161 research outputs found

    Kinetika raspodjele kanamicina u mula.

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    The disposition kinetics of kanamycin was investigated following an injection of a single intravenous dose 5 mg/kg body mass in healthy adult female mules. Blood samples collected at various time intervals post-medication were analyzed for kanamycin by microbiological assay. The plasma drug concentration versus time data was best fitted by a biexponential expression. Macro-kinetic parameters were computed for a two-compartment open model. Values for distribution half-life (t1/2á)) and elimination half-life (t1/2 ß) were 0.18 ± 0.26 and 4.39 ± 0.68 h, respectively. The apparent volume of distribution (Vd) was 0.64 ± 0.17 L/kg. Total body clearance (ClB) of the drug was 1.66 ± 0.22 ml/min.kg. Existing dosage of 5 mg/kg body mass at 24 h intervals does not maintain the desired minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) at the end of proposed dosing intervals. Calculated optimal dosage regimen for kanamycin in mules was 8.73 and 7.45 mg/kg body mass for priming and maintenance, respectively, for a dosage interval of 12 h to maintain the concentration of 2 μg/ml in blood.Istražena je farmakokinetika raspodjele kanamicina u zdravih, odraslih mula nakon jednokratne intravenske primjene u dozi 5 mg/kg tjelesne mase (t.m.) u zdravih odraslih mula. Uzorci krvi uzeti u različitim vremenskim razmacima bili su pretraženi na količinu kanamicina mikrobiološkim testom. Koncentracija lijeka u plazmi u odnosu na vrijeme najviše je odgovarala bieksponencijalnoj krivulji. Za izračunavanje farmakokinetièkih pokazatelja rabljen je dvoprostorni otvoreni model. Rezultati su pokazali da je poluvrijeme raspodjele lijeka (t1/2α) iznosilo 0.18 ± 0.26, a poluvrijeme eliminacije (t1/2β) 4.39 ± 0.68 sati. Prividni volumen raspodjele lijeka (Vd) bio je 0.64 ± 0.17 l/kg, a ukupni klirens (ClB) 1.66 ± 0.22 ml/min/kg. Dozom 5 mg/kg t.m. jedanput na dan nije postignuta željena minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija (MIC) na kraju doznog razmaka. Izračunato je da je optimalna udarna doza kanamicina za mule iznosila 8.73, a doza održavanja 7.45 mg/kg t.m. Pritom se lijek mora primjenjivati svakih 12 sati da bi se postigla koncentracija u krvi 2 mg/ml

    An application of control charts in manufacturing industry

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    The range control chart and the X bar control chart are the well known and the most popular tools for detecting out- of-control signals in the Statistical Quality Control (SQC). The control charts has shown his worth in the manufacturing industry. In this study we have applied the range and the X bar control charts to a product of Swat Pharmaceutical Company. The variables under study were weight/ml, Ph, Citrate % and the amount of fill. Besides the X bar control chart, the exponentially weighted moving average control chart and the multivariate Hotelling's T2 control chart were applied to the same data

    Adaptive Estimation of Heteroscedastic Linear Regression Model Using Probability Weighted Moments

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    An adaptive estimator is presented by using probability weighted moments as weights rather than conventional estimates of variances for unknown heteroscedastic errors while estimating a heteroscedastic linear regression model. Empirical studies of the data generated by simulations for normal, uniform, and logistically distributed error terms support our proposed estimator to be quite efficient, especially for small samples

    Importance Of Socializers And Motivational Factors In Career Choice

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    Career selection is a complex and continuous process which starts from childhood, develop through teenage years and at the final stage of adulthood, the individuals families themselves with the available alternatives and choose one which suit them. The study aims  to analyze the importance  of socializers and motivational factors on career choices of the students. The results will facilitate the students in choosing the right profession which enable them to utilize their potential to achieve their objectives/ destination. It is based on primary data collected through questionnaire survey from the students studying in the colleges & universities of Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Taxila/ Wah Cantt: Chakwal & its vicinity, their parents and teachers. Based on the previous studies, six (06) socializers and twenty one (21) motivational factors are selected and opinion/ view points of the students, their parents & teachers are obtained. The responses are measured on Likert five (5) point scale. The results indicate that parents especially father is most influential in selecting profession of the students and directly or indirectly decides the students’ future career pathway. Money/handsome salary, status, employment opportunities, career development, personal recognition, professional respect etc are found the most influential motivating factors in career choice. The influence of socializers and  few motivational factors such as handsome salary, working conditions// hours, career development & security of job are found gender biased and in remaining motivational factors no significant difference is foun

