246 research outputs found

    CO2 Capture Using Amino Acid Salt Solution

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    The concern of climate change and global warming has consecutively risen to progress research fields pledging to find the possible solutions. Increasing use of fossil fuels leads to an increase in CO2 emission and has become a major task to be deal with. For industrial applications, aqueous solutions of amines are extensively used as chemical absorbent or solvent. However, amine reaction with CO2 results in stable carbamate formation, which in turn leads to high energy usage for regeneration and promote additional corrosion problems. To overcome these restrictions, this study proposes a methodology to analyze the performance of new solvent namely amino acid salt solution. Evaluation of solvent performance in terms of CO2 loading and designing of acid gas removal system, requires pressure solubility data and design properties like density, pH value and refractive index


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    Measurement of Wetting Efficiency in Packed Tower Using Stimulus Response Technique.

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    Packed towers are used in many unit operations such as absorption, extraction, distillation, humidification and hydrotreating reactors. Liquid flows down the packed bed by gravity over the packing elements to create gas-liquid / liquid-solid contact area for mass transfer across the phases. Ratio of gas-liquid area to surface area of packing element is known as effective interfacial area; ratio of liquid solid contact area to surface area of packing elements is known as wetting efficiency. Efficiency of a packed tower depends on the wetting efficiency of packing elements. Many researchers investigated wetting efficiency in packed towers. Yet there is still no reliable scientific basis to accurately estimate wetting efficiency. In this investigation, available literature information on wetting efficiency in a packed tower is reviewed and experimentally measured using stimulus response technique of pulse input at three different flow rates using RTD Studies in Packed Bed equipment. The result obtained is compared with other literature data. Through experimental data simple model for estimating wetting efficiency is developed. However further refinement of equation is needed for better accuracy. The data are analysed through a rivulet flow model

    The Performance Investigation on a Solar Still Distillation System Combined with PV-DC Heater System

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    Water scarcity and pollution pose critical situation in all walks of life especially in the developing countries. Among the available purification technologies, solar distillation process proves to be a suitable solution for resolving this existing crisis. This renewable energy technology operates on a basic principle of which the solar radiation enters through the glass surface inside a closed chamber touching the black surface generating heat energy, which gets trapped inside. This gradually raises the temperature of the liquid resulting in evaporation process and further condensation, which is drained out for use. However, the distilled water produced by the solar still system is very limited. Hence, this paper presents the experimental results of the performance of the solar still system using the combination of PV-DC heater. This experiment will be conducted in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) solar field testing facility. The weather forecast and solar radiation intensity data will be obtained from Ipoh Meteorogical Department for the experiment. The parameters of the basin size, cover material and water depth are fixed. Generally, 3 types of experiments will be conducted; Active solar still system combined with PV-DC heater Passive solar still system with black painted basin Conventional passive solar still From this experiment, data of the water basin temperature, inner glass cover temperature, and ambient temperature will be collected and tabulated hourly. Theoretically, the more temperature differences between the water basin temperature and inner glass temperature, the more evaporation rate will be produced

    Labuan Coal Characteristic

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    The characterization of Labuan Coal has been completed. The moisture content is determined using oven at I 04-II0°C for three hours. The ash and the fixed carbon of the coal was determined using furnace at temperature 815 oc and 900 ac respectively at different time, 3 hours for ash content and I 0 minutes for the fixed carbon content determination. The determination of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur content in Labuan Coal is done by using CHNS equipment while the calorific value of Labuan Coal was done by using Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter. The characterization shows that the Labuan Coal I actually the Bituminous Coal and it is suitable to use for electricity generation power plant in Malaysia

    Evaluation on accessibility of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) among rice farmers in Wilayah IV, PPK Bukit Besar, Kedah / Muhammad Izzat Syafiq Ibrahim

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    In today’s age of modernization, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has played a very important role in the development of agriculture sector. This technology has brought a significant change in agriculture development where farmers can directly communicate with traders, government, buyers, and producers. However, due to lack of knowledge and information, farmers are not getting the benefits from these technologies. To understand this, a study was conducted to find out the level of accessibility of ICTs and determine the factors that influence the level of ICT accessibility among rice farmers. In this study, the data was obtained from 103 randomly selected farmers from PPK Bukit Besar, Kedah. A few factors were investigated to test this study which includes the usage factor, network factor, and socio-economic factor. The study was conducted using descriptive analysis and regression analysis. The result showed that the majority of the rice farmers owned ICT tools and mobile phone is the most owned ICT tools among others. Besides that, the result also showed that the majority of the rice farmers frequently use ICT tools to communicate with other rice farmers and share agriculture information with other rice farmers. In conclusion, all factors that contributed to the accessibility of ICT were significant and has a statistical relationship with the accessibility of ICT among rice farmers. Among all these factors, the usage factor has the highest significant influence on the accessibility of ICT, followed by the network factor and lastly, socio-economic factors which have the lowest significant influence

