8 research outputs found

    Frequency Response in Cerebral Palsied Children

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    Frequency response test was employed to explain the servomechanism of cerebral palsy. Twenty cerebral palsied children were tested in comparison with normal subjects. This test made it clear that cerebral palsied patients had their own servomechanism, stability of which, however, was either inferior to normal or so large to make the response sluggish

    Glutei Paralysis and Tendon Transference. An Evaluatian of A Method

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    A method of tendon transference is employed to relieve the poliomyelitic gluteus limp. We believe that in order to remedy the gluteus limp, opposite sacrospinalis muscle is the best choice as a power source because it works synergistic with the affected glutei. On this belief, we have operated on twenty poliomyelitic patients with affected glutei since 1958. The short term results of this experiment have been found to be satisfactory. There remains, however, much problems to be studied in order to find techniques for building up muscle bulk and its size as a power source

    Reconstructive Surgery of Poliomyelitic Disabled Hand and Arm with particular Reference to Opponens Plasty

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    The purpose of this report is to give light on problems concerning surgical reconstruction of the hand and arm disabled by poliomyelitis. Before any surgical intervention, too much attention cannot be placed to the over-all gain sought for the patient. With regard to opponens plasty, it must be emphasized that there are inherent obstacles against the complete reconstruction of poliomyelitic thumb. Authors have come to conclude that no stereotyped measure can be made for any weak thumb

    Glutei Paralysis and Tendon Transference. An Evaluatian of A Method

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    A method of tendon transference is employed to relieve the poliomyelitic gluteus limp. We believe that in order to remedy the gluteus limp, opposite sacrospinalis muscle is the best choice as a power source because it works synergistic with the affected glutei. On this belief, we have operated on twenty poliomyelitic patients with affected glutei since 1958. The short term results of this experiment have been found to be satisfactory. There remains, however, much problems to be studied in order to find techniques for building up muscle bulk and its size as a power source

    Reconstructive Surgery of Poliomyelitic Disabled Hand and Arm with particular Reference to Opponens Plasty

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    The purpose of this report is to give light on problems concerning surgical reconstruction of the hand and arm disabled by poliomyelitis. Before any surgical intervention, too much attention cannot be placed to the over-all gain sought for the patient. With regard to opponens plasty, it must be emphasized that there are inherent obstacles against the complete reconstruction of poliomyelitic thumb. Authors have come to conclude that no stereotyped measure can be made for any weak thumb