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    Körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit von professionellen Feuerwehrmännern

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    The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) screening the physical fitness of a professional fire-brigade and (2) testing the influence of a training program on the physical fitness of professional firemen. The sample consisted of 95 professional firemen (42.0 ± 9.1 years) of a professional fire-brigade in Belgium. Stature and body mass were measured. Body composition was estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Physical condition was determined using the EUROFIT test battery. During 4 months the subjects performed an exercise program twice a week. High values for body mass index (BMI) (27.1±3.3kg/m2) and percentage of body fat (26.0±4.9%), and a low score for endurance capacity were observed. Correlation analyses demonstrate that motor capacity decreases with ageing. Analysing the differences (Test session 2 - Test session 1) indicates that there were no significant changes in physical fitness over the 4-month training period. Comparing the two groups with the different number of training sessions attended did not reveal any significant differences between the two groups. It can be concluded that (1) the firemen of the fire-brigade under study were rather old, had a high BMI and a high percentage of body fat; (2) the performance at the endurance shuttle run did not reach the anticipated standard; (3) the training program did not gain the desired results.Uvod Posao vatrogasca jedan je od tjelesno najzahtjevnijih. Ekstremno visoki profesionalni fizički zahtjevi rezultiraju velikim brojem ozljeda na radu, pa čak i visokom incidencijom prijevremene smrti. Očigledno je, promatra li se sigurnost vatrogasca u odnosu na ostatak populacije, da vatrogasci trebaju biti u odličnoj tjelesnoj kondiciji da bi bili sposobni obavljati tako zahtjevan posao. Potrebno je uravnotežiti profesionalna opterećenja s mogućnostima pojedinog vatrogasca, što je određeno različitim faktorima, kao što su dob, antropometrijske karakteristike (postotak masnog tkiva, bezmasna tjelesna masa, indeks tjelesne mase) i motoričke sposobnosti (snaga i izdržljivost). Pokazalo se da su vatrogasni zadaci, kao što su penjanje do požarnih izlaza, poslovi na dizalici, razvaljivanje ulaza i spašavanje žrtava, značajno povezani s nekim čimbenicima kao što su visina, tjelesna masa, bezmasna tjelesna masa, postotak masnog tkiva, snaga stiska šake, broj izvedenih sklekova, broj izvedenih “trbušnjaka” i izdržljivost. Istraživači u raznim zemljama (npr. Francuskoj, Kanadi, SAD-u) dosta su proučavali fizičku pripremu vatrogasaca. Svaki vatrogasac trenira barem dva puta tjedno kako bi unaprijedio svoju mišićnu snagu, izdržljivost i kardiovaskularni status te kako bi smanjio postotak masnog tkiva i povecao mišićnu masu Te su aktivnosti nužne za održanje fizičke pripremljenosti vatorgasaca. U Belgiji gotovo da i nema istraživanja koja su se bavila vatrogascima. Svrha ovog istraživanja je dvostruka: (1) ispitati fizičku pripremljenost profesionalne vatrogasne jedinice i (2) provjeriti utjecaj trenažnog programa na razinu fizičke pripremljenosti te grupe. Metoda Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 95 profesionalnih vatrogasaca (42.0 ± 9.1 god.). Izmjerena im je tjelesna visina i tjelesna masa. Sastav tijela procijenjen je pomocu BIA. Tjelesna sposobnost određena im je uz pomoć baterije testova EUROFIT. Kroz period od četiri mjeseca ispitanici (N=81) su sudjelovali u programu vježbanja u okviru kojega su radili na unapređenju različitih komponenata fizičke pripreme. Vatrogasci su vježbali dva puta tjedno po 45 minuta pod vodstvom dva trenera. Svaki je trening bio isplaniran tako da je naglasak bio na razvoju različite komponente fizičke pripremljenosti, ali nije bilo ciljanog treninga glede različitih testova baterije EUROFIT. Pojedini treninzi bili su organizirani u okviru dva radna sata u vatrogasnoj stanici. Kako pohađanje treninga nije bilo obvezno, broj ispitanika po pojedinom treningu varirao je od 0 do 23, u prosjeku 13 po treningu. Prisustvovanje treninzima se bilježilo tako da se taj faktor mogao uzeti u obzir u okviru analize rezultata. Rezultati Izmjerene su visoke vrijednosti BMI (27.1±3.3 kg/m2) i postotka masnog tkiva (26.0±4.9%), kao i niska razina tjelesne izdržljivosti. Korelacijska analiza pokazala je da se motorički kapacitet smanjuje sa životnom dobi. Analiza razlika pokazuje da nema statistički značajnih razlika u tjelesnoj sposobnosti nakon provedenog četveromjesečnog trenažnog programa u odnosu na inicijalno stanje. Usporedba dviju grupa s obzirom na razlicit broj ispitanika koji su prisustvovali pojedinim treninzima nije pokazala statistički značajne razlike u tjelesnoj pripremljenosti. Zaključak Može se zaključiti da su (1) vatrogasci ispitivane vatrogasne jedinice prilično stari, visokih vrijednosti indeksa tjelesne mase te imaju visok postotak masnog tkiva; (2) ispitanici nisu postigli zadane norme u primjenjivanom zadatku izdržljivosti, (3) trenažni program nije polučio željene rezultate.Das Ziel dieser Studie war zweifach: die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit von professionellen Feuerwehrmännern zu überprüfen, und 2) den Einfluss eines Trainingsprogramms auf die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit von professionellen Feuerwehrmännern zu testen. 95 professionelle Feuwerwehrmänner (die 42,0±9,1 Jahre alt waren) aus einer professionellen Feuerwehr aus Belgien nahmen an dieser Forschung teil. Es wurden sowohl die Statur und als auch die Hörpermasse gemessen. Die Hörperzusammensetzung wurde mittels der bioelektrischen Impedanzanalyse (BIA) geschätzt. Die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit wurde mittels der EUROFIT-Testbatterie festgestellt. Während des viermonatigen Zeitraumes nahmen die Probanden zweimal pro Woche an einem Übungsprogram teil. Es wurden hohe Werte des Hörpermassenindexes (27,1±3,3kg/m2) und des Anteils vom Hörperfett (26,0±4,9%) erhalten, aber die Werte der Ausdauerkapazität waren niedrig. Die Horrelationsanalysen zeigten, dass sich die motorische Fähigkeit mit dem Alter verringert. Die Analyse von Unterschieden (Testmessung 2 – Testmessung 1) zeigte, dass bei den Feuerwehrmännern keine bedeutende Unterschiede in der körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit nach dem viermonatigen Trainingszeitraum entstanden. Der Vergleich von zwei Gruppen, die unterschiedlich oft an den Trainingsstunden teilgenommen haben, zeigte keine bedeutenden Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen. Aufgrund der durchgeführten Studie sind die folgenden Schlussfolgerungen möglich: 1) Die Feuerwehrmänner, die an der Forschung teilgenommen haben, waren ziemlich alt, sie hatten sowohl einen hohen Hörpermassenindex als auch den hohen Anteil vom Hörperfett. 2) Die Ergebnisse des Ausdauer- Pendellaufes haben die antizipierte Norm nicht erreicht. 3) Das Trainingsprogram hat die gewünschten Ergebnisse nicht erreicht

