9 research outputs found

    Does Leadership Matter In Collaborative Governance? Cases In Banyuwangi And Kulon Progo Regency, Indonesia

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    In nearly all of the framework models of collaborative governance (CG), leadership is always shown as having a major and strategic role. However, specific studies that discuss leadership tend to be limited. Most of the studies on CG are more concerned with the implementation of CG as carried out through several examples of cases. This study intends to perform a precise analysis of the leadership typologies exhibited by the regents of Kulon Progo and Banyuwangi in mobilizing CG, as well as to discover similarities in the indicators that they display in serving their leadership role. This research uses the quantitative approach by referring to the theory of leadership and leadership typologies as developed by Ricard et al. (2017). Ricard distinguished between 5 leadership typologies in the public sector, encompassing transactional, interpersonal, transformational, entrepreneurial, and network governance typologies as arranged into 23 indicators. Data was obtained through a survey of 39 respondents who are Heads of Agencies who have intensive interaction with the Head of the Region. The results of this survey show that the leadership of the two Regents have a tendency to display similarities in typologies, dominated by the entrepreneurial, network governance, and transformational typologies. In the case of the two leaders, the transactional and interpersonal typologies have the lowest average value. Meanwhile, the predominant characteristics of the leadership of these two heads of the region include indicators such as taking initiative, being visionaries, showing commitment to colleagues and organizations, and lastly, being problem oriented. The results of this research may serve as a reference for other Heads of the Region in exercising leadership for collaborative governance

    Basic Assessment of Military Academy Cadets Selected on the Basis of Merit

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    Based on reports on the implementation of recruitment activities for Taruna and Taruni Akmil candidates in 2019 and 2020, several problems were found during the recruitment and selection process for Taruna Akmil. These problems certainly must be resolved by the Indonesian Army, with the aim of getting the best and quality Military Academy cadets. Departing from these problems, the researcher conducted an evaluation of the policy of the Army Chief of Staff Decree No. Kep/1023/XII/2016 concerning Technical Instructions on Admission of Military Academy Cadets and Cadets based on a merit system. This research was conducted using the literature review method. Several criteria are used to identify the application of the merit system during the recruitment and selection process for Akmil Cadets. These criteria are equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, and passing grade. The results found were that the recruitment and selection policies for Cadets of the Military Academy had supported the implementation of the merit system. However, problems occurred when the policy was implemented, which ultimately resulted in these criteria not being met during the recruitment and selection process for Academy Academy Cadet


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    Hasil penelitian dalam bidang administrasi publik biasanya akan dijadikan dasar dalam pembuatan kebijakan publik oleh pemerintah yang disebut sebagai kebijakan berbasis bukti (evidence-based policy). Dalam kenyataannya, pemerintah (birokrat) ada yang meragukan penelitian kualitatif dan lebih memilih menggunakan beragam kecanggihan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data kuantitatif dengan alasan akan sukar untuk diperdebatkan bukan hanya pada tataran obyektivitas dari data yang ada namun juga proses melakukan penelitian itu sendiri. Pada akhirnya metode penelitian dilakukan sesuai dengan pesanan dan bukan dengan alasan kesesuaian untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Oleh karena itu penting untuk melihat bagaimana menjaga obyektivitas dalam penelitian kualitatif sehingga kemudian dapat dijadikan dasar dalam pembuatan kebijakan dan menghasilkan kebijakan yang lebih berkualitas. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi dokumen (literatur) dan pengalaman penulis sebagai tim ahli dalam beberapa kajian yang dibuat oleh pemerintah.Kata kunci: obyektivitas, kebijakan berbasis bukti, pemerintah, administrasi publi

    Strategy Formulation Roadmap Human Capital: Action Research Based Soft System Methodology, Case in PT Angkasa Pura I

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    Abstract. In the era of war for talent, attracting and retaining the talented people become necessary to gain organization’s competitive advantage. Facing the airport industry in the regional area that become more competitive, PT Angkasa Pura I, try to formulate its key competence called World Class Airport Officer (WCAO). This study aims to formulate strategically within human resources for all PT Angkasa Pura I’s staff. The method of the research is using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). SSM is implemented with the consideration that the implementation of the Human Capital’s Strategy Formulation is seen as a human activity system, which involves many stakeholders among top executives, Branch Managers, Human Capital Division Head, Training and Development Department Head, Organizational Development Department Head and all employees. The result indicates that management conducted learning process which are systematically desirable and culturally feasible in formulating Human Capital Road Map to achieve WCAO. Furthermore, the competencies of WCAO consists of innovative, professional, collaborative minded, service oriented, integrity and also be proactive.Keywords: Business strategy, soft system methodology, strategic human resource management, strategy formulation, airport industr

