21 research outputs found

    Profitabilnost porodičnih gazdinstava usmerenih na ratarsku proizvodnju

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    The efficiency in crop production depends on, on the one hand, achieved yields and selling prices (production value) and, on the other hand, on the incurred production costs. These data suggest different economic indicators which indicate the efficiency of farm operations. Data on the basic parameters of production were collected using the method of survey, which was conducted during the five-year period (2009-2013) on the selected 40 family farms ( lt 100 ha), divided into five groups, each consisting of 8 farms, oriented exclusively towards crop production in the region of two municipalities in the South Banat District. Production efficiency and rational usage of available resources of observed family farms were measured by calculating their profit including state incentives for agriculture and evaluating their own resources engaged in the production.UspeÅ”nost u ratarskoj proizvodnji zavisi, s jedne strane, od ostvarenih prinosa i ostvarenih prodajnih cena (vrednosti proizvodnje), i s druge strane od učinjenih troÅ”kova proizvodnje. Na osnovu ovih podataka dolazi se do različitih ekonomskih pokazatelja kojima se iskazuje uspeÅ”nost poslovanja gazdinstva. Podaci o osnovnim parametrima proizvodnje prikupljeni su metodom ankete, koja je sprovođena poslednjih pet godina (2009-2013.) na odabranih 40 porodičnih gazdinstava veličine do 100 ha, razvrstanih u pet grupa, usmerenih isključivo na ratarsku proizvodnju sa područja dve opÅ”tine Južno-banatskog okruga. Efikasnost proizvodnje i racionalnost koriŔćenja raspoloživih resursa posmatranih porodičnih gazdinstava merena je izračunavanjem njihovog profita sa uključivanjem u obračun državnih podsticaja za poljoprivedu i vrednovanjem sopstvenih resursa angažovanih za proizvodnju

    Regionalni aspekti strukturnih promena na porodičnim gazdinstvima Republike Srbije

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    Considering the importance of the size of the land property in regard to the development of agriculture and its effectiveness, the ownership structure, its interdependence with the available labour force (the number of persons and annual work units) and economic size of family holdings, are analysed in the present study. Given that the territory of the Republic of Serbia is very heterogeneous in terms of the achieved level of economic development of certain regions, as well as available resources for the development of agriculture, the structural characteristics are analysed in following four statistical regions: Vojvodina, Belgrade, Å umadija and Western Serbia, Eastern and Southern Serbia. Key indicators of family holding structure in Serbia are compared with the average for the EU-27. The aim of the present paper is to review the basic aspects of structural characteristics of family holdings, based primarily on the size of holdings/holdings, available labour force, economic size, as well as their regional diversity in 2012, according to Agricultural Census.Polazeći od značaja koji veličina poseda ima za razvoj poljoprivrede i njenu efikasnost, u radu je analizirana posedovna struktura, njena međuzavisnost sa raspoloživom radnom snagom (broj lica i godiÅ”nje radne jedinice) i ekonomskom veličinom porodičnih gazdinstava. S obzirom da je teritorija Republike Srbije veoma heterogena u pogledu dostignutog stepena privredne razvijenosti pojedinih regiona, kao i raspoloživih potencijala za razvoj poljoprivrede, to su navedene strukturne promene analizirane na nivou četiri regiona: Region Vojvodine, Beogradski Region, Region Å umadije i Zapadne Srbije, i Region Istočne i Južne Srbije. Ključni pokazatelji strukture poridičnih gazdinstava Srbije prikazani su i u komparaciji sa prosekom za EU-27. Cilj rada je da se sagledaju osnovni aspekti strukturnih promena na porodičnim gazdinstvima, polazeći, prvenstveno, od veličine poseda, raspoložive radne snage, ekonomske veličine, kao i njihove regionalne raznolikosti

    Veličina gazdinstva kao faktor zaposlenosti i dohotka članova porodičnih gazdinstava

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    Based on data collected through a survey of 35 family farms in Vojvodina, specialized in the market-oriented agricultural production, the interdependence of the size of family farm and structure of field crop production was studied, and its impact on the employment of permanent members actively employed in agriculture and their income. It was found that with an increase of farm size from 20 to 100 ha, the utilization of the available fund of working hours of active members increases by almost 2 times. In addition, with an increase in the size of the farm and increase in the share of industrial crops in the structure of field crop production, income per active member of the family household employed in agriculture also exhibits a tendency to increase. Income per active member, on the farms of 50-100 ha, is 3.6 times higher than the income generated on farms of 10-20 ha in size.Na osnovu podataka prikupljenih metodom ankete na 35 porodičnih gazdinstava sa područja Vojvodine specijalizovanih na tržiÅ”no orijentisanu ratarsku proizvodnju u ovom radu je ispitivana međuzavisnost veličine porodičnih gazdinstava i strukture ratarske proizvodnje na zaposlenost aktivnih članova stalno zaposlenih u poljoprivredi i njihov dohodak. Ustanovljeno je da se sa povećanjem veličine gazdinstva sa 20 na 100 ha povećava iskoriŔćenost raspoloživog fonda radnog vremena aktivnih članova stalno zaposlenih u poljoprivredi za skoro 2 puta. Pored toga, sa povećanjem veličine gazdinstva i povećanjem učeŔća industrijskih biljaka u strukturi setve, dohodak po aktivnom članu gazdinstva stalno zaposlenom u poljoprivredi takođe ispoljava tendenciju porasta. Na gazdinstvima veličine 50-100 ha dohodak po aktivnom članu 3,6 puta je veći od dohotka ostvarenog na gazdinstvima veličine poseda 10-20 ha