    A hydroxypyrone-based inhibitor of metalloproteinase-12 displays neuroprotective properties in both status epilepticus and optic nerve crush animal models

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    Recently, we showed that matrix metalloproteinase-12 (MMP-12) is highly expressed in microglia and myeloid infiltrates, which are presumably involved in blood\u2013brain barrier (BBB) leakage and subsequent neuronal cell death that follows status epilepticus (SE). Here, we assessed the effects of a hydroxypyrone-based inhibitor selective for MMP-12 in the pilocarpine-induced SE rat model to determine hippocampal cell survival. In the hippocampus of rats treated with pilocarpine, intra-hippocampal injections of the MMP-12 inhibitor protected Cornu Ammonis 3 (CA3) and hilus of dentate gyrus neurons against cell death and limited the development of the ischemic-like lesion that typically develops in the CA3 stratum lacunosum-moleculare of the hippocampus. Furthermore, we showed that MMP-12 inhibition limited immunoglobulin G and albumin extravasation after SE, suggesting a reduction in BBB leakage. Finally, to rule out any possible involvement of seizure modulation in the neuroprotective effects of MMP-12 inhibition, neuroprotection was also observed in the retina of treated animals after optic nerve crush. Overall, these results support the hypothesis that MMP-12 inhibition can directly counteract neuronal cell death and that the specific hydroxypyrone-based inhibitor used in this study could be a potential therapeutic agent against neurological diseases/disorders characterized by an important inflammatory response and/or neuronal cell loss