    Penggunaan Seismik Refleksi Dalam Pencarian Potensi Endapan Timah di Perairan Laut Bangka

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang kaya akan sumber daya alam mineral salah satunya adalah timah, yang tersebar di Perairan Pulau Bangka. Secara umum timah terbentuk oleh pembentukan magma asam akibat proses peleburan kerak benua pada proses kolisi. Timah terbagi menjadi timah primer yang masih dalam bentuk batuan granit dan timah sekunder (placer) merupakan endapan timah primer yang telah mengalami pelapukan akibat proses erosi dan diendapkan di suatu tempat yang tidak jauh dari endapan timah primer. Salah satu metode untuk mengetahui potensi endapan timah adalah dengan menggunakan metode seismik refleksi, dengan pendekatan pencarian lembah sungai purba, tempat mengendapnya timah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi endapan timah sekunder (placer) berupa endapan kaksa, yang merupakan lapisan mengandung endapan timah, dengan melakukan perhitungan volume dan ketebalannya menggunakan metode seismik refleksi. Hasil pengolahan data seismik menunjukkan pola konfigurasi refleksi yang ditemukan antara lain parallel, chaotic, shingled dan hummocky. Korelasi antara data pemboran dan seismik refleksi menunjukkan endapan kaksa berada di lembah sungai purba yang terisi oleh endapan aluvial dan mineral kasiterit. Berdasarkan perhitungan yang dilakukan, didapatkan volume endapan kaksa, sebesar 1.078.054,15 m3, dengan ketebalan mencapai 5 meter.Kata kunci: Endapan Timah, Seismik Refleksi, Perairan Pulau Bangka Indonesia is an archipelago country which is rich in mineral resources, one of them is tin, that spread in Bangka Island Waters. Generally, tin formed by acid magma formation caused by melting of continental crust process in the collision process. Tin divided to primary tin which is still in granite rock form and secondary (placer) tin which is primary tin deposit that has experienced weathering caused by erosion process and deposited in a place not far from primary tin deposit. One of method to know potential tin deposit is using seismic reflection method, with approach ancient river valley hunting, where tin was deposited. The purpose of this research is to know the potential of the secondary (placer) tin deposit in the form of kaksa deposit, this layer contains of tin deposit, with calculation of volume and thickness using seismic reflection method. The result from seismic data showed that the reflection configuration found i.a parallel, chaotic, shingled and hummocky. The correlation between drilling data and seismic data showed that kaksa deposit is located in ancient river valley that contains of alluvial deposit and cassiterit mineral. Based on the calculation, the volume of kaksa deposit is 1.078.054,15 m3, and the thickness is up to 5 meters.Keywords: Tin Deposit, Seismic Reflection, Bangka Island Water

    The Role of Leadership in Bureaucracy Reform

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    Abstract. Leadership refers to one’s capacity to change another party’s behavior as he wishes. Regional leadership has significant influence to build a better quality regional bureaucracy. Bureaucracy reform is a demand that needs to be met to improve bureaucracy’s quality and performance which from time totime suffers stigma from the public.   This research applies qualitative datacollection through in-depth interview with local government, parliament (DPRD), NGO, business people, and public leaders. The result in general indicates that HerryZudianto’s leadership role as seen from Mintzberg theory has been performed well, particularly as seen from dimension of interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles.   Keywords: leader, leadership role, bureaucracy reform   Abstrak. Kepemimpinan mengandung makna kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh seseorang untuk dapat mengubah perilaku pihak lain seperti yang diinginkannya. Kepemimpinan daerah memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan untuk membangun tatanan birokrasi daerah agar semakin berkualitas. Reformasi birokrasi merupakan suatu tuntutan yang harus dipenuhi dalam rangkamemperbaiki kualitas dan kinerja birokrasi yang selama ini seringkali memiliki stigma negatifdi kalangan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode kuantitatif dilakukan dengan penelusuran data statistik mengenai laporan kinerja pemerintah aerah dan Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat yang selama ini diperoleh Pemerintah Daerah, sedangkan metode kualitatif dilakukan lewat wawancara mendalam dengan pihak pemerintah  daerah, DPRD, LSM, pengusaha, dan tokoh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian secara umum menunjukkan bahwa peran kepemimpinan Herry Zudianto berdasarkan teori Mintzberg sudah berjalan dengan baik dilihat dari dimensi  interpersonal roles, informational roles, dan decisional roles.   Keywords: pemimpin, peran kepemimpinan, reformasi birokrasi&nbsp

