1 research outputs found

    dryad data

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    This spreadsheet contains the combined data gathered from individual Vespula vulgaris workers. Nestcode: nests ordered by size from A to F; FatherID, MotherID: codes for a workers father and mother; cqpros, cqeif, cqdicer, cqkiller, cqkbv: Cq (gene expression) values of Eif3-S8, Pros54, Dicer, Superkiller, and the virus Kashmir Bee Virus (KBV), mean cqref: mean of cqpros and cqeif; dcqdicer, dcqkiller, dcqkbv: delta cq values relative to reference gene expression (mean cqref); nest area, worker area, queen area: area of all, worker or queen cells respectively; total cell, worker cell, queen cell: calculated number of cells in respective areas; k: number of fathers; ke3: effective paternity; ped_R: pedigree relatedness