15 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic Performance of Supersonic Parachutes Behind Slender Bodies

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    NASA's ASPIRE (Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research Experiments) project was launched to investigate the supersonic deployment, inflation and aerodynamics of full-scale disk-gap-band (DGB) parachutes. Three flight tests (October 2017, March 2018 and July 2018) deployed and examined parachutes meant for the upcoming "Mars 2020" mission. Mars-relevant conditions were achieved by performing the tests at high altitudes over Earth on a sounding rocket platform, with the parachute deploying behind a slender body (roughly 1/6-th the diameter of the capsule that will use this parachute for descent at Mars). All three tests were successful and delivered valuable data and imagery on parachute deployment and performance. CFD simulations were used in designing the flight test, interpreting the flight data, and extrapolating the results obtained during the flight test to predict parachute behavior at Mars behind a blunt capsule. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the test program and flight test data, with emphasis on differences in parachute performance due to the leading body geometry

    Performance of Supersonic Parachutes Behind Slender Bodies

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    NASAs ASPIRE (Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research Experiments) project is investigating the supersonic deployment, inflation and aerodynamics of full-scale disk-gap-band (DGB) parachutes. The first two flight tests were carried out in October 2017 and March 2018, while a third test is planned for the fall of 2018. In these tests, Mars-relevant conditions are achieved by deploying the parachutes at high altitudes over Earth using a sounding rocket test platform. As a result, the parachute is deployed behind a slender body (roughly 1/6-th the diameter of the capsule that will use this parachute for descent at Mars). Because there is limited flight and experimental data for supersonic DGBs behind slender bodies, the development of the parachute aerodynamic models was informed by CFD simulations of both the leading body wake and the parachute canopy. This presentation will describe the development of the pre-flight parachute aerodynamic models and compare pre-flight predictions with the reconstructed performance of the parachute during the flight tests. Specific attention will be paid to the differences in parachute performance behind blunt and slender bodies

    ASPIRE Aerodynamic Models and Flight Performance

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    The Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research Experiments (ASPIRE) project waslaunched to develop the capability for testing supersonic parachutes at Mars-relevant conditions.Three initial parachute tests, targeted as a risk-reduction activity for NASA's upcomingMars2020 mission, successfully tested two candidate parachute designs and provided valuabledata on parachute inflation, forces, and aerodynamic behavior. Design of the flight tests dependedon flight mechanics simulations which in turn required aerodynamic models for the payload, andthe parachute. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used to generate these models preflightand are compared against the flight data after the tests. For the payload, the reconstructedaerodynamic behavior is close to the pre-flight predictions, but the uncertainties in thereconstructed data are high due to the low dynamic pressures and accelerations during the flightperiod of comparison. For the parachute, the predicted time to inflation agrees well with the preflightmodel; the peak aerodynamic force and the steady state drag on the parachute are withinthe bounds of the pre-flight models, even as the models over-predict the parachute drag atsupersonic Mach numbers. Notably, the flight data does not show the transonic drag decreasepredicted by the pre-flight model. The ASPIRE flight tests provide previously unavailablevaluable data on the performance of a large full-scale parachute behind a slender leading bodyat Mars-relevant Mach number, dynamic pressure and parachute loads. This data is used topropose a new model for the parachute drag behind slender bodies to aid future experiments

    Development of a Three-Dimensional, Unstructured Material Response Design Tool

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    A preliminary verification and validation of a new material response model is presented. This model, Icarus, is intended to serve as a design tool for the thermal protection systems of re-entry vehicles. Currently, the capability of the model is limited to simulating the pyrolysis of a material as a result of the radiative and convective surface heating imposed on the material from the surrounding high enthalpy gas. Since the major focus behind the development of Icarus has been model extensibility, the hope is that additional physics can be quickly added. This extensibility is critical since thermal protection systems are becoming increasing complex, e.g. woven carbon polymers. Additionally, as a three-dimensional, unstructured, finite-volume model, Icarus is capable of modeling complex geometries. In this paper, the mathematical and numerical formulation is presented followed by a discussion of the software architecture and some preliminary verification and validation studies

    Modeling and Flight Performance of Supersonic Disk-Gap-Band Parachutes in Slender Body Wakes