    Cene kao faktor efektivnosti proizvodnje kukuruza na porodičnim gazdinstvima

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    The effectiveness of maize production on family farms depends on many factors such as production costs, achieved yields, level and parity of prices for used inputs and the price of final product, the level and type of subsidies and similar. In this paper the influence of prices of inputs and outputs on the effectiveness of maize production was examined, based on data collected in the period of 2005 to 2017 through the survey of 25 family farms aimed at crop production from the territory of Južni Banat, part of the Vojvodina region, size of 10-20 hectares of arable land. The gross margin was used to measure the effectiveness of maize production. Changes in the prices of inputs and outputs in the analysed period suggests the existence of disparity of prices at the expense of output, since the prices of inputs used in the maize production were significantly higher and grew faster. Using the regression analysis it was established that the price of corn has a very significant influence (p lt 0.01), while achieved yields had a statistically significant effect on the gross margin (p lt 0.05). In addition, the regression model, as a whole, is statistically significant because the F-ratio=21.028 was graded as very significant (p lt 0.01).Efektivnost proizvodnje kukuruza na porodičnim gazdinstvima uslovljena je brojnim faktorima kao Å”to su: ostvareni prinosi, troÅ”kovi proizvodnje, nivo i paritet cena koriŔćenih inputa i cena finalnog proizvoda, nivo i vrste podsticaja i sl. U ovom radu je, na osnovu podataka prikupljanih metodom ankete na 25 porodičnih gazdinstava, veličine 10-20 ha obradivog zemljiÅ”ta, usmerenih na ratarsku proizvodnju, sa područja Južnobanatske oblasti regiona Vojvodine, sprovedenom u periodu 2005-2017. godina ispitivan uticaj cena inputa i autputa na efektivnost proizvodnje kukuruza. Za merenje efektivnosti proizvodnje kukuruza koriŔćena je bruto marža. Kretanja cena inputa i autputa u posmatranom vremenskom periodu upućuje na zaključak o postojanju (dispariteta) makaza cena na Å”tetu autputa, budući da su cene inputa koriŔćenih za proizvodnju kukuruza znatno viÅ”e i brže rasle. Regresionom analizom ustanovljeno je da cena kukuruza ima veoma značajan uticaj (p lt 0,01), dok ostvareni prinos kukuruza ima statistički značajan uticaj na bruto maržu (p lt 0,05). Pored toga, regresioni model u celini pokazuje statističku značajnost jer je F-odnos=21,028 ocenjen kao veoma značajan (p lt 0,01)

    Efekti subvencionisanja inputa u ratarskoj proizvodnji Srbije

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    Since 2007 input subsidies given out by the government in support to field crop and vegetable production has had the greatest share in the agricultural budget of Serbia. The principal goal of input subsidy programs, as measures of agricultural support, is primarily the promotion of productivity and competitiveness of field crop production. The employment of optimal agricultural practices stimulated an increase in the use of mineral fertilizers, declared seeds, etc. At the same time these measures were noted to raise both output and quality of agricultural products including farmers' income. The implementation and importance of these measures has so far not been attracting sufficient attention and therefore the objective of the study was to analyze the effects of input subsidies on the economic position of production of some major field crops (wheat, corn, sunflower, soybean, sugar beet) on family farms owning 6-20 hectares of arable land and focused on field crop production in 2007-2011 in the plain regions of Serbia.Od 2007. godine najveće učeŔće u agrarnom budžetu Srbije imaju sredstva namenjena regresiranju inputa za ratarsko-povrtarsku proizvodnju. Regresiranjem inputa, kao merom agrarne podrÅ”ke se efikasno podstiče produktivnost i konkurentnost poljoprivredne proizvodnje. StimuliÅ”e se sprovođenje optimalnih agrotehničkih mera, odnosno veće koriŔćenje mineralnih đubriva, deklarisanog semena i dr. Samim tim ova mera podstiče rast obima i kvaliteta poljoprivrednih proizvoda, kao i dohotka poljoprivrednih proizvođača. Kako od uvođenja navedenih mera u agrarno-političkoj praksi Srbije nije sagledavan njihov značaj, u ovom radu izvrÅ”ena je analiza uticaja regresiranja inputa na ekonomski položaj proizvodnje osnovnih ratarskih kultura (pÅ”enica, kukuruz, suncokret, soja, Å”ećerna repa) na porodičnim gazdinstvima ravničarskog područja Srbije, veličine obradive povrÅ”ine do 6-20 ha, usmerenih na ratarsku proizvodnju u periodu 2007 - 2011. godina

