5,684 research outputs found

    In brief: The educational background of postgrad students

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    Has the boom in postgraduate courses in the UK over recent years had a negative impact on intergenerational mobility? Research by Stephen Machin and Richard Murphy suggests that there is a small but significant imbalance in favour of undergraduates who have been privately educated.education, social mobility

    The extent of farmer participation in the rural environment protection scheme – what habitats are actually being protected?

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    This paper modelled the participation decision of Irish farmers in an agri-environmental scheme. It also uses the sub sample of farmers in the National Farm Survey actively participating in the scheme in 2007 to model the various biodiversity options undertaken as a function of farmer demographic characteristics, farm characteristic and habitat variables. The results of the analysis demonstrate that younger, married farmers with larger farms are more likely to participate in REPS and that the voluntary aspect of REPS can mean that not all habitat types are equally likely to be covered by the scheme. Farmers with internationally important habitats on their farm, like intact peatlands or semi-natural grasslands are more likely to participate in REPS. However, there is evidence to suggest that these farmers are choosing to participate in REPS because they view their land as having low economic value rather than having high ecological value. Farmers with water or wetland and forest are less likely to participate in REPS, which indicates that some important ecosystems may not be included in the scheme. The 1 biodiversity options undertaken by the farmers are found to facilitate the management of the system of farming on the holing rather than the type of habitats on the land.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Cure monitoring of a UV cured epoxy resin using a long period grating Mach- Zehnder interferometer

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    A cascaded long period grating Mach-Zehnder interferometer is used to monitor the change in refractive index of a UV cured epoxy resin over a cure cycle. Fourier techniques are used to calculate the phase shift and frequency spectral amplitude of the associated fringe pattern during the cure. The results are compared with the refractive index change during cure calculated using a Fresnel reflection based technique

    Mars' Atmosphere: Comparison of Entry Profiles with Numerical Models

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    This presentation was part of the session : Poster SessionsSixth International Planetary Probe WorkshopAs planetary probes enter an atmosphere, they capture measurements which provide thermodynamic information about the atmosphere, but only within a narrow vertical column within that atmosphere over a limited extent of time. In order to place this in situ information into context, it needs to be correlated with other less spatially resolved but more temporally extensive measurements, which can be provided by orbiters as well as numerical models. Before the entry probe is designed and developed, there needs to be some foreknowledge of conditions the probe will experience. Data from previous probes and orbiters can help, and models can aid by permitting investigation of conditions the orbiters may not have observed. Focusing on Mars, there are now six entry profiles available for analysis and interpretation, as well as a decade's worth of remotely sensed atmospheric thermal and aerosol characterization from orbiting platforms. Additionally, there are one-dimensional (vertical) and three-dimensional numerical models of the atmosphere available to provide predictions for entry probes [1,2,3] (and aerobraking spacecraft [4]) and to aid in interpretations of entry probe measurements. This presentation focuses upon the atmospheric variability that can be experienced by a probe, which has a dependency on atmospheric dust load, season, location (latitude and longitude), and "weather" (baroclinic waves, thermal tides, dust storms, etc.) The primary tool is a numerical model of the Martian atmosphere with significant heritage (NASA AMES GCM), with additional comparison to a new model in development with collaboration with the University of Michigan. Haberle, R. M., J.R. Barnes, J.R. Murphy, M. M Joshi, and J. Schaeffer, Meteorological Predictions for the Mars Pathfinder Lander. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 13301-13311, 1997. Tyler Jr., D., J.R. Barnes, E.D. Skyllingstad, Mesoscale and LES Model Studies of the Martian Atmosphere in Support of Phoenix, Submitted, J. Geophys. Res., Spring 2008. Michaels, T. I., and S.C.R. Rafkin, (2008), Meteorological Predictions for Candidate 2007 Phoenix Mars Lander Sites using MRAMS, Submitted, J. Geophys. Res., Spring 2008. Bougher, S.W., J.R. Murphy, J.M. Bell, R.W. Zurek, Prediction of the Structure of the Martian Upper Atmosphere for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Mission, Mars, 2, 10-20, 2006.NASA ; New Mexico Space Grant Fellowship ; NSF Atmospheres Program ; International Planetary Probe Worksho

