that the Mayoiga legend has a function and an important role in the preservation of the legend, literature, and culture of the city of Toono, with this legend can boost the varieties of Toono\u27s culture in the city, especially in the field of tourism and research of literature and folklore


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    The research of Singir as Javanese poetry which influenced by Arabian4Islamic poetry has never been done by literary experts, especially on its poetic transformation process. Therefore. the aim of this research is to express them. As the research object, the writers was choose,Singir liOvid, a Javanese poetry and Miami Tuchfinu '1- Allylat Arabian-Islamic poetry. Both poetry to express iajwid text, Arabic phonology. The existence of taiwid text in Java, of course, not prior text but it is transfohned by Arabian text. So, the aim of this research is to describe about the relation of them. To solve the problem, intertextuality approach is used. To analyze the texts using intertextualiy approach, the first is to describe structure of Singir Tajwid and Nazam Tuchafatu 1-Athfah and then to intiestigate them using intertextuality. The result of intettextual analysis shows that Singir Tajwid is a textual transformation from Na um Tuchlinu 1-Athfut Analysis shows that narrative structure (introduction, content, and conclusion); formal structure (typography, rhyme, total of line of each couplet, and total of syllable of each line); idea; textual material of Singir Tajwid are transformation from flaZattl Tuchfatu 1-Athfat The larger material in Singir is an explanation of Nazam. Perhaps, the explaitation is textual transformation base on other texts. Penelitian terhadap singir sebagai puisi Jawa pengaruh Arab-Islam jarang dilakukan oleh para ahli sastra, penelitian yang menyangkut proses transfonnasi unsur puitika Arab dalam sastra Jawa. Berkenaan dengan itu, penults mencoba meneliti proses transformasi puitika Arab dalam sastra Jawa sebagaimana yang tampak dalam teks singir yang mentransfonnasikan teks nazarn. Adapun yang dijadikan objek kajian dalam penelitiun ini adalah Singly tajwid. Alasan pcmilihaa terhadap objek tersebut didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa Haw tajwid yang menguraikan tata hunyi bahasa Arab (fonologi Arab) bukanlah teks ash Jawa tetapi keberadaannya dalam khazanah sastra Jawa merupakan bentuk transformasi dart teks tajwid yang berasal dart teks Arab. Oleh karena β€’ itu, penelitian terhadap Singir Tujwid tersebut akan dikaitkan dengan teks tajwid dalam bentuk nazam, yaitu Tut/Vida 1-4rhfill. Tujuan dilakukannya kajian terhadap dua teks tersebut adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bahwa Singir Tujwid itu merupakan teks barn yang mentransfonnasikan teks nazam 'fuchfinu Untuk tneinecahkan persoalan itu, maka digunakan pendekatan intertekstual. Hasil kajian intertekstual menunujukkan bahwa teks Singir TajWid merupakan teks transfonnasi dad teks nazam Tuchfatu 1-Athfat Analisis menunjukkan bahwa struktur tiaras' atau struktur penyajian teks (pembukaan,.isi, dan penutup); struktur formal atau bentuk (tipografi, rima, jumlah bans setiap bait, dan jumlah suku kata setiap bads); gagasan utama/tema; serta materi teks Singir Tcywid merupakan bentuk transformasi dari teks nazam Tuchfatu 1-44thfal sebagai teks pendahulunya. Pengembangan materi tajwid yang jauh lebill luas -dalarn Singir Tajwid merupakan perluasan dari materi Hum tajwid yang ada dalam teks nazam Tuchfatu 41-Athfal. Pengembangan mated yang huts yang tampak dalam teks singir tersebut dapat dipastikan pula sebagai bentuk transfunnasi yang berasal dad teks-teks hijwid yang lebih tua yang dipelajani oleh penults teks singir tersebut