    Linear Statistical Calibration

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    Much has been said about the classical and the inverse methods of calibration for the univariate and to some extent about the multivariate case also in the existing literature, see Brown(1982). We have explored the possibilities of using the best linear predictor both in the univariate and the multivariate situations. First four chapters deal mainly with the univariate case, chapters five and six deal with the multivariate situation and chapter seven is devoted to the Bayesian version of best linear predictor. First chapter introduces calibration and discusses different methods of calibration in the univariate situation. Chapter 2 gives a review of the calibration literature for classical, Bayesian and best linear predictor approaches with some comments. Chapter 3 deals with the derivation of the best linear predictor and approximates its unconditional mean squared error by Taylor's series. A simulation study is made to compare the approximated and the simulated values. Chapter 4 starts with the interval estimates and possible aims. Two situations with the known and unknown parameters are studied. Tail probabilities are calculated for different P(t). Chapter 5 introduces multivariate calibration and reviews the literature. Much attention is focussed on the case when there are q response variables and there is only one explanatory variable p i.e. general q and p = 1. Best linear predictor is derived and its mean squared error in canonical form is studied by simulation. In chapter 6 approximation to mean squared error is obtained by regressing simulated data and the interval estimates are studied. Chapter 7 gives a Bayesian treatment of the best linear predictor both in the univariate and the multivariate case

    Mitigation of heavy metals in different vegetables through biological washing techniques

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    Availability of nutritious and healthy food is the foremost challenging issue in all over the word. Vegetables are essential part in human diet and considered as natural reserves of nutrients gifted by Almighty Allah to human beings. Heavy metals are among the most toxic food pollutants and their intake through diet leads to several disorders. The sources of heavy metal contamination include waste water irrigation, industrial emissions, transportation and application of metal-based pesticides. In Pakistan this situation is more alarming as vegetables grown in peri-urban areas have shown high incidence of heavy metals accumulation. In this study effort was made to mitigate different heavy metals (Ar, Cd, Cr and Pb) in cauliflower, spinach, okra and brinjal collected from peri-urban areas through washing with different biological solutions. Heavy metals contents were determined by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Vegetable showed high load of heavy metals in unwashed form that reduced significantly by washing with different biological solutions. Among the different biological solutions, washing of vegetables with 8% ginger solution was found to be more effective

    Wheat germ oil enrichment in broiler feed with α-lipoic acid to enhance the antioxidant potential and lipid stability of meat

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    BACKGROUND: Lipid peroxidation is the cause of declining the meat quality. Natural antioxidants plays a vital role in enhancing the stability and quality of meat. The supplementation of natural antioxidants in feed decreases lipid peroxidation and improves the stability of meat. METHODS: The present research was conducted to determine the effect of α-lipoic acid, α-tocopherol and wheat germ oil on the status of antioxidants, quality and lipid stability of broiler meat. One day old male broilers were fed with different feeds containing antioxidants i.e. natural (wheat germ oil) and synthetic α-tocopherol and α-lipoic acid during the two experimental years. RESULTS: The feed treatments have significant variation on the body weight and feed conversion ratio (FCR) while having no influence on the feed intake. The broilers fed on wheat germ oil (natural α-tocopherol) gained maximum body weight (2451.97 g & 2466.07 g) in the experimental years 2010–11 & 2011–12, respectively. The higher total phenolic contents were found in the broilers fed on wheat germ oil plus α-lipoic acid in breast (162.73±4.8 mg Gallic acid equivalent/100 g & 162.18±4.5 mg Gallic acid equivalent/100 g) and leg (149.67±3.3 mg Gallic acid equivalent/100 g & 146.07±3.2 mg Gallic acid equivalent/100 g) meat during both experimental years. Similar trend was observed for the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (FRAP). The production of malondialdehydes in the breast and leg meat increased with progressive increase in the time period. The deposition of α-tocopherol (AT) and α-lipoic acid (ALA) contents were found to be higher in the broilers fed on wheat germ oil plus α-lipoic acid in breast and leg meat during the both experimental years. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the combination of wheat germ oil and α-lipoic acid has more beneficial for stability and the quality of the broiler meat and more work should be needed in future for the bio-evaluation of this kind of functional meat in humans