    Degeneracy between mass and spin in black-hole-binary waveforms

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    We explore the degeneracy between mass and spin in gravitational waveforms emitted by black-hole binary coalescences. We focus on spin-aligned waveforms and obtain our results using phenomenological models that were tuned to numerical-relativity simulations. A degeneracy is known for low-mass binaries (particularly neutron-star binaries), where gravitational-wave detectors are sensitive to only the inspiral phase, and the waveform can be modelled by post-Newtonian theory. Here, we consider black-hole binaries, where detectors will also be sensitive to the merger and ringdown, and demonstrate that the degeneracy persists across a broad mass range. At low masses, the degeneracy is between mass ratio and total spin, with chirp mass accurately determined. At higher masses, the degeneracy persists but is not so clearly characterised by constant chirp mass as the merger and ringdown become more significant. We consider the importance of this degeneracy both for performing searches (including searches where only non-spinning templates are used) and in parameter extraction from observed systems. We compare observational capabilities between the early (~2015) and final (2018 onwards) versions of the Advanced LIGO detector.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    The Changing Economic Advantage from Private School

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    Despite its relatively small size, the private school sector plays a prominent role in British society. This paper focuses on changing wage and education differentials between privately educated and state educated individuals in Britain. It reports evidence that the private/state school wage differential has risen significantly over time, despite the rising cost to sending children to private school. A significant factor underpinning this has been faster rising educational attainment for privately educated individuals. Despite these patterns of change, the proportion attending private school has not altered much, nor have the characteristics of those children (and their parents) attending private school. Taken together, our findings are consistent with the idea that the private school sector has been successful in transforming its ability to generate the academic outputs that are most in demand in the modern economy. Because of the increased earnings advantage, private school remains a good investment for parents who want to opt out, but it also contributes more to rising economic and social inequality.returns to education, private schools

    The Changing Economic Advantage From Private School

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    Despite its relatively small size, the private school sector plays a prominent role in British society. This paper focuses on changing wage and education differentials between privately educated and state educated individuals in Britain. It reports evidence that the private/state school wage differential has risen significantly over time, despite the rising cost of sending children to private school. A significant factor underpinning this result has been faster rising educational attainment for privately educated individuals. Despite these patterns of change, the proportion attending private school has not altered much, nor have the characteristics of those children (and their parents) attending private school. Taken together, our findings are consistent with the idea that the private school sector has been successful in transforming its ability to generate the academic outputs that are most in demand in the modern economy. Because of the increased earnings advantage, private school remains a good investment for parents who want to opt out, but this increase has also contributed to rising wage inequality and falling social mobility.wage differentials, educational attainment, private schools

    Competition for private and state school teachers

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    Private schools,state schools, independent schools, teachers labour markets

    Research on the Intergenerational Links in the Every Child Matters Outcomes.Report to the Department of Children, Schools and Families

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    The Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda was introduced in the UK, as a policy aiming to improve child outcomes along five broad areas. The categories are Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Enjoy and Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution and Achieve Economic Wellbeing1. The objective therefore, is to move beyond the traditional focus on child academic outcomes, to improve the wellbeing of children in the UK. From a policy perspective, there is a need to understand the mechanism through which the wide range of child ECM outcomes form. This report evaluates the role of families in driving the ECM outcomes of their children. Specifically, we analyse the intergenerational transmission of ECM outcomes between parents and children. We take the approach of analysing correlations across generations in a wide set of outcomes - the broadest set of variables studied to date. Existing studies of intergenerational correlations across generations tend to focus on outcomes such as earnings, and consequently very little is known about how healthiness, safety and enjoyment of school are correlated across generations. We contribute towards this literature by extending the scope of child outcomes. This research was commissioned before the new UK Government took office on 11 May 2010. As a result the content may not reflect current Government policy and may make reference to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) which has now been replaced by the Department for Education (DfE). The views expressed in this report are those of the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department for Education.Every Child Matters, ECM, education
