17 research outputs found


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    There are problems with product quality and service quality of drinks added by one branch of Alamanda Regency which resulted in dissatisfaction with consumers. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of product quality and service quality on consumer satisfaction of drinks added by one branch of Alamanda Regency. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative. These results indicate that the variables of product quality and service quality simultaneously influence consumer satisfaction. Keywords: Product quality; Service quality; Consumer Satisfaction.Terdapat permasalahan pada kualitas produk dan kualitas pelayanan minuman tambah satu cabang alamanda Regency yang mengakibatkan konsumen tidak puas.Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah adanya pengaruh kualitas produk serta kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen minuman Tambah Satu Cabang Alamanda Regency. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil ini menunjukkan variabel kualitas produk, kualitas pelayanan secara bersamasama berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Produk; Kualitas Pelayanan; Kepuasan Konsumen


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality on PT Kudhi Piranti's customer satisfaction, to determine the effect of price perceptions on PT Kudhi Piranti's customer satisfaction. The population of this study are consumers who purchase stainless steel products at PT Kudhi Piranti. The sample of this research is the consumers of PT Kudhi Piranti with a total of 100 respondents. The method used in this research is quantitative, the data used are interviews and primary data by distributing questionnaires online through the Google Form. The results showed that the product quality variable had a positive effect on consumer satisfaction and the price perception variable had a positive effect on consumer satisfaction.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk terhadap kepuasan konsumen PT Kudhi Piranti, Untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi harga terhadap kepuasan konsumen PT Kudhi Piranti. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang melakukan pembelian produk stainless steel di PT Kudhi Piranti. Sampel penelitian ini adalah konsumen PT Kudhi Piranti dengan jumlah 100 responden. Metode yang digunakan  dalam penelitian ini yaitu kuantitatif, dengan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan  data primer dengan menyebar kuesioner secara online melalui Google Form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel kualitas produk berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan konsumen dan variabel persepsi harga berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan konsumen


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    The purpose of this research is to comprehend the influence of leadership and compensation toward employee performance of PT. Karya Satria Bekasi. The used method  is analysis descriptive method. Population in this research is  71 office employees and field employees. Data analysis technique exerts double regression with SPSS Program.  If it is observed partially, the result is that leadership and compensation variable affect significantly to employee performance of PT. Karya Satria Bekasi, and jointly leadership and compensation affect the performance. Leadership contribution is 50,1%, and the rest 49,9 % is influenced by another factor. Leadership and compensation variable can be used in regression model to predict employee performance

    Analisis Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat terhadap Pelaksanaan Program Bank Sampah (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Kelurahan Bahagia Bekasi Utara)

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    This study aims to determine how the attitudes and behavior of people in the Village of Bahagia, North Bekasi against Bank Sampah Program Implementation in village Bahagia. This study used quantitative descriptive research method in which researchers will explain or describe public attitudes Bahagia Village North Bekasi, on the implementation of Bank Sampah Program in the Environment village Bahagia.This study used primary data by collecting data through questionnaires to 67 respondents that people in the Bahagia village, North Bekasi who follow the customer in the Sampah Bank in RW 45 Village Bahagia. Data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis to determine the public's attitude Bahagia Village North Bekasi on the implementation of the Bank Sampah Program. From the results of the average score of respondents about public attitudes confidence in the attributes of 0.74 which means that the public attitude of society Bahagia village good attitude towards the implementation of the existing Bank Sampah program such village. While based on the scores for variables Behavior of 0.66 (positive) means showing the behavior of people in the Bahagia village good or positive to the presence of Bank Sampah in its environment. From the discussion, it can be known factors - factors that need to be fixed for the implementation of the next program to the Bank Sampah. So need a better effort for the implementation of the Bank Sampah program


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    Metode yang digunakan dalam hasil observasi wawancara kepada para UMKM di lingkungan Rt 002 terdapat 10 orang. Dalam upaya penggunaan media digital marketing lebih menfaatkan teknologi yang ada saat ini dengan sebaik mungkin tidak hanya sekedar untuk mengunakan yang tidak di perlukan tetapi bisa lebih memanfaatkan untuk mendapatkan peluang bisnis. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pelaku UMKM dalam menggunakan sistem  digital marketing yang mempromosikan melalui digital marketing secara onlien dan offline serta memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Dalam memantau program kerja untuk keduanya secara online dan offline serta pelaku UMKM. Serta hasil dari penyuluhan digital marketing ini kepada masyrakat Rt 002 paham akan kurangnya pengetahuan digital marketing serta memasarkan suatu produknya di sosial media, oleh karena itu memperlukan perkembagan usaha berbasis teknologi sehinga dapat mempermudah dalam memperjual belikan suatu produk melaluin online atau offline. Dari hasil  pelaksaan progam kuliah kerja nyata kali ini dapat memberikan manfaat untuk para umkm seperti adanya tambahan penghasilan  ekonomi untuk para umkm. kata kunci : umkm, digital marketing The method used in the observation results of interviews with MSMEs in the Rt 002 environment are 10 people. In an effort to use digital marketing media, use the current technology as well as possible, not just to use what is not needed, but to be able to take more advantage of it to get business opportunities. The goal is to increase the ability of MSME actors to use a digital marketing system that promotes online and offline digital marketing and has a high selling value. In monitoring work programs for both online and offline as well as MSME actors. And the results of this digital marketing counseling to the community of Rt 002 understand the lack of digital marketing knowledge and market a product on social media, therefore it requires technology-based business development so that it can make it easier to trade a product through online or offline. From the results of the implementation of the real work college program this time it can provide benefits for MSMEs such as additional economic income for MSMEs. keywords: umkm, digital marketin


