349 research outputs found

    Hadronic decays of Ba1(1260)b1(1235)B \to a_1(1260) b_1(1235) in the perturbative QCD approach

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    We calculate the branching ratios and polarization fractions of the Ba1b1B \to a_1 b_1 decays in the perturbative QCD(pQCD) approach at leading order, where a1a_1(b1b_1) stands for the axial-vector a1(1260)[b1(1235)]a_1(1260)[b_1(1235)] state. By combining the phenomenological analyses with the perturbative calculations, we find the following results: (a) the large decay rates around 10510^{-5} to 10610^{-6} of the Ba1b1B \to a_1 b_1 decays dominated by the longitudinal polarization(except for the B+b1+a10B^+ \to b_1^+ a_1^0 mode) are predicted and basically consistent with those in the QCD factorization(QCDF) within errors, which are expected to be tested by the Large Hadron Collider and Belle-II experiments. The large B0a10b10B^0 \to a_1^0 b_1^0 branching ratio could provide hints to help explore the mechanism of the color-suppressed decays. (b) the rather different QCD behaviors between the a1a_1 and b1b_1 mesons result in the destructive(constructive) contributions in the nonfactorizable spectator diagrams with a1(b1)a_1(b_1) emission. Therefore, an interesting pattern of the branching ratios appears for the color-suppressed B0a10a10,a10b10,B^0 \to a_1^0 a_1^0, a_1^0 b_1^0, and b10b10b_1^0 b_1^0 modes in the pQCD approach, Br(B0b10b10)>Br(B0a10b10)Br(B0a10a10)Br(B^0 \to b_1^0 b_1^0) > Br(B^0 \to a_1^0 b_1^0) \gtrsim Br(B^0 \to a_1^0 a_1^0), which is different from Br(B0b10b10)Br(B0a10b10)Br(B0a10a10)Br(B^0 \to b_1^0 b_1^0) \sim Br(B^0 \to a_1^0 b_1^0) \gtrsim Br(B^0 \to a_1^0 a_1^0) in the QCDF and would be verified at future experiments. (c) the large naive factorization breaking effects are observed in these Ba1b1B \to a_1 b_1 decays. Specifically, the large nonfactorizable spectator(weak annihilation) amplitudes contribute to the B0b1+a1(B+a1+b10  and  B+b1+a10)B^0 \to b_1^+ a_1^-(B^+ \to a_1^+ b_1^0\; {\rm and}\; B^+ \to b_1^+ a_1^0) mode(s), which demand confirmations via the precise measurements.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, 5 tables, revtex fil

    The right to forget/be forgotten: a nearly fundamental human right in the age of total recall technology

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    This study attempts to conceptualise the right to forget/be forgotten along with building a theoretical foundation of this individual’s right and validating the social importance of establishing the right, which is characterised as a nearly fundamental human right to protect intellectual freedom and to ensure a spiritually affluent human life and human dignity. Here, forgetting is defined as an intellectual/mental state of a person where he/she doesn’t recall a fact that (has) happened in the past or information that he/she knew in the past and/or images, feelings and sensation related to the fact or the knowledge, or as cognitive function which causes such an intellectual state. Glorifying a past event or having erroneous human memory is a kind of forgetting.Presentado en el I ETHICOMP LatinoaméricaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Application of Solid-State and High-Pressure Reactions for Fullerene Derivatization and CO2 Activation (ORGANIC MATERIALS CHEMISTRY-High-Pressure Organic Chemistry)

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    Under the solid-state reaction conditions, a nucleophilic addition of organozinc reagent occurs on fullerene C60 to give a monoadduct together with a bisadduct and a cyclopropanofullerene. Surprisingly, the fullerene C60 also undergoes a clean [2+2] type dimerization by the action of KCN or Mg powder under the similar reaction conditions. The fullerene dimer thus obtained is the very first example of (C60)2, and its structure has been determined by the X-ray crystallography. The use of high pressure (5000 atm) was also shown to be advantageous for a liquid-phase [4+2] cycloaddition of C60. The high-pressure reaction of CO with supercritical CO2 has been found to effect the C-C bond formation affording an oxalate salt in good yield in the presence of Cs2CO3

    Resolution of pulmonary multiplanar reconstruction images from 0.5-mm theoretical isotropic data: a fundamental study using an inflated and fixed lung specimen.

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    The aim of the present study was to define the resolution of multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) of the lung from &#34;theoretical isotropic data.&#34; Using inflated and fixed lung specimens of the pig placed in the chest wall phantom, 0.5-mm isotropic data were obtained with 2 different helical pitches: 1:7 (high-quality mode) or 1:13, (high-speed mode), and 2 different tube currents: 250 mAs (high-tube-current mode) or 100 mAs (low-tube-current mode), with or without overlapping reconstruction. MPRs were created from these axial data. The diameter of the smallest visible pulmonary artery and bronchi of these CT images were measured on the corresponding slices of the specimen. The high-speed and low-tube-current mode significantly degraded the image quality due to increased noise. The smallest visible pulmonary artery and bronchus resolved on MPRs from axial-spiral data with 0.5-mm collimation were approximately 100 micrometer and 1,000 micrometer in diameter, respectively. In conclusion, helical pitch and tube current influence the resolution of MPR of the lung.</p

