87,160 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic evaluation of transonic compressor rotors using the finite volume approach

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    Research at NASA Lewis Research Center gave the opportunity to incorporate new control volumes in the Denton 3-D finite-volume time marching code. For duct flows, the new control volumes require no transverse smoothing and this allows calculations with large transverse gradients in properties without significant numerical total pressure losses. Possibilities for improving the Denton code to obtain better distributions of properties through shocks were demonstrated. Much better total pressure distributions through shocks are obtained when the interpolated effective pressure, needed to stabilize the solution procedure, is used to calculate the total pressure. This simple change largely eliminates the undershoot in total pressure down-stream of a shock. Overshoots and undershoots in total pressure can then be further reduced by a factor of 10 by adopting the effective density method, rather than the effective pressure method. Use of a Mach number dependent interpolation scheme for pressure then removes the overshoot in static pressure downstream of a shock. The stability of interpolation schemes used for the calculation of effective density is analyzed and a Mach number dependent scheme is developed, combining the advantages of the correct perfect gas equation for subsonic flow with the stability of 2-point and 3-point interpolation schemes for supersonic flow

    Recognising Desire: A psychosocial approach to understanding education policy implementation and effect

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    It is argued that in order to understand the ways in which teachers experience their work - including the idiosyncratic ways in which they respond to and implement mandated education policy - it is necessary to take account both of sociological and of psychological issues. The paper draws on original research with practising and beginning teachers, and on theories of social and psychic induction, to illustrate the potential benefits of this bipartisan approach for both teachers and researchers. Recognising the significance of (but somewhat arbitrary distinction between) structure and agency in teachers’ practical and ideological positionings, it is suggested that teachers’ responses to local and central policy changes are governed by a mix of pragmatism, social determinism and often hidden desires. It is the often underacknowledged strength of desire that may tip teachers into accepting and implementing policies with which they are not ideologically comfortable

    Effects of wind on turbofan engines in outdoor static test stands

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    Wind can affect measured thrust and can cause turbofan engine speed to fluctuate during outdoor testing. Techniques used at an outdoor test stand at NASA Lewis Research Center to make testing easier and faster and to improve data repeatability include using an inflow control device (ICD) to make fan speed steadier, taking many raw data samples for better averaging, and correcting thrust for wind direction and speed. Data from engine tests are presented to show that the techniques improve repeatability of thrust and airflow measurements under various wind conditions

    Considerations of Air Flow in Combustion Chambers of High-Speed Compression-Ignition Engines

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    The air flow in combustion chambers is divided into three fundamental classes - induced, forced, and residual. A generalized resume is given of the present status of air flow investigations and of the work done at this and other laboratories to determine the direction and velocity of air movement in auxiliary and integral combustion chambers. The effects of air flow on engine performance are mentioned to show that although air flow improves the combustion efficiency, considerable induction, friction, and thermal losses must be guarded against

    Low-threshold analysis of CDMS shallow-site data

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    Data taken during the final shallow-site run of the first tower of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS II) detectors have been reanalyzed with improved sensitivity to small energy depositions. Four ~224 g germanium and two ~105 g silicon detectors were operated at the Stanford Underground Facility (SUF) between December 2001 and June 2002, yielding 118 live days of raw exposure. Three of the germanium and both silicon detectors were analyzed with a new low-threshold technique, making it possible to lower the germanium and silicon analysis thresholds down to the actual trigger thresholds of ~1 and ~2 keV, respectively. Limits on the spin-independent cross section for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) to elastically scatter from nuclei based on these data exclude interesting parameter space for WIMPs with masses below 9 GeV/c^2. Under standard halo assumptions, these data partially exclude parameter space favored by interpretations of the DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT experiments’ data as WIMP signals, and exclude new parameter space for WIMP masses between 3 and 4 GeV/c^2

    Performance of a Compression-ignition Engine with a Precombustion Chamber Having High-Velocity Air Flow

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    Presented here are the results of performance tests made with a single-cylinder, four stroke cycle, compression-ignition engine. These tests were made on a precombustion chamber type of cylinder head designed to have air velocity and tangential air flow in both the chamber and cylinder. The performance was investigated for variable load and engine speed, type of fuel spray, valve opening pressure, injection period and, for the spherical chamber, position of the injection spray relative to the air flow. The pressure variations between the pear-shaped precombustion chamber and the cylinder for motoring and full load conditions were determined with a Farnboro electric indicator. The combustion chamber designs tested gave good mixing of a single compact fuel spray with the air, but did not control the ensuing combustion sufficiently. Relative to each other, the velocity of air flow was too high, the spray dispersion by injection too great, and the metering effect of the cylinder head passage insufficient. The correct relation of these factors is of the utmost importance for engine performance

