74 research outputs found

    One-dimensional electronic structure of phosphorene chains

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    Phosphorene, a 2D allotrope of phosphorus, is technologically very appealing because of its semiconducting properties and narrow band gap. Further reduction of the phosphorene dimensionality may spawn exotic properties of its electronic structure, including lateral quantum confinement and topological edge states. Phosphorene atomic chains self-assembled on Ag(111) have recently been characterized structurally but were found by angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) to be electronically 2D. We show that these chains, although aligned equiprobably to three directions of the Ag(111) surface, can be characterized by ARPES because the three rotational variants are separated in the angular domain. The dispersion of the phosphorus band measured along and perpendicular to the chains reveals pronounced electronic confinement resulting in a 1D band, flat and dispersionless perpendicular to the chain direction in momentum space. Our density functional theory calculations reproduce the 1D band for the experimentally determined structure of P/Ag(111). We predict a semiconductor-to-metal phase transition upon increasing the density of the chain array so that a 2D structure would be metallic

    X-ray absorption measurements at a bending magnet beamline with an Everhart–Thornley detector: A monolayer of Ho<sub>3</sub>N@C<sub>80</sub> on graphene

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    X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is used for measuring monolayer quantities of Ho[Formula: see text]N@C[Formula: see text] endofullerene molecules on graphene at a low flux bending magnet beamline. The total electron yield is measured with an Everhart–Thornley detector. In comparison to sample current measurements with the same noise level, our approach reduces data acquisition time and radiation dose by a factor of 25. As the first application of this setup, we report temperature-dependent measurements of the Ho M[Formula: see text] edge with per mille accuracy. This documents the advantages and capabilities of an Everhart–Thornely detector for XAS measurements under low x-ray flux

    Inferring the Dy-N axis orientation in adsorbed DySc2_2N@C80_{80} endofullerenes by linearly polarized x-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    Endofullerene DySc2_2N@C80_{80} is a single-molecule magnet with a large magnetic anisotropy and high blocking temperature, which is promising for nanomagnetic applications. As the easy axis of magnetization coincides with the Dy-N bond direction, it is important to understand the structure of the DySc2_2N unit in the fullerene cage and to control the orientation of the molecules. Here we report on the experimental determination of Dy-N axis by x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) with linear polarized light at the Dy−M4,5_{4,5} white lines. DySc2_2N@C80_{80} molecules were adsorbed on a Pt(111) surface and XAS was performed as a function of temperature in the range between 35 and 300 K. The M5_5/M4_4 branching ratio shows a clear and reversible variation with temperature which can be explained, on the basis of a thermodynamic model, by a change of average orientation of the molecules with temperature. The XAS spectra are well reproduced by ligand field multiplet calculations. It is shown that the angle between the magnetization (Dy-N) axis and the surface plane can be directly inferred from the XAS spectra with in-plane polarization by comparison with calculated spectra. It is found that the endohedral unit is randomly oriented at room temperature but tends towards orientation parallel to the surface at low temperature, indicating a weak but non-negligible interaction between the endohedral units and the metal surface

    Robustness of the charge-ordered phases in IrTe2{\mathrm{IrTe}}_{2} against photoexcitation

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    We present a time-resolved angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy study of IrTe2, which undergoes two first-order structural and charge-ordered phase transitions on cooling below 270 K and below 180 K. The possibility of inducing a phase transition by photoexcitation with near-infrared femtosecond pulses is investigated in the charge-ordered phases. We observe changes of the spectral function occurring within a few hundreds of femtoseconds and persisting up to several picoseconds, which we interpret as a partial photoinduced phase transition (PIPT). The necessary time for photoinducing these spectral changes increases with increasing photoexcitation density and reaches time scales longer than the rise time of the transient electronic temperature. We conclude that the PIPT is driven by a transient increase of the lattice temperature following the energy transfer from the electrons. However, the photoinduced changes of the spectral function are small, which indicates that the low- temperature phase is particularly robust against photoexcitation. We suggest that the system might be trapped in an out-of-equilibrium state, for which only a partial structural transition is achieved

    Resistless EUV lithography: Photon-induced oxide patterning on silicon

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    In this work, we show the feasibility of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) patterning on an HF-treated silicon (100) surface in the absence of a photoresist. EUV lithography is the leading lithography technique in semiconductor manufacturing due to its high resolution and throughput, but future progress in resolution can be hampered because of the inherent limitations of the resists. We show that EUV photons can induce surface reactions on a partially hydrogen-terminated silicon surface and assist the growth of an oxide layer, which serves as an etch mask. This mechanism is different from the hydrogen desorption in scanning tunneling microscopy–based lithography. We achieve silicon dioxide/silicon gratings with 75-nanometer half-pitch and 31-nanometer height, demonstrating the efficacy of the method and the feasibility of patterning with EUV lithography without the use of a photoresist. Further development of the resistless EUV lithography method can be a viable approach to nanometer-scale lithography by overcoming the inherent resolution and roughness limitations of photoresist materials

    Tunneling, Remanence, and Frustration in Dysprosium based Endohedral Single Molecule Magnets

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    A single molecule magnet (SMM) can maintain its magnetization direction over a long period of time [1,2]. It consists in a low number of atoms that facilitates the understanding and control of the ground state, which is essential in future applications such as high-density information storage or quantum computers [3,4]. Endohedral fullerenes realize robust, nanometer sized, and chemically protected magnetic clusters that are not found as free species in nature. Here we demonstrate how adding one, two, or three dysprosium atoms to the carbon cage results in three distinct magnetic ground states. The significantly different hysteresis curves demonstrate the decisive influence of the number of magnetic moments and their interactions. At zero field the comparison relates tunneling of the magnetization, with remanence, and frustration. The ground state of the tridysprosium species turns out to be one of the simplest realizations of a frustrated, ferromagnetically coupled magnetic system.Comment: 14 pages (latex file) + 3 seperate figures (jpeg

    Circular Dichroism in Cu Resonant Auger Electron Diffraction

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    Upon a core level excitation by circularly polarized light (CPL), the angular momentum of light, i.e. helicity, is transferred to the emitted photoelectron. This phenomenon can be confirmed by the parallax shift measurement of the forward focusing peak (FFP) direction in a stereograph of the atomic arrangement. The angular momentum of the emitted photoelectron is the sum of CPL helicity and the magnetic quantum number (MQN) of the initial state that define the quantum number of the core hole final state. The core hole may decay via Auger electron emission, where in this two electron process the angular momentum has to be conserved as well. Starting from a given core hole, different Auger decay channels with different final state energies and angular momenta of the emitted Auger electrons may be populated. Here we report the observation and formulation of the angular momentum transfer of light to Auger electrons, instead of photoelectrons. We measured photoelectron and Auger electron intensity angular distributions from Cu(111) and Cu(001) surfaces as a function of photon energy and photoelectron kinetic energy. By combining Auger electron spectroscopy with the FFP shift measurements at absorption threshold, element- and MQN-specific hole states can be generated in the valence band
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