12,550 research outputs found

    Ownership and Enterprise Performance in the Russian Oil Industry 1992-2012

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    This paper examines enterprise performance in Russian oil companies between 1992 and 2012. The analysis is based upon longitudinal trend output data, and distinguishes between four different types of owners - outsider private, insider private, federal state and regional state. In comparison with previous studies which considered just 1999-2004, and identified outsider private companies as the best performers, this paper finds that over the longer period 1992-2012 federal state and insider private owned companies actually performed best. The explanation for this relates to ‘institutions’ and the business environment

    Increasing the imaging capabilities of multimode fibers by exploiting the properties of highly scattering media

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    We present a novel design that exploits the focusing properties of scattering media to increase the resolution and the working distance of multimode fiber based imaging devices. Placing a highly scattering medium in front of the distal tip of the multimode fiber enables the formation of smaller sized foci at increased working distances away from the fiber tip. We perform a parametric study of the effect of the working distance and the separation between the fiber and the scattering medium on the focus size. We experimentally demonstrate submicron focused spots as far away as 800{\mu}m with 532nm light.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Compressibility and probabilistic proofs

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    We consider several examples of probabilistic existence proofs using compressibility arguments, including some results that involve Lov\'asz local lemma.Comment: Invited talk for CiE 2017 (full version

    Raabes narrativ inszenierter Bilddiskurs als (gesellschafs-)kritscher Aufbruch Richtung Moderne?

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    Das VerhĂ€ltnis von Literatur und Gesellschaft lĂ€sst sich an Wilhelm Raabes spĂ€tem Text ‚Pfisters MĂŒhle‘ als textexterner Antrieb und als textinternes Strukturmoment aufzeigen. Die Frage nach der poetologischen Relevanz des Textes wird textintern aufgegriffen, indem die Kopplung von Frage und potentiellen Antworten durch einen narrativ inszenierten Bilddiskurs dargestellt wird. Dieser Bilddiskurs bildet die Folie fĂŒr eine narrative Selbstreflexion, anhand derer sich die Zeitlosigkeit und Aktualisierbarkeit des Textes zeigt. ‚Pfisters MĂŒhle kann als eine Form von poetologischer Reflexion verstanden werden, da der Text erzĂ€hlend dem ErzĂ€hlen auf den Grund geht und zugleich Narration und Metanarration ist. Gleichzeitig wird auf die Unmöglichkeit eines abschließenden Metadiskurses verwiesen

    The impact of prior information on estimates of disease transmissibility using Bayesian tools

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    The basic reproductive number (R₀) and the distribution of the serial interval (SI) are often used to quantify transmission during an infectious disease outbreak. In this paper, we present estimates of R₀ and SI from the 2003 SARS outbreak in Hong Kong and Singapore, and the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) outbreak in South Africa using methods that expand upon an existing Bayesian framework. This expanded framework allows for the incorporation of additional information, such as contact tracing or household data, through prior distributions. The results for the R₀ and the SI from the influenza outbreak in South Africa were similar regardless of the prior information (R0 = 1.36-1.46, ÎŒ = 2.0-2.7, ÎŒ = mean of the SI). The estimates of R₀ and ÎŒ for the SARS outbreak ranged from 2.0-4.4 and 7.4-11.3, respectively, and were shown to vary depending on the use of contact tracing data. The impact of the contact tracing data was likely due to the small number of SARS cases relative to the size of the contact tracing sample

    Chaos and Order in Models of Black Hole Pairs

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    Chaos in the orbits of black hole pairs has by now been confirmed by several independent groups. While the chaotic behavior of binary black hole orbits is no longer argued, it remains difficult to quantify the importance of chaos to the evolutionary dynamics of a pair of comparable mass black holes. None of our existing approximations are robust enough to offer convincing quantitative conclusions in the most highly nonlinear regime. It is intriguing to note that in three different approximations to a black hole pair built of a spinning black hole and a non-spinning companion, two approximations exhibit chaos and one approximation does not. The fully relativistic scenario of a spinning test-mass around a Schwarzschild black hole shows chaos, as does the Post-Newtonian Lagrangian approximation. However, the approximately equivalent Post-Newtonian Hamiltonian approximation does not show chaos when only one body spins. It is well known in dynamical systems theory that one system can be regular while an approximately related system is chaotic, so there is no formal conflict. However,the physical question remains, Is there chaos for comparable mass binaries when only one object spins? We are unable to answer this question given the poor convergence of the Post-Newtonian approximation to the fully relativistic system. A resolution awaits better approximations that can be trusted in the highly nonlinear regime

    On the approach to equilibrium of an Hamiltonian chain of anharmonic oscillators

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    In this note we study the approach to equilibrium of a chain of anharmonic oscillators. We find indications that a sufficiently large system always relaxes to the usual equilibrium distribution. There is no sign of an ergodicity threshold. The time however to arrive to equilibrium diverges when g→0g \to 0, gg being the anharmonicity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    The non-integrability of the Zipoy-Voorhees metric

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    The low frequency gravitational wave detectors like eLISA/NGO will give us the opportunity to test whether the supermassive compact objects lying at the centers of galaxies are indeed Kerr black holes. A way to do such a test is to compare the gravitational wave signals with templates of perturbed black hole spacetimes, the so-called bumpy black hole spacetimes. The Zipoy-Voorhees (ZV) spacetime (known also as the Îł\gamma spacetime) can be included in the bumpy black hole family, because it can be considered as a perturbation of the Schwarzschild spacetime background. Several authors have suggested that the ZV metric corresponds to an integrable system. Contrary to this integrability conjecture, in the present article it is shown by numerical examples that in general ZV belongs to the family of non-integrable systems.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure
