3 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Alkaline Phosphatase sebagai Novel Biomarker Deteksi dalam Diagnosis Osteoporosis selama Pandemi COVID-19

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    Osteoporosis is a bone disorder characterized by reduced bone mass density so that bones become brittle and increase the risk of fractures. It develops slowly over several years and is often only diagnosed when a fall or sudden impact causes a bone to break (fracture). The incidence of osteoporosis always increase every year and it is estimated that patient with osteoporosis in Indonesia will increase to be 300 millions people in 2050. One of several ways to diagnose osteoporosis is through specific biomarkers that marked formation, resorption and reulation during bone remodeling processes. Various biomarkers are now available for specific and sensitive assessment of the rate for bone formation and bone resorption. For example, the bone formation biomarkers are total alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP), osteocalcin (OC), procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide (P1NP) and procollagen type 1 C-terminal propeptide (P1CP). Moreover, the decrease of total ALP has been demonstrated with the treatment with alendronate from 79.7 U/L to 64.8 U/L. This literature review is aimed to discuss the utilization of alkaline phosphatase as a novel detection biomarker in the diagnosis of osteoporosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. The literature based on journal searching related to the topic such as, PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Researcher have obtained the basis of the disease, the underlying mechanism explains and the detection, through the specificity researcher can see how it may be effective as a biomarker, and the comparison may reveal it’s potential and how it compares to other biomarkers

    Pengaruh Kawa Daun Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) Terhadap Kadar Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Serum Tikus Model Diabetes Melitus

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    Kawa daun gambir adalah daun gambir yang dikeringkan dengan tungku dan menghasilkan minuman teh. Daun gambir mengandung senyawa flavonoid, fenolik, steroid, dan tanin yang bekerja sebagai antioksidan, antihiperglikemia, dan menghambat dislipidemia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kawa daun gambir terhadap kadar low density lipoprotein serum tikus diabetes melitus. Desain penelitian ini adalah true experimental post-test only control group terhadap 36 ekor tikus wistar dibagi menjadi enam kelompok (K-, K+, MET, P1, P2, dan P3). Kelompok K+, MET, P1, P2, dan P3 diinduksi aloksan. Kelompok MET diberikan metformin 500 mg. Kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 diberikan kawa daun gambir dengan dosis 1 gram/100 ml, 2 gram/100 ml, dan 4 gram/100 ml, dan diamati perubahan kadar low density lipoprotein serum selama 4 minggu. Kadar low density lipoprotein didapatkan dengan metode indirek (Friedewald). Analisis data menggunakan One Way ANOVA dan Post-Hoc Least Significant Differences. Rerata kadar low density lipoprotein kelompok K- 37,16 ± 3,03 mg/dL, K+ 59,9 ± 8,91 mg/dL, MET 41,3 ± 6,74 mg/dL, P1 40,6 ± 5,75 mg/dL, P2 38,95 ± 10,15 mg/dL, P3 40,33 ± 7,01 mg/dL. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan sebesar 0,000 (p<0,05) antara kelompok K+ dengan P1, P2, P3, dan MET Perubahan kadar low density lipoprotein optimal pada dosis 2 gram/100 ml. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kawa daun gambir dapat menurunkan kadar low density lipoprotein serum tikus diabetes melitus

    Preliminary Screening of Phytochemical Compounds of Jeriangau (Acorus calamus) from West Sumatra

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    Indonesia's biodiversity is able to meet the needs of human life in various sectors, especially in the utilization of potential plants. Jeriangau (Acorus calamus) is a rhizome plant that is widely used as traditional medicine in various ethnicities, especially in West Sumatra. This is because jeriangau contains bioactive compounds that have the potential to treat various diseases. This research method is an experimental study to qualitatively confirm the bioactive components contained in the rhizome of Jeriangau. The test results of jeriangau simplicia samples showed positive results for the active group of secondary metabolites of flavonoids, tannins, and saponins which have potential as antioxidants. Flavonoids can reduce the risk of chronic disease, especially cardiovascular disease and cancer. Tannins have antioxidant properties and can protect the skin from damage caused by UV radiation. Saponins are known to act as antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, Acorus calamus extract can be used as an antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, and acts as an antioxidant. Further research is needed on studies of inflammatory activity, either in vitro, in vivo, or in human treatment.Keywords: jeriangau; phytochemicals; West Sumatra; antioxidant