49 research outputs found

    Proposed methodology for measurement, survey and assessment of vertical deformation of structures

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    Purpose – Growing awareness of the importance of preserving the built environment has created an increasing demand for experts capable of performing building inspections to ensure a high level of preservation. Technical surveys include a set of procedures and tests that have become essential tools providing the necessary knowledge required for maintenance, preservation and improvement of buildings. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – Within this set of inspection techniques, this paper presents a method developed to produce vertical deformation plans from the levelling data obtained from different floors of a building. It also explains how to perform accurate levelling and an outcome analysis to provide displacement maps. Thus, based upon obtained measurements, it is possible to achieve 2D contour maps and three-dimensional (3D) surface mapping by means of specialized software that is typically used for cartographic and territorial analysis. Findings – The developed methodology provides easier analysis of the deformation of buildings and structures. Consequently, the method produces relatively accurate outcomes that are sufficient to make a proper assessment that facilitates the diagnostic and decision-making process. The case studies analysed show the applicability and usefulness of the procedure. Originality/value – This sustainable and non-destructive system is an essential instrument for providing valuable and useful information to the specialist. The 2D/3D graphical data displays enable easier analysis of survey results, also aiding comprehension of these results in the context of liability claim

    Seismic microzoning maps for restoration of monuments in Seville: Nuestra Señora de los Reyes Convent

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    Historic buildings are the most difficult structures to repair. Materials used in architectural Heritage are not usually adequate to withstand earthquakes. Furthermore, in Spain, seismic standard does not specify the treatment to be performed in these buildings. Nuestra Señora de los Reyes Convent, placed in Seville (Spain), had been acquired as public building for Autonomic Govemment from the beginning of XXI century. Its new use has required prior inspection and monitoring of the building. Collaborating with official refurbishing works, a series of Seville city ground maps have been performed with a database which contains almost 400 prospectings. In addition, university researchers have elaborated new geotechnical documents. As a result of these tests and inspections, researchers ha ve obtained several suggestions for convent restoration works: reinforcing ground properties with injected concrete; using shallow foundations which must have similar properties as historical foundations; and finally, controlling for characteristics of made-ground used for land movements.Governo De PortugalTomar Cidade TempláriaPatrimonio CulturalInstituto Politécnico de TomarConvento de CristoICOMOSSustainable ConstructionI J H S DHeritagescop

    Seismic behavior of Mudejar structures

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    Intensive seismic events show the particular impact of these actions in the destruction of the built heritage. The Mudejar architecture has been analysed from the standpoint of the structural behaviour under seismic actions, trying to verify the response of these buildings if today they needed to face an earthquake. Dynamic analysis in situ of the structural rigidity is proposed for the seismic design, protection and rehabilitation of existing structures. This method makes possible the knowledge of the building, contributing to the restoration works through the proposal of specific constructive solutions according to the particularities of each building.Governo De PortugalTomar Cidade TempláriaPatrimonio CulturalInstituto Politécnico de TomarConvento de CristoICOMOSSustainable ConstructionI J H S DHeritagescop

    Back analysis of the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction from the monitored behaviour of diaphragm walls of Seville’s Underground

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    En este artículo se presenta un ábaco con los valores del coeficiente de balasto horizontal para el cálculo de pantallas en Sevilla. Dichos valores se han extrapolado a partir del comportamiento real en obra de las pantallas, medido con inclinómetros, durante las distintas fases de excavación. Se realiza de inicio un análisis primario utilizando los programas de cálculo Plaxis, Rido y Cype y los valores del coeficiente de balasto de Chadeisson. La comparación y discusión de los resultados obtenidos nos lleva a concluir que los cálculos habituales con Rido y Cype no son fiables para predecir adecuadamente el comportamiento real de las pantallas. Por eso se realiza un análisis paramétrico, variando los valores del coeficiente de balasto, hasta dar con aquéllos que mejor reproducen la realidad medida. Los resultados alcanzados se sintetizan en forma de ábaco para que lo aprendido con la experiencia pueda ser aplicado en futuros trabajos.This paper presents an abacus with the values of the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction for retaining wall analysis in Seville. The aforementioned values have been extrapolated from the actual behaviour on site of the retaining walls, monitored with inclinometers, during the different excavation stages. A primary analysis is carried out initially using the calculation programs Plaxis, Rido and Cype and Chadeisson values of the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction. The comparison and discussion of the achieved results leads us to conclude that the usual calculations with Rido and Cype are not reliable for accurately predicting the actual behaviour of the retaining walls. Due to that a parametric analysis is carried out, varying the values of the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction, until finding those which mach better the measured reality. The obtained results are synthesised in an abacus so that the knowledge learnt through experience can be applied in future works

    La construcción de un hotel sobre los restos tartésicos del Carambolo en Camas (Sevilla)

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    El patrimonio cultural y edificado constituye una fuente de atracción del turismo. Las personas se sienten atraídas por el conocimiento de sus orígenes y antecesores: cómo vivían, cuáles eran sus costumbres y en qué espacio y medio ambiente se desenvolvían. De esta forma, los restos arqueológicos constituyen un punto de atracción hacia el turismo. Si se atrae al turismo, la hostelería también tiene que estar presente