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    NASA's ASPIRE (Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research and Experiments) project is investigating the supersonic deployment and inflation of full-scale parachutes. To achieve Mars-relevant conditions, the parachutes are deployed at high altitudes over Earth on a sounding rocket platform. During the flight test, Disk-Gap-Band parachutes of 21.5 meter diameter are deployed behind a slender payload 1/6th the diameter of the blunt Mars2020 capsule. Due to the differences in leading body geometry between the test flight and a parachute deployment at Mars, high fidelity numerical simulations of slender and blunt bodywakes, and of rigid parachutes behind them, were used to understand differences and similarities in the flow and the effect on parachute drag. The slender body wake is thinner, closes earlier, and presents a smaller wake deficit. Thus, a parachute deployed in the wake of a slender body is more likely to see a higher dynamic pressure than a parachute deployed behind a blunt body. In the presence of a parachute, the interaction of the unsteady wake with the parachute bow shock is stronger behind the blunt body. Simulations yield highly unsteady forces on the parachute, which was modeled as a rigid body. The mean parachute force behind a slender body is between 3 and 12 percent higher than behind a blunt body, depending on the angle of the parachute with the flow. As the angle of incidence increases, more of the parachute moves out of the leading body wakes, decreasing the sensitivity to leading body shape. To compare the flow past parachutes in Earth's and Mars' atmospheres, simulations were also performed in CO2. At the Mach number considered (1.75), the shock standoff distance ahead of the parachute, post-shock jump conditions, and the resulting parachute forces were found to be very similar in both air and CO2, indicating that a high altitude test is a good proxy for a Mars descent. The results of these numerical simulations and available data on past flight and wind tunnel tests of supersonic Disk-Gap-Band parachutes behind slender bodies were used to generate a parachute drag model for ASPIRE, which in turn was used to help design the flight test. The first flight test occurred in October 2017. The parachute was successfully deployed at Mach 1.77 and an altitude of 42 kilometers. Test instrumentation provided the atmospheric conditions, test vehicle trajectory, and the loads on the parachute along with detailed high-resolution imagery of the inflation process. Reconstruction of the flight test indicated that the measured forces on the parachute were within the model's bounds, although the model over-predicted the parachute force during the first few seconds. The parachute forces during the long subsonic period were well-predicted by the ASPIRE drag model

    Performance of Supersonic Parachutes behind Slender Bodies

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    NASA's ASPIRE (Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation ResearchExperiments) project is investigating the supersonic deployment, inflation andaerodynamics of full-scale disk-gap-band (DGB) parachutes. The first two flight tests werecarried out in October 2017 and March 2018, while a third test is planned for the fall of 2018. Inthese tests, Mars-relevant conditions are achieved by deploying the parachutes at high altitudesover Earth using a sounding rocket test platform. As a result, the parachute is deployed behind aslender body (roughly 1/6-th the diameter of the capsule that will use this parachute for descentat Mars). Because there is limited flight and experimental data for supersonic DGBs behindslender bodies, the development of the parachute aerodynamic models was informed by CFDsimulations of both the leading body wake and the parachute canopy. This presentation willdescribe the development of the pre-flight parachute aerodynamic models and compare preflightpredictions with the reconstructed performance of the parachute during the flight tests.Specific attention will be paid to the differences in parachute performance behind blunt andslender bodies

    Aerodynamic Models for the Low Density Supersonic Declerator (LDSD) Supersonic Flight Dynamics Test (SFDT)

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    An overview of pre-flight aerodynamic models for the Low Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) Supersonic Flight Dynamics Test (SFDT) campaign is presented, with comparisons to reconstructed flight data and discussion of model updates. The SFDT campaign objective is to test Supersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (SIAD) and large supersonic parachute technologies at high altitude Earth conditions relevant to entry, descent, and landing (EDL) at Mars. Nominal SIAD test conditions are attained by lifting a test vehicle (TV) to 36 km altitude with a large helium balloon, then accelerating the TV to Mach 4 and and 53 km altitude with a solid rocket motor. The first flight test (SFDT-1) delivered a 6 meter diameter robotic mission class decelerator (SIAD-R) to several seconds of flight on June 28, 2014, and was successful in demonstrating the SFDT flight system concept and SIAD-R. The trajectory was off-nominal, however, lofting to over 8 km higher than predicted in flight simulations. Comparisons between reconstructed flight data and aerodynamic models show that SIAD-R aerodynamic performance was in good agreement with pre-flight predictions. Similar comparisons of powered ascent phase aerodynamics show that the pre-flight model overpredicted TV pitch stability, leading to underprediction of trajectory peak altitude. Comparisons between pre-flight aerodynamic models and reconstructed flight data are shown, and changes to aerodynamic models using improved fidelity and knowledge gained from SFDT-1 are discussed

    Verification of the Icarus Material Response Tool

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    Due to the complex physics encountered during reentry, material response solvers are used for two main purposes: improve the understanding of the physical phenomena; and design and size thermal protection systems (TPS). Icarus, is a three dimensional, unstructured material response tool that is intended to be used for design while maintaining the flexibility to easily implement physical models as needed. Because TPS selection and sizing is critical, it is of the utmost importance that the design tools be extensively verified and validated before their use. Verification tests aim at insuring that the numerical schemes and equations are implemented correctly by comparison to analytical solutions and grid convergence tests