9 research outputs found

    Struktur Wacana Iklan Media Cetak Kajian Stuktur Van Djik

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    Discourse of advertisements, especially in printed ads, has shown the development of an extraordinary language phenomenon. A copywriter is able to exploit the language to be used as the media of communicative ads, which is very interesting and persuading. This exploitation of language, especially the mixture of verbal and non-verbal signs, makes discourse of ads an interesting subject to explore and analyze. To study the exploitation of the language in the discourse of ads, there are three main points to learn as proposed by Van Dijk; They are : superstructure, micro structure, and macro structure of the ads. The study shows that, superstructure of an ads should has body copy which shows persuasiveness; in micro structure, the exploitation of verbal aspect intensely applied the grammatical roles of ellipsis, substitution and references; meanwhile in macro structure, an ads could shows remarkable persuasiveness through verbal and visual aspec

    Pengaruh Induksi Hipoksia Hipobarik Intermiten pada Aktivitas Spesifik Manganese Superoxide Dismutase dan Kadar Malondialdehyde Ginjal Tikus

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    Hipoksia hipobarik merupakan kondisi yang sering dialami penerbang angkatan udara. Pengenalanhipoksia hipobarik intermiten dapat memicu mekanisme adaptasi untuk mengurangi efek buruk hipoksiahipobarik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh induksi hipoksia hipobarik intermiten terhadapstres oksidatif dan antioksidan serta hubungan keduanya di jaringan ginjal tikus. Sebanyak 25 ekor tikusjenis wistar dibagi menjadi lima kelompok: kelompok kontrol dan kelompok terpajan hipoksia hipobarikintermiten 1x, 2x, 3x dan 4x, dengan interval 7 hari antar pajanan. Tiap kelompok ditempatkan dalamhypobaric chamber dan dipajankan kondisi hipoksia hipobarik dengan berbagai ketinggian. Tikusdimatikan dan sampel jaringan ginjal diambil untuk diukur enzim manganese superoxide dismutase(MnSOD) dan malondialdehyde (MDA).  Aktivitas enzim MnSOD tidak menunjukkan Perubahanbermakna pada induksi hipoksia hipobarik 1x, 2x, 3x dan 4x dibandingkan kontrol (p>0,05).  KadarMDA pada kelompok dengan perlakuan 2x hipoksia hipobarik meningkat bermakna (p<0,05). Padakelompok induksi 3x dan 4x, kadar MDA ginjal turun secara bermakna dibandingkan kelompok 2xperlakuan (p<0,05).  Tidak terdapat korelasi aktivitas MnSOD dan kadar MDA (p>0,05).  Setelah induksi3x, mulai terjadi adaptasi terhadap stres oksidatif. Adaptasi tersebut kemungkinan juga melibatkanantioksidan yang lain pada ginjal, seperti katalase. Dengan demikian induksi hipoksia hipobarikintermiten tampaknya dapat memberikan efek protektif pada jaringan ginjal tikus

    The Life of a Mayor in Thomas Hardy\u27s the Mayor of Casterbridge

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    Literary work is fine work of art that can be easily understood by most of the people. One of the most popular works is novel. A good novel will be able to entertain the reader in such way that makes the reader keep on turning the pages. Novel is very interesting to analyze since there are no absolute rightness in exploring the meaning and message of the story. Theme is the central idea that is served implicitly in the story through the other elements such as character, plot, setting, point of view, language and style, lastly irony and symbol. Understanding the theme will make reading more joyful. The challenge in finding the theme of a novel is one point that makes the analysis of intrinsic element very interesting

    A simple wide field of view concentrator for free space visible light communications

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    The optical gain of a simple new type of wide field of view optical concentrator is predicted and easy modifications that will significantly increase its gain without changing its field of view are identified