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    The poem is the work of arts which always contains of aestetic matters. It represents the expression of the writers concerning white their environment which they see and feel. The poem can appears as independent poem, or daily utterance, such as love letters, advertisement, or song's lyric.To understand a song's lyric, which is principaly is a poem, the readers need to concen the elements of the poem in which one of them is metaphore. Metaphore in lyric could be identified by it's signifiers, function, and implicature. The main question of this research is the signifiers, function, and implicatures of metaphore used in Indonesian pop songs lyric. The purpose of this research is to expose the signifiers, function, and implicatures of metaphore used in Indonesian pop song's lyric. The method of this research is eclectic method, which is a combination of semiotics, and pragmatics. The data of this research were collectif from one hundred lyrics of Indonesian pop song chosen randomly sung by ten singers either in solo or in a group. The technique of collectif data white reading, listening , and recording techniques. The research results shows that the metaphore the signifiers can be described based on language code, (I ) symbol metaphore (blank symbol, natural symbol, private symbol); (2) it subject, predicate, complement, and adjunct; it based on literature code (1) it can be classified based on its place covers metaphore in line, in couplet, in all couplets, (2) it based on the rhyme, covers complete rhyme, cross rhyme, pair rhyme, irrerugular rhyme, cacophony, and euphony, (3) it based on indirect expression, it can be classified: simile, personification, cynidoks; (4) it based on the imajination: it can be classified: visual, auditive, olfaktive, taklitis, gustative, sensation, setting kinetic; it based on cultural code : it covers predicate metaphore, mode, music, weapon, play art, and ecosystem. The function of metaphore covers poetic expression function, speech act function. The implicatures of metaphore are serenade (loving); elegy (sadness), ode (heroism), satire (teasing), hymn (difinity), and pasturale (scenery). Puisi adalah karya sastra yang tidak lepas dari keindahan. la mewakili ekspresi pengarang terhadap lingkungan yang dilihat dan dirasakannya. la dapat muncul sebagai puisi yang mandiri, maupun dipakai dalam ujaran sehari-hari, dalam surat cinta, iklan, ataupun link lagu. Untuk memahami link lagu yang pada hakikatnya merupakan puisi, para penikmat perlu memperhatikan unsur-unsur puisi yang salah satunya berupa metaforaf kiasan. Metafora dalam lifik lagu bisa dikenali melalui penanda, fungsi, dan implikaturnya. Masalah yang diteliti adalah penanda, fungsi, dan implikatur metafora dalam link lagu Indonesia popular. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan penanda, fungsi, dan implikatur metafora dalam link lagu Indonesia popular. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eklektik, yaitu gabungan antara semiotik, dan pragmatik. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dart seratus teks link lagu yang dipilih secara acak dari sepuluh penyanyi solo atau grup. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik simak baca, dengar, dan catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanda metafora dapat dideskripsikan berdasarkan kode bahasa, (I) wujud metafora berupa simbol (blank symbol, natural symbol, provate,symbol);(2) berdasarkan unsur fungsional sintaksisnya meliputi metafora sebagai subjek, predikat, pelengkap, dan keterangan; berdasarkan kode sastra (1) dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan letaknya meliputi metafora di larik, di bait, dan di semua bait, (2) berdasarkan persajakannya, meliputi persajakan penuh, silang, berpasangan, tak beraturan, kakofoni, dan eufoni, (3) berdasarkan ketaklangsungan ekspresi dapat diklasifikasikan: metafora pembandingan, pemanusiaan, dan penggantian, (4) berdasarkan citraannya dapat diklasifikasikan metafora bercitraan penglihatan, pendengaran, penciuman, perabaan, pencecapan, perasaan, latar, dan gerakan; berdasarkan kode budaya, meliputi metafora tentang nama, mode, musik, senjata, seni pertunjukkan, dan ekosistem. Fungsi metafora meliputi fungsi ekspresif puitis, dan fungsi tindak tutur. Implikatur metafora menyatakan percintaan (serenade), kesedihan (elegi), kepahlawanan (ode), sindiran (satir), ketuhanan (himne), dan pemandangan (pasturale)