54 research outputs found


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    This study analyses the population of Bacău County focusing on two phenomena, unemployment and emigration, trying to find to what extent there is an interaction between it. Failure to find employment results into a social pressure and discouragement, and, sometimes, leads to emigration of those who hope for a better future there where they can find a job and make a better living, for them and their families. Thus, emigration is often seen as a solution against unemployment, both phenomena being part of the situation that these county is facing with. Neglecting the long-term effects, at the present moment emigration is seen as a solution for the high rate of unemployment. If emigration is seen like a salvation solution for unemployment on short and medium-term, it is hard to foresee the exactly long-term impact, but should not be neglected the risks of a highly negative long-term impact. To reduce the gaps of a descriptive analysis, were used statistical data provided by National Institute of Statistics, data that were processed and presented through cartographic method


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    The manifestation of the Covid-19 pandemic raised great interest due to the speed with which it spread globally and by outlining specific diffusion patterns. Romania faced off early on the rise in the number of infections, initially, as in other European countries, extremely localized but later expanded nationwide. The analysis of the available information regarding the evolution of the number of infections and deaths caused, over a sufficiently extended period (March 2020-June 2021) allowed the identification of several spatial patterns. Their regional coherence indicates a series of correlations with socio-economic factors, validated by PCA (principal component analysis). The importance of economic development, in connection with the degree of urbanization, employment and labour mobility or population density thus explains the incidence of the number of cases at a level higher than the national average. In the case of death caused by Covid-19, the quality of the health infrastructure played an important role, the counties with a higher level of endowment being less affected. At the same time, the share of the elderly population, in association with the less populated rural area, was not positively correlated with the number of cases or deaths. Lower population interaction, weaker exposure to international mobility has created the premises for a specific pattern of evolution in these areas


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    International audienceRomania is under the European spotlights considering its EU accession and Sibiu beeing one of the two European Cities of Culture 2007. As geographers, we observe spatial and social mutations initiated throughout the accession process and this frst year of membership. At first we intend to demonstrate how difficult the institution of new regional bodies can be. Secondly, we focuse on the growing migration flows occuring in Romania.En cette année 2007, la Roumanie est à l'honneur par son adhésion à l'Union européenne. Nous intéressons à l'impact spatial de cet événement en nous concentrant sur deux dimensions complémentaires : les territoires et les hommes. La première dimension montre les difficultés d'établir de nouveaux territoires d'action à l'échelle régionale ; la seconde s'attache à la montée en puissance des flux migratoires (internes et externes) affectant la Roumanie


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    Nowadays, pilgrimage is a part of international tourism, being considered religious tourism, because it contributes to the development of economy, like any other type of tourism. This research paper takes into consideration the pilgrimage to Saint Paracheva, and how it helps the development of religious tourism in Iasi county, the economical implications. We try to capture the importance of Saint Parascheva pilgrimage, because year after year it bring many more pilgrims to Iasi city. In time, it could become an important place of pilgrimage at European level

    Book review of: Atlasul Electoral al României (1990-2009)

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    Book review of: Atlasul Electoral al României (1990-2009), Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, ISBN 9 789737 036292, 754 p cu planşe color şi comentarii, coordinator: Corneliu Iațu, authors : Ionel Boamfă, Ciprian Alupului, Sebastian Năstuţă, Silviu Petru Grecu, Romeo Asiminei, Raluca Ioana Horea-Şerban, Voicu Bodocan, Aurelian Giugăl, Cătălin Timofciuc

    La dyanamique de la structure etno-linguistique de la population europeenne apres la Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale

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    Dinamica structurii etno-lingvistice a populaţiei europene în perioada postbelică.  Pornind de la diverse surse de informaţii, mai mult sau mai puţin concludente, a fost urmărită evoluţia structurilor etnice şi lingvistice din spaţiul european pentru perioada postbelică. Au fost detaşate o serie de tipuri, prin intermediul unor analize statistice clasice care atestă o generalizare a tendinţelor seculare de omogenizare etnică în interiorul graniţelor consfinţite de tratatele internaţionale dar şi a tendinţelor, oarecum contradictorii şi paradoxale, de eterogenizare prin înscrierea în siajul marilor circuite ale migraţiei internaţionale. Până în 1990 se poate vorbi de un clivaj net care separa cele două Europe, Occidentală şi Central-Estică dar după această date se fac resimţite tendinţe de apropiere a evoluţiilor specifice în sensul unei deschideri tot mai evidente spre multiculturalitate, având ca suport globalizarea fluxurilor de imigraţie care au ca ţintă spaţiul european

    In memoriam - Mihai Apăvăloaiei (1926-2007)

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    La Roumanie a l’heure de l’implosion demographique

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    România la ora imploziei demografice. Faptul că România se află într-un moment de criză din perspectiva evoluţiei sale demografice nu mai constituie o noutate. Nici evidenţa unui declin practic imposibil de controlat nu mai trebuie afirmată. Cum în evoluţia stocurilor de populaţie fenomenele de genul celor care au determinat această criză îşi manifestă efectele pe parcursul mai multor generaţii, este greu de presupus că se vor găsi soluţii viabile, în afara celor care pun accentul pe atragerea de imigranţi. Analiza prospectivă propusă încearcă să surprindă disparităţile teritoriale, tendinţele regionale şi efectele acestora asupra echilibrului demografic la nivel naţional, regional sau local

    Towards green resilient cities in Eastern European Union countries

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    Investing in green facilities is a process of urban renewal that can transform cities by enhancing the quality of life, strengthening the local economy and reducing the environmental impact. Nevertheless, greener cities are not a guarantee for improved adaptive capacity when facing current local or global challenges. In this context, we have taken into account a series of sample cities from Central and Eastern European Union. Using the green cities typology proposed by the European Environment Agency, the present approach studies the statistical relationship between indicators of green infrastructure and different proxies for the resilience capacity and performance. The results distinguish between different types of green cities, indicating which are more resilient and, respectively, which are less resilient. The statistical relationship between the indicators shows that green infrastructures are developed in new urban areas, while the natural areas diminish the flood risk and air pollution and make cities more attractive; however, in older and higher density cities, the green is sacrificed for other uses that are considered more profitable. The conclusions highlight the contradictory characteristics in the territorial distributions of cities in relation to their green infrastructure and resilience features. The present assessment contributes to promoting an integrated vision that could be used in urban planning and in more coherent strategies for sustainable cities

    Le vieillissement de la population – indice de la repulsion des espaces ruraux. Le cas de la Roumanie

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    The Ageing of the Population – Indice of the rural Repulsiveness. Romanian exemple. This study follows some previous research (Muntele, 1994; 1996 etc.) about the population restructuring process, based on the age criteria, during the last decades. Population ageing has been used as an indicator for the rural spaces repulsiveness. Regional analysis based on the last census (there are 13749 places officially registered) lead to the conclusion about the strong relation between the ageing process and the repulsiveness of some rural spaces even if there are also some regional particularities and distortions. The future demographic developmental axes are coming into view, being separated by the areas labeled by the depopulation imminence.  The presented typology proves the contraction process of the population system, as a consequence of the demographic decline