    Regulatory impact assessment and its challenges: An empirical analysis from Indonesia

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    Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is a tool for improving the quality of new or modified government regulations. The absence of RIA can result in a regulation being unaccountable, non-transparent, or inconsistent. Moreover, the government will find it difficult to create policies that will benefit economic and social-welfare. In Indonesia's context, the use of RIA is just in the form of a pilot project and unsustainable both in the central and regional governments. Based on empirical research, this paper explored the existing conditions of RIA application by central and regional government in Indonesia. Moreover, this paper also analyzed the perception of the benefits and the challenges in utilizing it. The study found that RIA is still little and not optimally used in the preparation of various regulations in Indonesia both at the central and regional government levels although there are a number of benefits that would be obtained if it were used. This condition has arisen due to the lack of leader commitment, lack of apparatus knowledge of mindset and perception as well as limitations in budget, legal support, and socialization. Keywords: government, policy, regulation, regulatory impact assessmen


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi Permendiknas Nomor 2 Tahun 2002 tantang buku dan mendeskripsikan masalah-masalah yang ditimbulkannya. Pene-litian dilaksanakan dengan metode campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif di Kota Depok, Kabupaten Cianjur, Kota Makassar, dan Kabupaten Maros dengan menggunakan angket, wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terfokus untuk mengumpul-kan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Permendiknas yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan buku murah dan berkualitas bagi masyarakat belum sepenuhnya tercapai. Terdapat beragam masalah dalam pelaksanaannya antara lain minimnya sosialisasi, tidak memadainya infra-struktur teknologi informasi, ketidaksesuaian materi dengan kurikulum, rendahnya kualitas cetakan, dan Permendiknas dianggap sebagai kebijakan elitis yang mematikan iklim persaingan usaha.Kata kunci: kebijakan, pelaksanaan, buku cetak, buku sekolah elektronik ______________________________________________________________ IMPLEMENTATION AND ISSUES IN IMPLEMENTATION PERMENDIKNAS NUMBER 2 OF 2008 ON THE BOOK Abstract This research aims to figure out and elaborate the implementation of  Cultural and Educational Ministry’s regulation No 2, 2002 as well as the problems occurring during the implementation. The research was conducted by applying mixed method -qualitative and quantitative- held in Depok City, Cianjur Regency, Makassar City, and Maros Regency using questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussion to collect data. The result shows that the implementation of regulation, which originally aimed to provide affordable and quality book for the people, fails to achieve its purpose. There are various problems found in the implementation, e.g. lack of socialization, lack of information technology infrastructure, unfitness between the materials with the curriculum, lack of printing quality, and the prevailing opinion that the regulation is an elitist policy that kills business competition.Keywords: implementation, policy, education, text boo

    Evaluasi Pemekaran Kabupaten Sambas berdasarkan 1 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 129 Tahun 2007

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    The year 1999 has been marked as the reform era where the old law on regional autonomy has been replaced with the new ones, i.e. Law Number 22 Year 1999 and Law Number 32 Year 2004. These two new laws have promoted the emergence of new local governments throughout Indonesia, as a process of amalgamation. Between 1999 and 2007 there were 173 new local governments emerged. The assumption that amalgamation will bring more fund and development to the new region (local government) has been the reason why this phenomenon emerged. The Municipality of Sambas is one of the examples. This study has been conducted according to Gevernment Regulation number 129 year 2007, to find out whether the municipalityof Sambas was feasible to be amalgamated into three Municipalities. The result of the study shows that based on the indicators stated in Government Regulation Number 129 Year 2007, the amalgamating is not feasible