    The Impacts of Microfinance on Women Entrepreneurs “A Case Study of District Quetta, Pakistan”

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    The main objective of this study is to find out whether the provision of microfinance services by BRAC, Pakistan at district Quetta Urban area has brought out any changes in women micro-entrepreneur. The cross sectional design using household as the unit of assessment was selected for the present study, the primary data was collected through structured questionnaires covered one group of 60 female from present beneficiaries or former beneficiaries who have already received loan from the BRAC, Pakistan at district Quetta for at least two years before 1st October, 2011 the date on which face to face interviews of clients were conducted and another group of 20 female consisting of new clients/ non-beneficiaries who have with the microfinance programs for maximum period of two to three months duration were used as control group using cluster random samples.From the analyzed data it was infer that microfinance was helpful in empowering female entrepreneurs socially as well as economically in urban area of Quetta district. Keywords: Microcredit, Microfinance, Microfinance Institutions, Microenterprise, Micro- entrepreneur

    Wheat Antioxidants, Their Role in Bakery Industry, and Health Perspective

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    Wheat grains and its fractions contain significant level of antioxidant activity and many phytochemicals, such as phenolic acids (ferulic and vanillic acids), carotenoids, and tocopherol are beneficial in curing many disorders. The beneficial phytochemicals are mostly present in aleurone fraction of wheat bran. The phytochemicals and antioxidants present in wheat have several health benefits, such as their ability to act as antioxidants, immunoenhancers, and inhibitors of certain lesions, which have been demonstrated for phenolic. Many wheat antioxidants are similar to the antioxidants present in wheat, but their characteristics are also unique in nature. The regular consumption of these antioxidant compounds in whole grains is associated with a reduced risk of many heart diseases and several forms of cancers and improves the regulation of blood glucose. Wheat antioxidants play a vital role in bakery industry mostly in bread industry. People are getting aware to use the bakery products that are prepared from the white flour due to proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle, improved nutritional composition, and functional properties. In nutshell, wheat antioxidants including phytochemicals synergistically improve the health status of consumers by consuming the products having complete nutrition

    Assessment of ICT Facilities in the Public Libraries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A Descriptive Study

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    Purpose: This study aimed to review the ICT facilities in the public libraries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The specific objectives were to see the status of ICT resources, check the ICT tools used in delivering services, and point out problems faced by the public libraries in developing ICT infrastructure. Research Design and Methodology: The study\u27s population consisted of public libraries in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The census-based approach was employed, and data was gathered from library heads via questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22. Findings: It was found that most of the libraries did not have electronic information resources like e-books, theses and dissertations and access to the HEC database. Most libraries lacked ICT equipment, including microfilming machines, barcode readers, external hard drives, digital cameras, television and multimedia projectors. The majority of libraries did not use ICT applications like Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr and RSS for library services. The key problems identified by libraries while developing ICT infrastructure were inadequate e-resources, limited staff, lack of financial resources, insufficient IT staff and non-availability of standard library software. Implications: The study\u27s findings are beneficial to the government and higher library authorities. The critical point to be considered includes 1) LIS professionals and IT staff be recruited and trained in modern learning, education and communication skills, 2) sufficient funds should be provided to libraries to develop ICT infrastructure 3) digital resources should be acquired, and 4) the librarians should have the power and freedom to spend the budget based on the users\u27 needs. Originality: The study is unique because this is the first study in the country to assess the ICT facilities of public libraries. It will fill the literature gap and guide the researchers to do similar studies across the country. Keywords: ICT Infrastructure, ICT tools and applications, ICT Facilities, Public Libraries, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakista