137 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Cakalang Pada Musim Barat Di Perairan Teluk Bone

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize potential fishing ground for the skipjack tuna using the oceanographic conditions of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentrations and catch data, and to describe the level of primary productivity around the skipjack fishing grounds in the Bone Bay. This study used a survey method by collecting primary tuna catch and MODIS satellite image data. The data were analyzed using Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF). The model outputs were visualized using ArcGIS spatial analyst. The results showed that the potential skipjack tuna fishing grounds during the west monsoon ( December -February ) were well characterized by the environmental conditions of SST and chlorophyll- a concentration ranged from 29.9 to 31.0 °C and from 0.12 to 0.22 mg m3, respectively. The highest catches for skipjack were found in February in the specific areas of 120°E121°E and 3°S-4°S where the levels of primary production ranged from 5.30 to 11.62 g C/m/ month during the west monsoon

    Pencarian Jalur Terpendek Pada Snake Game Menggunakan Algoritma A*

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    Game sebagai media hiburan telah berkembang dengan pesatseiring juga teknologi. Salah satu unsur yang berperan penting dalam sebuah game adalah kecerdasan buatan. Dengan kecerdasan buatan, diharapkan elemen-elemen permainan Ular ( Snake ) ini penulis menerapkan konsep logika fuzzy dalam menentukan starategi pada ular.Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan bentuk penelitian studi litelatur.Penulis menggunakan metode perancangan Agile Software Development.Di dalam perancangan game ini, penulis menggunakan perangkat lunak Visual basic 6.0 dan Algoritma A-Star.Algoritma A Star (A*) pada komputer dalam permainan ini teruji sangat efektif dalam mendapatkan makanannya dengan jalur terpendek.Komputer menggunakan Algoritma A Star (A*) untuk mencari makanannya. Algortima A Star (A*) adalah algoritma pencarian terbaik dalam mencari jalur terpendek dengan perhitungan terkecil pada jalur dengan simpul awal menuju simpul akhir

    Kinerja Lembaga Amil Zakat /Laz dalam Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kinerja Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) dalamperspektif Balanced Scorecard (BSC) menganalisis kekuatan,kelemahan, peluang danhambatan serta permasalahan yang dialami LAZ dalam mengelola dana ZIS.. Penelitianini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara,kuisioner dan studi pustaka.Berdasarkan analisis disimpulkan bahwa 1) kinerja LAZ dalam perspektifkeuangan sudah baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pengumpulan dan penyaluran danaZakat Infak dan Shodaqoh (ZIS) yang terus mengalami kenaikan. Dalam perspektiflearning and growth, sudah baik, dilihat dari tingkat kepuasan karyawan LAZ. 2)Adapun dalam kinerja dalam perspektif customer, belum baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat daricustomer yang belum puas akan pelayanan LAZ. Yang menjadi kendala dalamperspektif ini adalah indicator reliability (keandalan), empati dan tangible. 3)Permasalah yang dialami oleh LAZ adalah keterbatasan SDM dan status legalitas LAZ.Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi Hendaknya Bazda melaksanakan perencanaanstrategis secara komprehensif dan koheren dengan mengubahpola perencanaan jangkapendek dan jangka panjang, sebaiknya pengurus (pengelola) LAZ adalah profesionalyang tanpa dibebani tugas lain di luar LAZ, hendaknya LAZ lebih memperhatikankepentingan karyawan (full timer) dalamhal pemberian kompensasi, dan kepemimpinan,hendaknya LAZ lebih memperhatikan kepentingan customer dalam hal keandalan,empati dan dalam penyediaan fasilitas

    Persepsi Petani terhadap Peran Penyuluh Pertanian di Desa Lada Mandala Jaya Kecamatan Pangkalan Lada Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat

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    This study aims to determine the perception of farmers on the role of agricultural extension. Extension roles/duties include education, dissemination of information/innovation, facilitation, consultation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation, where the sixth in this study into research variables. Likert scale is used to measure the perception of rubber farmers to the overall role of agricultural extension workers. From the results of the research note that the perception of farmers for the role of extension workers in the value is in the category “enough to play'' with the overall average of 3.11. The perception of farmers on the role of agricultural extension in Lada Mandala Jaya Village, Pangkalan Lada Sub-district can be categorized as (a). “role” (mean = 3,69) for sub-variable of Education, (b). “role” (mean = 3,41) for the sub-variable Dissemination, (c). “lacks role'' (average = 2.24) as the Facilitator, (d). “enough role” (average = 3.15) as consultant, (e). “enough role” (average = 2.60) as Supervisor, and (f). “enough role” (average = 2.61) in the implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation. It is advisable to extension workers to optimize the role of extension workers, especially in facilitating and supervising the farmers in the development of rubber plantation business

    Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model Based on Monera Kingdom to Increase the Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills

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    Permendikbud No. 65 of the standard curriculum in the learning process 2013 highly recommended approach is to use learning approaches that produce work. Based on these models are suitable is Problem Based Learning models. Problem Based Learning models is designed to help students develop thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and intellectual skills. This research aims to improve learning outcomes and critical thinking skills studentsSMA 5 Banjaramasin to the application of Problem Based Learning models. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, each cycle of 2 meetings. The subjects were students of class X MIA 4 SMA Negeri 5 Banjarmasin. Cognitive learning outcomes of students has increased of the first cycle of 36.2% and cycle II of 90.7%, from the data obtained indicate achievement of classical completeness is set at ≥ 85%. Results of the assessment process is fair in every cycle. LKS assessment results classified as good in every cycle, the first cycle of 76.57% and 88.69% second cycle. Assessment of products / works has increased from 73.19% the first cycle and 83.59% second cycle. Affective student assessment results quite well on the assessment of character behavior and social skills in every cycle. Assessment of critical thinking skills of students has increased from 73.55% the first cycle and cycle II 82.11%, from the data obtained shows that the achievement of success indicators research students\u27 critical thinking skills quite well. Students\u27 response to the application of Problem Based Learning models showed high positive answer is 55.41% of students agreed. Under these conditions, the application of the model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Problems can improve learning outcomes and the critical thinking skills of students on the Monera Kingdom Concept