    Compact Extended Aeration Reactor (CEAR)

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    This project was conducted to treat wastewater in a single reactor by using the integration of various treatment processes. In other words, the treatment process such denitrification, aeration and sedimentation are combined in a single reactor. The advantages of having this integration system are that the reactor requires less space compared to the conventional wastewater treatment plant. It is essential to have a new developed technology where the usage of space for wastewater treatment plant can be reduced. This study attempts to propose a new type of wastewater reactor which is Compact Extended Aeration Reactor (CEAR). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the reactor. The project was focusing on aerobic biological oxidation where the organic matter is oxidized in order to achieve a low BOD level in the reactor discharge. The design of the CEAR will focus on the existing extended aeration design and it is adapted and integrated into this project. This project was using a reactor model with overall volume of 0.5 m3 and it is operated with actual biomass taken from UTPSTP. The reactor was feed with synthetic wastewater with inflow of 15 L/d and samples were collected at the input, output and also within of the reactor. The average COD reading for the raw wastewater is set to be 500 mg/L. The parameters that have been chosen are BOD, COD, TSS and MLSS the where percentage reduction for COD result was 82%, 73% of reduction for BOD result and finally 80% of TSS reduction. Most of the results have complied with the DOE standard discharge limit. Therefore, this report has successfully evaluated the performance of the reactor where the result for BOD, COD and TSS percentage of reduction were 73%, 82% and 80% respectively and most of the results have complied with DOE standard discharge limit

    Design and Fabrication of Brushless DC Motor Driven Personal Electric Vehicle (PEV)

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    The author wishes to take the opportunity to express his utmost gratitude to the individual that have taken the time and effort to assist the author in completing the project. Without the cooperation of these individuals, no doubt the author would have faced some minor complications throughout the course. First and foremost the author’s utmost gratitude goes to the author’s supervisor, Mr Azman Zainuddin. Without his guidance and patience, the author would not succeed to complete the project. The author also highly indebted to most of the lecturers for their guidance and knowledge in providing necessary information regarding project and also their support to complete this project. The author also would like to give gratitude to the technicians that helped in giving opinions and also helped in the project. Last but not least, the author also not forgetting all friends and families for their big support whether in giving opinions, ideas and also moral support to author to complete the project


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    Short-term load forecast is an essential part of electric power system planning and operation. For this project, the main focus will be on the Gas District Cooling Plant (GDC) which acts as the primary source of energy for Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). This project is looking into weekly forecast of the electricity production for the GDC plant using Artificial Neural Network Approach. This forecasting method will be very useful to support plant operation as the trending of load demand for an educational centre such as UTP is very much dependent on the university activities itself. The project involve MATLAB program for the STLF with Artificial Neural Network prediction model. The obtained results showed that introducing Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network architecture improve the prediction significantly by obtaining a very small value of Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE). Besides that, by getting the smaller value of MAPE, it represents higher forecast accuracy of the model itself. The report consists of an introduction, problem statement, objectives, literature review and methodology used to solve the problem. It further looks into the obtained results with consistent discussion

    A review on oil palm physiology under water stress / Muhammad Izzat Arif Zulkafli

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    The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is of great social and economic importance for millions of people in the tropics and subtropics. Water supply is the main yield-limiting abiotic factor of oil palm. In this review paper, physiological data are presented in a perspective to provide a sight of the behavior of oil palm trees facing water deficit. The vapor pressure deficit (VPD), proline content and sex ratio were studied. The stomatal conductance (gs) was highly correlated with the VPD. Lower gs was observed when VPD reached values >1.5 kPa. A significant reduction has also been noted in the transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate in high VPD in the environment. The proline content increased to different degrees with the extension of water stress. Lower sex ratio was observed when subjected to water stress, where there was high number of male flower production detected. Thus, oil palm possibly showed different response mechanisms under water stress
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