11 research outputs found

    Utjecaj crvene foto selektivne mreže na kakvoću ploda jabuke \u27Granny Smith\u27 nakon čuvanja u hladnjači i života na polici

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    The present study was conducted with aim to test the effect of red photo-selective nets (Agritech S.r.l., Eboly, Italy) on \u27Granny Smith\u27 apple postharvest quality. The fruits have been harvested on optimal harvest date from orchard near city of Zadar where red photo-selective nets were used. Afterwards fruits were stored in regular air storage at 0°C for 4 months and then kept for 7 days at room temperature (shelf life). After harvest, cold storage and shelf life fruits grown under red net had significantly lower total soluble solid (SSC) content. After cold storage, superficial scald index and share of fruits with strong and very strong superficial scald severity were significantly higher in fruits grown under red net while for share of fruits with low superficial scald severity situation was opposite. After shelf life, fruits grown under red net had significantly higher titratable acidity (TA), but lower weight loss and SSC/TA ratio. It can be concluded that, due to greater susceptibility to superficial scald, prevention measures (optimal harvest time, 1-MCP and CA storage) should be applied when red photo-selective net is used on superficial scald-susceptible apple varieties.Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj crvene fotoselektivne mreže (Agritech S.r.l., Eboli, Italija) na kakvoću plodova jabuke \u27Granny Smith\u27 nakon skladištenja i života na polici. Plodovi su ubrani u optimalnom roku u voćnjaku lociranom pokraj Zadra, Hrvatska gdje je korištena crvena fotoselektivna mreža. Nakon berbe plodovi su tijekom 4 mjeseca skladišteni u običnoj hladnjači pri 0°C te potom 7 dana na sobnoj temperaturi (život na polici). Plodovi uzgajani ispod crvene mreže su nakon berbe, skladištenja u hladnjači i života na polici imali signifikantno manji sadržaj topljive suhe tvari. Nakon završetka skladištenja u hladnjači indeks površinskog scalda te udio plodova sa jakim i iznimno jakim simptomima površinskog scalda je bio signifikantno veći na plodovima uzgojenima ispod crvene mreže, dok je za udio plodova sa blagim simptomima površinskog scalda situacija bila suprotna. Nakon života na polici plodovi uzgojeni ispod crvene mreže su imali signifikantno veću titracijsku kiselost, ali manji kalo i omjer topljive suhe tvari i titracijske kiselosti. Može se zaključiti da zbog veće osjetljivosti na površinski scald preventivne mjere (optimalan rok berbe, 1-MCP i čuvanje u kontroliranoj atmosferi) trebaju biti primijenjene kada se crvena fotoselektivna mreža koristi na sortama jabuke osjetljivima na površinski scald

    A Comparative Study of some Local Genotypes with Commercial Cultivar of Black Elder (Sambucus nigra L.) Regarding Vegetative and Reproductive Traits

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    The main goal of this study was to evaluate three black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) genotypes (“Prigorje”, “Korčula”, “Zagreb”) and compare them with cv. Haschberg as standard cultivar. Diameter of inflorescences, cluster mass, berry/stem mass ratio, mass of 10 berries and SSC were higher in season 2014 than in season 2015, while length of one-year-old shoot and flowering density showed no significant differences. Interaction between season and genotype (S × G) was not significant for any of studied parameters. Genotype “Korčula” had significantly smaller diameter of inflorescence (11.26 ± 1.5 cm) than genotypes “Prigorje”, “Zagreb” and cv. Haschberg (16.81 ± 2.38, 18.05 ± 2.39, 17.5 ± 2.23 cm, respectively). Genotype “Korčula” (0.09 ± 0.03 flowers·cm-1) had significantly smaller flowering density than genotypes “Prigorje”, “Zagreb” and cv. Haschberg (0.15 ± 0.07, 0.15 ± 0.04, 0.16 ± 0.04 flowers·cm-1, respectively). Genotype “Korčula” had significantly smaller cluster mass (23.35 ± 10.71 g) than genotypes “Prigorje”, “Zagreb” and cv. Haschberg (54.07 ± 22.09, 56.24 ± 22.76, 67.29 ± 24.56 g, respectively). Cv. Haschberg had significantly higher mass of 10 berries (1.35 ± 0.2 g) than genotypes “Zagreb” (1.15 ± 0.17 g) and “Korčula” (1.14 ± 0.19 g). Genotype “Zagreb” had significantly higher value of total soluble solids (10.23 ± 1.74 %Brix) than genotype “Korčula” (8.99 ± 1.89 %Brix). Among studied genotypes and cv. Haschberg no significant differences were found for length of one-year-old shoot. Since no significant differences were recorded between cv. Haschberg and genotypes “Zagreb” and “Prigorje” in majority of parameters, these genotypes should be further evaluated for longer period in order to bring final conclusions about their commercial and breeding potential