    Male Pheromones Induce Ovulation in Female Honeycomb Groupers (Epinephelus merra): A Comprehensive Study of Spawning Aggregation Behavior and Ovarian Development

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    This study characterizes the spawning phenomena of the honeycomb grouper (Epinephelus merra), which is a lunar-synchronized spawner that spawns a few days after full moon. To elucidate the aggregation characteristics of wild honeycomb groupers, the numbers of males and females at the spawning grounds were counted before and after the full moon. Approximately 20 males were consistently observed at the spawning grounds throughout the study period. Females appeared several days after full moon and rapidly increased in number, peaking four days after full moon (41 individuals). The maturation status of the females aggregating at the spawning grounds was investigated. The gonadosomatic index increased rapidly three days after full moon, and ovulation was confirmed. Individuals with ovulatory eggs were present for three days, after which the number of females at the spawning grounds decreased. Additionally, the role of males in final oocyte maturation (FOM) and ovulation in females during the spawning phase was investigated in captivity. FOM was induced in females reared in water with mature males, suggesting that male pheromones in the water induced FOM via activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. This suggests that spawning at the natural spawning grounds was the result of male–female interactions via pheromones


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    Suicide is an adverse event that can occur even when patient are hospitalized in psychiatric facilities. This study delineates the demographic characteristics of suicide attempts in mental hospitals and psychiatric wards of general hospitals in Japan, a country where the suicide rate is remarkably high. Analyses of incident reports on serious suicide attempts in psychiatric inpatients were performed using prefectural incident records between April 1, 2001, and December31, 2012. Suicide reports were included for 35 incidents that occurred over 11years, and demonstrated that 83% of patients (n=29) committed suicide and 17% (n=6) survived their attempt with serious aftereffects, such as cognitive impairment or persistent vegetative state. The male/female ratio of inpatient suicide was 1.5:1. The mean age of the attempters was 50.5 years (SD = 18.2). The most common psychiatric diagnoses for those with suicide incident reports were schizophrenia spectrum disorders (51.4%) and affective disorders (40%). Hanging (60%) was the most common method of suicide attempt, followed by jumping in front of moving objects (14.3%) and jumping from height (11.4%). Fifty-four percent of suicides (n=19) occurred within hospital sites and the remainder (46%; n=16) occurred outside hospital sites (e.g., on medical leave or elopement) while they were still inpatients.博士(医学)・乙第1347号・平成26年12月3日© 2014 Ikeshita Katsumi et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    The Ethics of IT Professionals in Japan and China

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    The ethical integrity and accountability of Information Technology (IT) professionals is important given our reliance on various forms of IT. We examined the applicability of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of Cognitive Moral Development (CMD) in non-Western contexts by investigating the ethical values of IT professionals in Asia’s two largest economies. Analysis of survey data from Japan (n=289) and China (n=290) indicates support for the basic six-stage model of CMD. The concept of abiding by universal laws and rules (termed stage 4 reasoning by Kohlberg) was widely accepted by IT professionals in both Japan and China, despite the Confucian cultural emphasis on personal relationships with particularistic obligations. However, differences between Japanese and Chinese IT professionals were found while, in direct contrast with the stage-wise theory of CMD, the respondents from Japan and especially China exhibited significant volatility, reasoning at different stages simultaneously. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed

    Antisense RNA transcripts in the blood may be novel diagnostic markers for colorectal cancer

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    Numerous genetic studies have been conducted regarding the occurrence of colorectal cancer (CRC) and the prognosis using microarrays. However, adequate investigations into the diagnostic application of microarrays have yet to be performed. The simplicity and accuracy of diagnosis and prognosis tracking are important requirements for its processes, and the use of blood cells for diagnosis is considered to be suitable to meet these requirements. The patients involved in the study were 28 preoperative patients with CRC and 6 healthy individuals who served as controls. RNA was extracted from the blood cells of the patients and analyzed using a sense/antisense RNA custom microarray. In the patients with CRC, the expression levels of 20 sense RNA and 20 antisense RNA species were identified as being significantly altered compared with that of the healthy volunteers (P2.0). Cluster analysis of these RNA species revealed that the top 10 antisense RNAs significantly clustered patients with cancer and healthy individuals separately. Patients with stage I or II CRC exhibited significant changes in the expression levels of 33 sense and 39 antisense RNA species, as compared with healthy volunteers (P2.0). Cluster analysis demonstrated that patients with stage I or II CRC and healthy volunteers formed separate clusters only among the top 20 antisense RNA species. A tracking study of expression levels of haloacid dehalogenase‑like hydrolase domain‑containing 1 (HDHD1) antisense RNA was performed and a significant difference was identified between the CRC and healthy groups revealing that the levels at one week and three months following surgical removal of the cancerous tissue, decreased to almost same levels of the healthy individuals. The results of the current study indicate that HDHD1 antisense RNA may serve as a potential biomarker for the prognosis of CRC