    Ekonomska efikasnost proizvodnje ratarskih kultura na porodičnim gazdinstvima u AP Vojvodini

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    Most of the field crop production of Serbia is located in the region of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. About 52% of the cereal-growing area and more than 92% of the industrial crop-growing area of Serbia are located in the Vojvodina Province. Corn, wheat, sunflower, soybean and sugar beet predominate in the sowing structure. The study focused on the economic efficiency of field crop production on family farms in Vojvodina during the period 2005-2009. The aim was to analyze family farms 6-20 ha in size oriented to the production of some major field crops. Although these farms accounted for only 16.4% of the total number of family farms in Vojvodina, they used about 45% of the total arable land. The survey method was used to sample the data on some major production parameters on the 50 family farms focused primarily on field crop production in Vojvodina during the five-year period (2005-2009). The data were used for calculation the gross margin for the field crops analyzed in order to determine the changes of the economic efficiency of the production of some major field crops.Najveći deo ratarske proizvodnje Republike Srbije ostvaruje se na području AP Vojvodine. Na ovom području zaseje se prosečno oko 52% ukupnih povrÅ”ina pod žitaricama i preko 92% povrÅ”ina pod industrijskim biljem. U setvenoj strukturi najzastupljeniji su kukuruz, pÅ”enica, suncokret, soja i Å”ećerna repa. U ovom istraživanju posmatrane su promene ekonomske efikasnosti ratarske proizvodnje na porodičnim gazdinstvima Vojvodine u periodu 2005-2009. godina. Predmet istraživanja su porodična gazdinstva veličine 6 do 20 ha koja su usmerena na proizvodnju najznačajnijih ratarskih kultura. Gazdinstava ove veličina čine samo 16,4% ukupnog broja porodičnih gazdinstava, ali koriste oko 45% ukupnog obradivog zemljiÅ”ta u AP Vojvodini. Podaci o osnovnim parametrima proizvodnje prikupljeni su metodom ankete, koja je sprovođena poslednjih pet godina (2005-2009.) na odabranih 50 porodičnih gazdinstava usmerenih isključivo na ratarsku proizvodnju na području Vojvodine. Na osnovu anketom prikupljenih elemenata sastavljene su kalkulacije za obračun bruto marže za posmatrane ratarske kulture radi sagledavanja promena ekonomske efikasnosti proizvodnje


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    The greatest share of field crop production (88% Š¾f corn, 73% wheat, 65% sunflower and about 50% of soybean and sugar beet production) in Serbia may be attributed to family farms. Efficiency of crop production will largely depend on the achieved yields and sale prices on one hand and the production costs on the other. Based on the results obtained, different economic indices can be expected contributing to the successfulness of farm management. Can the results obtained meet the needs of the producers depends on the social and economic ambience of the family farm. Afterall, depending on the income earned the producer will decide with regard to his future activities in the sector. Using the method of questionnaire the study focused on 24 family farms involved in field crop production in order to explore the impact of farm size and field crop production structure on the income achieved


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    The efficiency in crop production depends on, on the one hand, achieved yields and selling prices (production value) and, on the other hand, on the incurred production costs. These data suggest different economic indicators which indicate the efficiency of farm operations. Data on the basic parameters of production were collected using the method of survey, which was conducted during the five-year period (2009-2013) on the selected 40 family farms (<100 ha), divided into five groups, each consisting of 8 farms, oriented exclusively towards crop production in the region of two municipalities in the South Banat District. Production efficiency and rational usage of available resources of observed family farms were measured by calculating their profit including state incentives for agriculture and evaluating their own resources engaged in the production


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    Since 2007 input subsidies given out by the government in support to field crop and vegetable production has had the greatest share in the agricultural budget of Serbia. The principal goal of input subsidy programs, as measures of agricultural support, is primarily the promotion of productivity and competitiveness of field crop production. The employment of optimal agricultural practices stimulated an increase in the use of mineral fertilizers, declared seeds, etc. At the same time these measures were noted to raise both output and quality of agricultural products including farmersā€™ income. The implementation and importance of these measures has so far not been attracting sufficient attention and therefore the objective of the study was to analyze the effects of input subsidies on the economic position of production of some major field crops (wheat, corn, sunflower, soybean, sugar beet) on family farms owning 6-20 hectares of arable land and focused on field crop production in 2007-2011 in the plain regions of Serbia


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    Considering the importance of the size of the land property in regard to the development of agriculture and its effectiveness, the ownership structure, its interdependence with the available labour force (the number of persons and annual work units) and economic size of family holdings, are analysed in the present study. Given that the territory of the Republic of Serbia is very heterogeneous in terms of the achieved level of economic development of certain regions, as well as available resources for the development of agriculture, the structural characteristics are analysed in following four statistical regions: Vojvodina, Belgrade, Å umadija and Western Serbia, Eastern and Southern Serbia. Key indicators of family holding structure in Serbia are compared with the average for the EU-27. The aim of the present paper is to review the basic aspects of structural characteristics of family holdings, based primarily on the size of holdings/holdings, available labour force, economic size, as well as their regional diversity in 2012, according to Agricultural Census