    Vegetative and Reproductive Traits of Young Peaches and Nectarines Grown under Red Photoselective Net

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    The effect of red photoselective net on yield per tree (g), yield efficiency (g·cm-2) leaf surface (cm2), fruit diameter (mm), fruit mass (g), fruit firmness (kg·cm-2) and soluble solids concentration (SSC) (%Brix) on young peach (‘Sugar Time’) and nectarine (‘Big Bang’) trees was studied. No significant differences were recorded for yield, yield efficiency and SSC on peach as well for all fruit quality parameters on nectarine. Both peach and nectarine trees grown under red net had significantly higher leaf surface (37.82 and 40.72 cm2, respectively) than in control (23.85 and 26.14 cm2, respectively). Peach fruits grown under red net had significantly higher fruit diameter (70.97 mm), fruit mass (163.73 g) and lower fruit firmness (2.12 kg·cm-2) than in control (65.24 mm, 135.84 g, and 3.04 kg·cm-2, respectively). It was concluded that red photoselective net has a positive effect on vegetative growth of peach and nectarine, and on majority of fruit quality parameters of peach, while on nectarine fruit quality there are no evident differences. Further research must be continued to verify these preliminary findings

    Analysis of Acoustic Impulse Method for Determining Firmness and other Quality Parameters of \u27Gloster\u27 Apple

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    A comparative study regarding standard fruit quality measurements (fruit mass, firmness, soluble solids concentration, starch conversion rate and Streif index) and acoustic properties (resonant frequency, peak width, resonant frequency/peak width ratio and stiffness) were conducted in ‘Gloster’ apples during two seasons. The findings obtained indicate no significant differences between seasons in studied quality parameters as well as in acoustic properties. The fruits were characterized with unusual high mass and high variation in resonant frequency and peak width, especially in season-I. In about 50% of examined fruit, the acoustic signal was not typical with one clearly visible peak, and appeared with two or, in few cases, even three peaks that were sometimes of similar height. The fruit mass was negatively correlated with resonant frequency, but correlation coefficient was lower in season-I and less significant than in season-II. Correlation coefficient between fruit mass and peak width was the same in both seasons. Although positive correlation existed between fruit mass and resonant frequency/peak ratio in both seasons, correlation coefficient in season-I was higher and more significant than in season-II. Correlation between fruit mass and stiff ness existed only in season-II. Resonant frequency was positively correlated with peak width only in season-I. Stiff ness was positively correlated with Streif index and peak width only in season-II. Though not significant, higher variations in acoustic properties than standard quality measurements still indicate some usefulness of acoustic impulse method for determination of fruit quality of ‘Gloster’ apple. However, further research is needed to elucidate the significance of individual acoustic parameters and their relation to fruit quality

    Effect of Timing and Rates of NAA Chemical Thinner on Fruit Quality of apple cv. \u27Granny Smith\u27