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    Strengthening the family economy through subsistence production is an important activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Savings in expenditure by producing the goods needed by themselves, helps maintain family economic stability which in turn has an impact on the stability of family welfare. The program to strengthen the family economy through subsistence production aims to help housewives in an effort to save household expenses productively. The method applied in the socialization of this program is done with lectures and practice in the form of videos uploaded through the Watshaap group. Participants in this program are 52 housewives in Pedurenan Village, Mustika Jaya, Bekasi City. The enthusiasm of the program participants was supported by the cooperation of the village apparatus, especially the Lurah woman and the head of the PKK of the Pedurenan village, Mustikajay


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    Abstrak Kemajuan teknologi memiliki peran penting dalam kegiatan ekonomi. Dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi kegiatan usaha menjadi lebih mudah, dengan itu masyarakat perlu mengetahui bagaimana cara memanfaatkan teknologi dengan baik. Program dilaksnakan di RT 06/03 Jatiluhur degan jumlah peserta sebanyak 20 orang. Melalui program yang dilaksanankan diharapkan bisa meningkatkan pemahaman UMKM dalam mengunakan aplikasi untuk memasarkan produk secara online (digital marketing) dan juga melakukan pembukuan dengan aplikasi agar mempermudah dalam menjalankan usaha, Metode pelaksanaan pada kegiatan tersebut dengan menggunakan metode pendidikan masyarakat, metode konsultasi dan metode pelatihan. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut para UMKM dapat memasarkan produk mereka secara online agar dapat meningkatkan angka pembelian dari yang sebelumya.   Abstract Technological progress has an important role to play in economic activities. With the advancement of technology the activities of the business becomes easier, and therefore people need to know how to make good use of technology. A program made at RT 06/03 was dropped with 20 participants. With implemented programs it is hoped to increase MSME understanding in using applications to market products online (digital marketing) and also to do bookkeeping with the application to make it easier for business use, implement methods for community education, consultation and training methods. The result of these activities is that MSME can market their products online in order to increase the purchase rate from previous ones


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    The implementation of this community service involves the community in Bantarjaya Village. The lack of public knowledge about the use of technology in everyday life, especially digital wallets, makes people in Bantarjaya Village less able to utilize digital technology with online transactions. After the Covid-19 pandemic, people switched to using online media as a tool for transactions using applications to avoid direct contact. Of course this makes people have to adapt to the application as a new habit in transactions. The digital wallet technology currently available has not been fully used by the whole community. One possible obstacle is the emergence of a feeling of laziness and ignorance, or it could also be caused by a sense of public concern about administrative costs. In fact, existing digital wallet accounts can use cellphone numbers and are free of administration fees. Banks that are part of Himbara (State Owned Bank Association) have collaborated with E-Wallet Providers in Indonesia with all the convenience and security of transactions. Therefore this community service is carried out with the aim of developing human resources in utilizing digital technology by using digital wallets as a transaction tool

    Peningkatan Kemampuan IPTEK Remaja Serang Melalui E-Commerce

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    Fokus kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Kecamatan Serang Baru untuk mempercepat pengentasan daerah rawan pangan melalui meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat yakni dengan melakukan sosialisasi penguatan ekonomi yang memanfaatkan IPTEK khususnya penggunaan e-commerce , setelah dilakukan beberapa survei dan observasi lapangan. Hasil kegiatan bahwa selama pandemi Covid-19 daya bel iwi wilayah rumah tangga rawan pangan hanya sekitar 36% dari total daya beli di wilayah perkotaan. Tingkat kemampuan konsumsi rata-rata beras per KK pada rumah tangga rawan pangan hanya sekitar 0.33 Kg beras saja sementara sekitar 67% memiliki tingkat pendapatan kurang dari Rp. 500.000 per bulan sehingga sangat memerlukan bantuan beras seperti program “raskin”. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Kecamatan Serang Baru menghasilkan program-program pengentasan kemiskinan yang bekerjasama dengan pemerintah setempat hingga penyuluhan pembuatan dan pembukaan akun e-commerce di Shopee yang sudah siap digunakan untuk menjual berbagai produk olahan rumah tangga yang dapat dipasarkan secara online


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of experiential marketing on consumer satisfaction and repurchase intention of Indonesian iced tea. It is an element of marketing for repurchase that obtains customer satisfaction through experiential marketing elements, namely feel, feel, think, act, and relate. This study uses data obtained directly through distributed questionnaires. The type of research used in this study is a non-probability method with a quantitative approach. The object of this research is Indonesian iced tea consumers. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. By using SPSS and getting a sample of 80 respondents. The method used to collect data was by distributing questionnaires to respondents who had purchased Indonesian iced tea products. The data analysis technique used is the results of validity tests, reliability tests, multiple linear regression tests and T-tests. The results show that the direct effect of experiential marketing on consumer satisfaction directly is 0.759 while the indirect effect of experiential marketing through customer satisfaction on repurchase intention is the multiplication of the beta of experiential marketing on consumer satisfaction and the beta value of repurchase intention, namely: 0.329 x 0.550 = 0.18095