    A case study: the rehabilitation of residential buildings in Parque Alcosa district, analysis of common diseases and intervention proposal

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    La barriada del Parque Alcosa se localiza en el noroeste del núcleo urbano de Sevilla, y está formada por un conjunto de 10.640 viviendas de promoción pública construida durante los años 69-72 por el constructor valenciano Alfredo Corral. Existen tres modelos de edificación diferentes que responden a fases de construcción, siendo objeto de estudio en este artículo la correspondiente a la primera fase, comprendidas por las calles Ciudad de Játiva, Gandía, Sueca, Onteniente, Carcagente, Burjasot, Godella, Alfafar, Buñol, Paterna y Oliva. El presente trabajo expone el análisis de las patologías constructivas comunes existentes en la fase 1 del Parque Alcosa, relacionadas con el carácter potencialmente expansivo de los terrenos donde se ubica. Así mismo se desarrollan las soluciones constructivas de la intervención proyectada, llevado a cabo mediante el programa de Rehabilitación Singular de Edificios de la Empresa Pública del Suelo de Andalucía.The Parque Alcosa district is located in northwestern area of Seville. It consists of 10,640 public housing development,that was promoted throughout the years 69-72 by the builder Alfredo Corral. There are three different building types which correspond to the different building stages. This article focuses on the the first one, which includes the streets, Ciudad de Jativa, Gandía, Sueca, Onteniente, Carcagente, Burjasot, Godella, Alfafar, Buñol, Paterna y Oliva. The present paper provides a constructive analisys of common building pathologies in phase 1 of Parque Alcosa, related to the potentially expansive features of the land where it is located. This paper also describes the structural sollutions for the projected intervention designed by the architect who subscribes, and was supported by the Public Land Company of Andalusia, under the Singular Building Rehabilitation program

    Experimental analysis of slabs foundation by scale models: lightweight slabs by expanded polystyrene blocks opposite solid slabs

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    El objetivo del presente artículo es confirmar el distinto comportamiento que presenta la solución tradicional de losa maciza frente a una aligerada, empleando bloques de poliestireno expandido (EPS) como material aligerante, uniéndose las zonas macizas bajo pilares mediante nervios. Se mantienen por tanto, dos placas, superior e inferior, alrededor de los bloques aligerantes de EPS. Para ello se ha realizado dos modelos a escala, sometiendo cada uno de ellos a una serie de ensayos. Esto se ha podido analizar comparativamente con otros modelos hechos en ordenador, empleando para ello programas de Elementos Finitos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten afirmar que, en situaciones de suelos blandos, con posibles problemas de asientos, la solución planteada presenta importantes ventajas, al disminuir esos asientos en un porcentaje que variará en función de las condiciones particulares. Además de esto, se reducen en gran medida los asientos diferenciales entre apoyos, por lo que la alternativa planteada presenta un comportamiento más uniforme, así como ventajas constructivas.The aim of this work is to confirm the different behavior of traditional solid slab versus lightened solution, using expanded polystyrene (EPS) blocks as a lightening material, joining solid areas under pillars with grating beams. Therefore there are two plates, one of them on the top and the other one on the bottom, covering the EPS blocks. For this purpose, two scale models have been performed, each of them being subjected to a series of tests. These have been able to comparatively analyze with models made in computer, using Finite Element programs. The results obtained allow us to assert that in situations of soft soils, with possible problems of settlements, the proposed solution has significant advantages by reducing this settlement on a percentage it will vary depending on specific conditions. Besides this, it significantly reduces the differential settlements among supports, so this alternative has a more uniform behavior, as well as constructive advantages

    Action protocols for seismic evaluation of structures and damage restoration of residential buildings in Andalusia (Spain): “IT-Sismo” APP

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    The seismotectonic conditions of the Iberian Peninsula trigger the occurrence of earthquakes with an occasional periodicity, but with intensities greater than VI on the European macroseismic scale (EMS). For this reason, local action protocols are required in order to efficiently organise the technical inspections that must be carried out on a massive scale after events such as the earthquakes experienced in the Spanish cities of Lorca (2011) and Melilla (2016). This paper proposes the development of a set of documents for the evaluation and diagnosis of the state of existing buildings and infrastructure regarding seismic activity in Andalusia. With special attention paid to residential typology, approximations have been carried out to the normative context, to general comparatives, to particular analyses of a case studies selection, and to complementary approaches. The results have led to the establishment of two specific protocols. Firstly, the short-term guideline enables the classification of damage and risk levels, and the determination of what immediate interventions should be carried out through the generation of a preliminary on-site report. This activity can be performed by architects and engineers with the help of a mobile-device application (APP IT-Sismo Andalucía). Additionally, a long-term protocol provides calculation procedures and constructive solutions for the improvement of the seismic behaviour of affected buildings. Specially designed tests demonstrate the validity of the protocols and illustrate the need for information and communication technologies (ICT) tools in the evaluation of architectonic technical aspects.Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2007- 2013V Plan Propio de Investigación of the University of Sevill