7 research outputs found

    Glucocorticoids and the Intestinal Environment

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    Effects of Bevacizumab, an Anti Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Monoclonal Antibody, on Kidney Function and Morphology

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    AimTo constitute an experimental rat model by using human VEGF monoclonal antibody bevacizumab, for observation of renal side effects of this treatment.Materials and MethodsThirtysix adult female Wistar albino rats has been divided as two main groups: “3 days” and “21 days” . Each group has been divided in three; bevacizumab 10 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg were administered intravenously from the tail veins of the two subgroups and 1 mg/kg saline was administered to the third subgroup as control. Urine for 24 hours for detection of proteinuria and blood samples for detection of renal funtions were collected before, third day and 21st day of the drug administration and rats were sacrified at third and 21st days for pathological examination of kidneys.ResultsTwenty four hours urine protein excretion, creatinin excretion and urine protein/creatinin ratio were demonstrated as significantly increased on the third day of the rats administered 10 mg/kg bevacizumab; however, any significant increase of proteinuria couldn’t be shown on the 21 days group rats administered neither 10 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg. Pathological examination of rats sacrified on third day demonstrate the significant increase of bowman capsule gap and interstitial inflamation as correlated with the dosage of the drug. The thickness of vessel wall was observed on the pathological examination of rats sacrified on 21st day.ConclusionIt has been shown that bevacizumab administration of 10 mg/kg for three days is proper for constitution of an experimental rat model

    Effects of Topical Thymoquinone in an Experimental Dry Eye Model

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    Objectives:To comparatively evaluate the effects of thymoquinone (TQ), the biologically active main component of volatile oil derived from Nigella sativa seeds, in an experimental dry eye model.Materials and Methods:A total of 36 BALB/c mice 10 weeks of age were used in the study. The mice were divided into 6 groups of 6 mice. Two groups were negative and positive controls, and the other 4 groups were treated with balanced salt solution, fluorometholone (FML), TQ, or vehicle (Tween80). After 1 week of treatment, the mice were killed and the eyes removed for histopathologic examination and cytokine analysis. Interleukin (IL)-1α tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, and lactoferrin levels in the conjunctival tissue were measured by multiplex immunobead assay. The presence of inflammatory cells in ocular tissue samples were investigated by hematoxylin-eosin and periodic acid-Schiff staining. Inflammatory T cells containing CXT receptor in the conjunctiva were determined by flow cytometry.Results:FLML and TQ groups had less inflammatory cell density and more goblet cells compared to the other groups. High levels of IL-1α and IL-2 were found in the TQ group.Conclusion:TQ treatment was associated with reduced inflammation in pathological examination, but did not significant lower cytokine levels

    İnsan faktörünün broylerlerin korku ve stres reaksiyonları ile bazı performans değerleri üzerine etkileri

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    Amaç, broylerlerdeki korku ve stres reaksiyonları ile bazı performans parametreleri üzerine insan faktörünün etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışma süresince hayvanlara 5'er dakikalık günde iki kez (Grup-I) ve üç kez (Grup-II) olmak üzere insan teması sağlanmıştır. Kontrol grubuna ise görsel insan teması uygulanmamıştır. Bulgular, görsel insan temasının broylerlerde hareketsizlik süresi ve tekrar sayısı üzerine öneminin olmadığını göstermiştir. Vücut ağırlığı, tüketilen yem miktarı, yemden yararlanma katsayısı, ölüm oranı ve antikor titresi görsel insan temasından etkilenmemiştir.The aim was to investigate the effects of human factor on fear and stress reactions and some performance parameters in broilers. During the study, animals were provided with human contact twice a day (Group-I) and three times (Group-II) for 5 minutes each day. Visual human contact was not applied to the control group. The findings showed that visual human contact had no importance on the duration and number of inactivity of broilers. Body weight, amount of feed consumed, feed conversion coefficient, mortality and antibody titer were not affected by visual human contact

    Effects of Bevacizumab, an Anti Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Monoclonal Antibody, on Kidney Function and Morphology

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    Amaç İnsan VEGF monoklonal antikoru bevasizumab kullanarak, bu tedavinin böbrek üzerine olan yan etkilerini gözlemleyebileceğimiz deneysel bir sıçan modeli oluşturmak ve bevasizumab’ın sıçan böbreği üzerine olan etkilerini değerlendirmektir. Materyal ve Metot Otuzaltı adet erişkin dişi Wistar albino sıçan “üç günlük” ve “21 günlük” iki ana gruba ayrıldı. Her grup üçe bölündü; iki gruba kuyruk venlerinden intravenöz olarak bevasizumab 10 mg/kg ve 20 mg/kg dozlarında uygulandı, üçüncü gruba kontrol grubu olarak 1 ml/kg serum fizyolojik uygulandı. İlaç verilmesi öncesi, ilaç verilmesinin üçüncü günü ve ilaç verilmesinin 21. günü proteinüriyi saptamak amacıyla 24 saatlik idrarları ve böbrek fonksiyon testleri çalışılmak üzere serumları toplandı. Üçüncü ve 21. gün sıçanlar sakrifiye edilerek böbrekleri patolojik olarak incelendi. Bulgular 10 mg/kg dozunda bevasizumab uygulanan sıçanlarda üçüncü gün 24 saatlik idrar protein atılımı, kreatinin atılımı ve idrar protein/kreatinin oranlarında anlamlı bir artış olmuş; 21 gün grubunda ise ne 10 mg/kg ne de 20 mg/kg ilaç verilen grupta anlamlı proteinüri artışı gösterilememiştir. Üçüncü gün sakrifiye edilen sıçanlarda bowman kapsül aralığı ve interstisyel inflamasyonun ilaç dozuyla orantılı olarak anlamlı artışı saptanmıştır. 21. gün sakrifiye edilen grubun patolojik değerlendirmesinde ise doz artışıyla korele olarak damar duvarında kalınlaşma gözlenmiştir. Sonuç İnsan VEGF monoklonal antikoru bevasizumab kullanarak, bu tedavinin böbrek üzerine olan yan etkilerini gözlemleyebileceğimiz deneysel bir sıçan modeli oluşturmak için 10 mg/kg dozunda üç günlük bevasizumab uygulanmasının uygun olduğu gösterilmiştir.Aim To constitute an experimental rat model by using human VEGF monoclonal antibody bevacizumab, for observation of renal side effects of this treatment. Materials and Methods Thirtysix adult female Wistar albino rats has been divided as two main groups: “3 days” and “21 days” . Each group has been divided in three; bevacizumab 10 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg were administered intravenously from the tail veins of the two subgroups and 1 mg/kg saline was administered to the third subgroup as control. Urine for 24 hours for detection of proteinuria and blood samples for detection of renal funtions were collected before, third day and 21st day of the drug administration and rats were sacrified at third and 21st days for pathological examination of kidneys. Results Twenty four hours urine protein excretion, creatinin excretion and urine protein/creatinin ratio were demonstrated as significantly increased on the third day of the rats administered 10 mg/kg bevacizumab; however, any significant increase of proteinuria couldn’t be shown on the 21 days group rats administered neither 10 mg/kg or 20 mg/kg. Pathological examination of rats sacrified on third day demonstrate the significant increase of bowman capsule gap and interstitial inflamation as correlated with the dosage of the drug. The thickness of vessel wall was observed on the pathological examination of rats sacrified on 21st day. Conclusion It has been shown that bevacizumab administration of 10 mg/kg for three days is proper for constitution of an experimental rat model