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    Fruit thinning in apple crop plays a critical role to achieve marketable king size fruits with better fruit quality apples. The thinning experiments were conducted using naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at different concentrations (0, 10, 15 and 20 μl·l-1) applied at three timings [full bloom (FBT), fruit (FT) and the combination of both (FBT + FT)] in order to evaluate the optimum level of thinner with best application timing on fruit quality attributes of cv. \u27Granny Smith\u27 fruits. Statistically significant differences were found regarding the effect of timing, concentration and combination of both, timing and concentrations, on firmness, soluble solids concentration (SSC) and titratable acidity (TA), while there were no significant differences with addition of timing for SSC/TA ratio, fruit mass and starch degradation level. The highest fruit mass (195.09 g) and TA (0.67%) was achieved using NAA at 20 μl·l-1 in FT time while NAA at 15 μl·l-1 resulted in highest fruit firmness (7.25 kg cm-2), SSC (13.04° Brix) in FBT time. SSC/TA ratio was the highest (25.31) at FT time with the same NAA dosage. However, the highest starch degradation was achieved at FBT + FT time with 15 μl·l-1. It can be concluded that application of 10 μl·l-1 NAA at FBT + FT time is recommended to achieve best results since it favourably affected the most quality parameters

    Preliminary selection and evaluation of fungicides and natural compounds to control grey mold disease of rose caused by Botrytis cinerea

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    Botrytis cinerea es un hongo patógeno de las plantas que causa la enfermedad del moho gris del rosal (Rosa indica L.). La búsqueda de estrategias de control nuevas y alternativas respetuosas con el medio ambiente, en lugar de los productos químicos peligrosos, para diferentes enfermedades de los cultivos es un paso crucial y saludable para hacer frente a los retos actuales del cambio climático. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la eficacia de diferentes extractos botánicos y agentes de biocontrol (biopesticidas) junto con diferentes fungicidas contra B. cinerea en condiciones in vitro. Se utilizaron tres concentraciones diferentes, a saber, 100, 200 y 300 ppm de cinco fungicidas, a saber, Acrobate, Melody, Cabrio top, Antracol y oxicloruro de cobre, extractos botánicos de ocho plantas Dhatura, Jengibre, Aak, Neem y Cebolla, en tres dosis diferentes de 5, 10 y 15%, El estudio de la incidencia de la enfermedad% de moho gris en el cultivo de rosas en la región muestra que la región de Hyderabad tiene un máximo (60%) de incidencia de la enfermedad en comparación con la región de Tandojam (40%). Entre los fungicidas, el Cabrio top redujo significativamente el crecimiento lineal de colonias (31 mm) de B. cinerea a una concentración de 300 ppm. Entre los productos botánicos, el extracto de la planta de neem mostró significativamente el menor crecimiento de colonias (23,33 mm), seguido de la planta de jengibre (25 mm) y la planta de dhatura (26 mm). La mayor concentración de fungicidas y las dosis más altas (15%) de extractos botánicos resultaron significativamente eficaces para controlar el patógeno B. cinerea. Among biopesticides, Fusarium solani appeared prominent in reducing colony growth (25.16 mm) of the pathogen but the difference was not significant 300 with most of the tested biocontrol agents. La recomendación en este estudio es la alta capacidad de los extractos botánicos y agentes de biocontrol en la reducción del crecimiento de moho gris, considerando potencialmente su uso en lugar de fungicidas sintéticos y mayor seguridad para el ecosistema.Campus Ic

    Functional food and nutra-pharmaceutical perspectives of date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruit

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    Date palm counts among the oldest fruit crops of the world and is mainly cultivated for its highly nutritious fruits consumed as a staple food in many countries, especially in the Gulf region. Dates are enriched with numerous therapeutic bioactives and functional compounds such as phenolics, flavonols, carotenoids, minerals, and vitamins that not only provide an appreciable amount of energy required for the human body but also act as an effective therapeutic agent against several diseases. This review aimed to provide a deep insight into the nutritional as well as phytochemicals profile of date fruit and its seeds in order to explore their biological (anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, cardio-protective, anti-inflammatory properties), functional food, and nutra-pharmaceutical attributes. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: This review provides updated information regarding the date fruits and seeds phytochemicals composition together with highlighting dates potential as a natural therapeutic agent against several diseases. The study also urges the importance of consuming dates as a great package to live a healthy life due to the functional food and nutraceutical properties of this valuable fruit. The study also provides information first time as recommending dates to cope with the hidden hunger or micronutrient deficiency faced by the third world inhabitants. Hence, the review may further help the industry and researchers to explore the potential of dates for future medicinal and nutra-pharmaceutical applications