    Prognostic factors for adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19: a field-wide systematic review and meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: The individual prognostic factors for COVID-19 are unclear. For this reason, we aimed to present a state-of-the-art systematic review and meta-analysis on the prognostic factors for adverse outcomes in COVID-19 patients. METHODS: We systematically reviewed PubMed from January 1, 2020 to July 26, 2020 to identify non-overlapping studies examining the association of any prognostic factor with any adverse outcome in patients with COVID-19. Random-effects meta-analysis was performed, and between-study heterogeneity was quantified using I2 metric. Presence of small-study effects was assessed by applying the Egger's regression test. RESULTS: We identified 428 eligible articles, which were used in a total of 263 meta-analyses examining the association of 91 unique prognostic factors with 11 outcomes. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, obstructive sleep apnea, pharyngalgia, history of venous thromboembolism, sex, coronary heart disease, cancer, chronic liver disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia, any immunosuppressive medication, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatological disease and smoking were associated with at least one outcome and had >1000 events, p-value <0.005, I2 <50%, 95% prediction interval excluding the null value, and absence of small-study effects in the respective meta-analysis. The risk of bias assessment using the Quality In Prognosis Studies tool indicated high risk of bias in 302 of 428 articles for study participation, 389 articles for adjustment for other prognostic factors, and 396 articles for statistical analysis and reporting. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings could be used for prognostic model building and guide patients' selection for randomised clinical trials

    Intestinal fibrosis is reduced by early elimination of inflammation in a mouse model of IBD: Impact of a “Top‐Down” approach to intestinal fibrosis in mice

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    Background: The natural history of Crohn's disease follows a path of progression from an inflammatory to a fibrostenosing disease, with most patients requiring surgical resection of fibrotic strictures. Potent antiinflammatory therapies reduce inflammation but do not appear to alter the natural history of intestinal fibrosis. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between intestinal inflammation and fibrogenesis and the impact of a very early “top‐down” interventional approach on fibrosis in vivo. Methods: In this study we removed the inflammatory stimulus from the Salmonella typhimurium mouse model of intestinal fibrosis by eradicating the S. typhimurium infection with levofloxacin at sequential timepoints during the infection. We evaluated the effect of this elimination of the inflammatory stimulus on the natural history of inflammation and fibrosis as determined by gross pathology, histopathology, mRNA expression, and protein expression. Results: Fibrogenesis is preceded by inflammation. Delayed eradication of the inflammatory stimulus by antibiotic treatment represses inflammation without preventing fibrosis. Early intervention significantly ameliorates but does not completely prevent subsequent fibrosis. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that intestinal fibrosis develops despite removal of an inflammatory stimulus and elimination of inflammation. Early intervention ameliorates but does not abolish subsequent fibrosis, suggesting that fibrosis, once initiated, is self‐propagating, suggesting that a very early top‐down interventional approach may have the most impact on fibrostenosing disease. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2012;)Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90367/1/21812_ftp.pd

    FELASA recommendations for the rehoming of animals used for scientific and educational purposes

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    Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 22 September 2010 states that at the end of a procedure, the most appropriate decision on the future of an animal previously used or intended for use in scientific procedures should be taken on the basis of animal welfare and potential risks to the environment. Member States may allow animals to be rehomed provided the health of the animal allows it, there is no danger to public health, animal health or the environment and if appropriate measures have been taken to safeguard the wellbeing of the animal. In countries where rehoming is permitted, it is the responsibility of the Animal Welfare Body to advise on a rehoming scheme which must include appropriate socialization in order to help facilitate successful rehoming, avoid unnecessary distress to the animals and guarantee public safety. This paper reviews the EU legislation, existing guidance, current literature and best practice to define rehoming, sets out general considerations for rehoming laboratory animals including socialization and provides practical advice on the steps required in a rehoming scheme. For those species most frequently rehomed, more detailed species-specific sections are included

    Excluding venous thromboembolism using point of care D-dimer tests in outpatients: a diagnostic meta-analysis

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    Objective To review the evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of the currently available point of care D-dimer tests for excluding venous thromboembolism

    Characterizing microglia activation: a spatial statistics approach to maximize information extraction

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    Microglia play an important role in the pathology of CNS disorders, however, there remains significant uncertainty about the neuroprotective/degenerative role of these cells due to a lack of techniques to adequately assess their complex behaviour in response to injury. Advancing microscopy techniques, transgenic lines and well-characterized molecular markers, have made histological assessment of microglia populations more accessible. However, there is a distinct lack of tools to adequately extract information from these images to fully characterise microglia behaviour. This, combined with growing economic pressures and the ethical need to minimise the use of laboratory animals, led us to develop tools to maximise the amount of information obtained. This study describes a novel approach, combining image analysis with spatial statistical techniques. In addition to monitoring morphological parameters and global changes in microglia density, nearest neighbour distance, and regularity index, we used cluster analyses based on changes in soma size and roundness to yield novel insights into the behaviour of different microglia phenotypes in a murine optic nerve injury model. These methods should be considered a generic tool to quantitatively assess microglia activation, to profile phenotypic changes into microglia subpopulations, and to map spatial distributions in virtually every CNS region and disease state