    The Effect of Connecting-passage Diameter on the Performance of a Compression-ignition Engine with a Precombustion Chamber

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    Results of motoring tests are presented showing the effect of passage diameter on chamber and cylinder compression pressures, maximum pressure differences, and f.m.e.p. over a speed range from 300 to 1,750 r.p.m. Results of engine performance tests are presented which show the effect of passage diameter on m.e.p., explosion pressures, specific fuel consumption, and rates of pressure rise for a range of engine speeds from 500 to 1,500 r.p.m. The cylinder compression pressure, the maximum pressure difference, and the f.m.e.p. decreased rapidly as the passage diameter increased to 29/64 inch, whereas further increase in passage diameter effected only a slight change. The most suitable passage diameter for good engine performance and operating characteristics was 29/64 inch. Passage diameter became less critical with a decrease in engine speed. Therefore, the design should be based on maximum operating speed. Optimum performance and satisfactory combustion control could not be obtained by means of any single diameter of the connecting passage

    Components required for in vitro cleavage and polyadenylation of eukaryotic mRNA

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    We have studied in vitro cleavage/polyadenylation of precursor RNA containing herpes simplex virus type 2 poly A site sequences and have analysed four RNA/protein complexes which form during in vitro reactions. Two complexes, A and B, form extremely rapidly and are then progressively replaced by a third complex, C which is produced following cleavage and polyadenylation of precursor RNA. Substitution of ATP with cordycepin triphosphate prevents polyadenylation and the formation of complex C however a fourth complex, D, results which contains cleaved RNA. A precursor RNA lacking GU-rich downstream sequences required for efficient cleavage/ polyadenylation fails to form complex B and produces a markedly reduced amount of complex A. As these GU-rich sequences are required for efficient cleavage, this establishes a relationship between complex B formation and cleavage/polyadenylation of precursor RNA in vitro. The components required for in vitro RNA processing have been separated by fractionation of the nuclear extract on Q-Sepharose and Biorex 70 columns. A Q-Sepharose fraction forms complex B but does not process RNA. Addition of a Biorex 70 fraction restores cleavage activity at the poly A site but this fraction does not appear to contribute to complex formation. Moreover, in the absence of polyethylene glycol, precursor RNA is not cleaved and polyadenylated, however, complexes A and B readily form. Thus, while complex B is necessary for in vitro cleavage and polyadenylation, it may not contain all the components required for this processing

    Charge control experiments on a CH-53E helicopter in a dusty environment

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    Charge control tests were carried out on a ground based, Marine Corps helicopter to determine if control of the electric fields acting on the engine exhaust gases could be used to reduce the electrification of the helicopter when it operated in a dusty atmosphere. The test aircraft was flown to a dusty, unpaved area and was then isolated electrically from the earth. When the helicopter engines were operated at ground idle with the rotor locked, the isolated aircraft charged positively, as had been observed previously. However, when the rotor brake was released and the turning rotor created a downdraft that raised dust clouds, the aircraft always became charged more positively, to potentials ranging form +30 to +45 kV. The dust clouds raised by the rotor downwash invariably carried negative space charges with concentrations of up to -100 nC/cu m and caused surface electric fields with strengths of up to 10 kV/m immediately down wind of the aircraft. The natural charging of the helicopter operating in these dust clouds was successfully opposed by control of the electric fields acting on the hot, electrically conductive exhaust gases. The control was achieved by placing electrostatic shield around the exhausts

    Combined limits on WIMPs from the CDMS and EDELWEISS experiments

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    The CDMS and EDELWEISS collaborations have combined the results of their direct searches for dark matter using cryogenic germanium detectors. The total data set represents 614  kg·days equivalent exposure. A straightforward method of combination was chosen for its simplicity before data were exchanged between experiments. The results are interpreted in terms of limits on spin-independent weakly interacting, massive particle (WIMP)-nucleon cross section. For a WIMP mass of 90  GeV/c^2, where this analysis is most sensitive, a cross section of 3.3×10^(-44)  cm^2 is excluded at 90% C.L. At higher WIMP masses, the combination improves the individual limits, by a factor 1.6 above 700  GeV/c^2. Alternative methods of combining the data provide stronger constraints for some ranges of WIMP masses and weaker constraints for others
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