    Sistem Koreksi Postur Duduk dengan Betaspc Berbasis Arduino Duemilanove

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    BetaSPC is a technology that uses a microcontroller (Arduino Duemillanove) as processors and sensors (infrared) which is based on the amount of light reflected on a clothes stretched (when the bent body position). With the technology used in BetaSPC allows one to determine the proper posture when sitting at a computer or laptop and improve posture during sitting. When someone is in front of the laptop or computer by sitting in an upright posture, the posture shoulder (shoulder) on the back will change clothes behind, just below the shoulder blade position becomes meragang. If someone sitting at a computer or laptop to a sitting position in a bent posture then clothes (clothes) behind, just below the shoulder blade will be stretched (tight). Then, stretch clothes that will activate the buzzer (sound and vibrate) to provide feedback to the user about the current posture stretch shirt (hunchback) so as to commemorate and improve the position of his body correctly (perpendicular) when using a computer or laptop

    Surfaktan Sodium Ligno Sulfonat (SLS) dari Debu Sabut Kelapa

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    Indonesia merupakan negara agraris yang menghasilkan beragam hasil pertanian yang melimpah. Salah satu hasil pertanian yang menonjol di Indonesia adalah kelapa. Produksi buah kelapa di Indonesia rata-rata sebanyak 15,5 miliar butir/tahun atau setara dengan 3,02 juta ton kopra, 3,75 juta ton air, 0,75 juta ton arang tempurung, 1,8 juta ton serat sabut (coir fiber) dan 3,3 juta ton debu sabut (coir dust/ cocopeat. Komposisi sabut kelapa terdiri dari 25% gabus dan 75% serat . Tetapi, debu sabut kelapa masih dikembangkan sebatas sebagai media tanam. sisanya akan menjadi limbah dengan kontribusi sangat besar dari pengisi pada volume total sampah domestiK. Banyaknya komoditas kelapa dan potensi limbah sabut yang dihasilkan, membuat pemanfaatan Debu Sabut menjadi bahan yang bernilai ekonomis patut untuk dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah sebagai bahan pembuatan Surfakatan Sodium Ligno Sulfonat (SLS) yang selama ini komoditasnya diperoleh seluruhnya dari impor. Adapun tahapan proses pembuatan SLS dari Debu Sabut kelapa adalah mempersiapan Bahan Baku berupa Debu Sabut Kelapa. Dilanjutkan dengan pemasakan/pulping menggunakan metode organosolv dengan alat pemasak digester (R-120). Dari lindi hitam yang dihasilkan, akan diproses dengan Isolasi Lignin dengan metode presipitasi asam. Lindi hitam yang telah didapat diendapkan dengan menambahkan secara perlahan H2SO4dengan konsentrasi 20% sampai pH 2 pada tangki isolasi pertama (M-211).Proses isolasi dengan metode pengasaman banyak digunakan untuk mendapatkan lignin dengan kemurnian tinggi. Untuk Menghasilkan SLS, Lignin Isolat perlu direaksikan dengan bahan penyulfonasi natrium bisulfit (NaHSO3), sehingga menghasilkan natrium lignosulfonat (SLS) pada reaktor sulfonasi (R-310). Berlokasi di Provinsi Riau, Pabrik ini akan dibangun dengan kapasistas 20.150 ton/tahun. Dari analisa ekonomi, diperlukan Modal tetap (FCI) sebesar Rp 316.323.349.677; Modal kerja (WCI) sebesar Rp 74.429.023.453; Investasi total (TCI) sebesar Rp 390,752,373,130 ; Biaya Produksi pertahun (TPC) sebesar Rp 1.772.425.308.777. Nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 53%, dimana Pay out Time akan dibayarkan selama 5 tahun. Hasil Break Event Point diperoleh 55 %

    Keragaan Biologi Populasi Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Yang Tertangkap Dengan Purse Seine Pada Musim Timur Di Perairan Laut Flores

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    Biological performance of skipjack tuna has been done in the Flores Sea during the southeast monsoon (June - August, 2013). The objective of the research was to analyze biological performance of skipjack tuna captured by purse seine: including size composition,age classes, growth rate, food habit, gonad maturity and suitable length for capture. The data for length structure and age class, the growth rate, food habit, gonad maturity, and volumetric fecundity estimation were analyzed using Bhattacharya, Von Bertalanffy, propendance index, histological and volumentric methods, respectively. The results showed that (1) the size structure and age class were different according to the fishing ground location and the fishing season, (2) the average size of fishes captured in the western part of Flores Sea was greater than the eastern one, (3) the average length of fishes catched by purse seine without fish aggregation device (FAD, rumpon) was longer than that of with FAD, (4) the growth rate of skipjack tuna was slow where the growth coefficient was less than 0,5 per year, and the asymptotic length was 106,0 cm FL, (5) the skipjack tuna achieved the mature stage at 45 cm and at 50 cm length for female and male, respectively, and ready to spawn at 55 cm and 60 cm for male and female , respectively, (6) it was more than 80 % of fishes captured by fishermen in the Flores Sea which were not yet suitable size for fishing