23 research outputs found

    Fronteira de desigualdade regional: Brasil (1872-2000)

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    Milanovic, Lindert and Williamson (2007) introduced the concept of the inequality possibility frontier. Their starting point is that very poor societies will never display high Gini indexes of personal distribution of income because there is very little surplus to be appropriated by the upper classes of these societies. The inequality possibility frontier is the maximum level of inequality possible at each level of income. This paper extends the concept to cover regional cases. Countries with populations close to subsistence level inevitably display low regional inequality of income per capita. Rising levels of wealth imply higher attainable degrees of regional inequality. The concepts of regional inequality frontier and regional inequality ratio are presented in this paper, and are illustrated by the case of Brazil between 1872 and 2000

    Immigration and the origins of regional inequality: Government-sponsored European migration to Southern Brazil before World War I

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    This paper studies the long-term consequences of the government-sponsored programs of European immigration to Southern Brazil before the Great War. We find that the municipalities closer to the original sites of nineteenth century government sponsored settlements (colônias) have higher per capita income, less poverty and dependence on Bolsa Família cash transfers, better health and education outcomes; and for the areas close to German colonies, also less inequality of income and educational outcomes than otherwise. Since that is a reduced form relationship, we then attempt to identify the relative importance of more egalitarian landholdings and higher initial human capital in determining those outcomes. Our findings are suggestive that more egalitarian land distribution played a more important role than higher initial human capital in achieving the good outcomes associated with closeness to a colônia.Brazil; Migration; Rio Grande do Sul; German migration; Italian migration; New World; Land distribution; Human capital; Economic history of Latin America

    Uma Análise Espacial do Crescimento Econômico do Rio Grande do Sul (1939-2001)

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    This work applies spatial econometrics to analyze the economic growth of Rio Grande do Sul 58 statistical comparable areas between 1939 and 2001. Moran-I tests suggest that rich areas had rich neighbors, and poor ones were agglomerated on poor neighborhoods. Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) indicates that high grown clusters are located on the Serra region and the low ones on the Campanha region. The standard model indicates absolute ?-convergence, but it also shows spatial autocorrelation. In order to deal with it, spatial lag and error models were tested. Both performed better than the standard model, and the spatial error seems to be the best option. Tests of structural break indicate that the Campanha region, the south of the state, has a different spatial regime than the rest of the state. Again, spatial error and lag models are appropriate; and the former has the best fittingEconometria Espacial, Convergência, ESDA


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    This work applies spatial econometrics to analyze the economic growth of Rio Grande do Sul 58 statistical comparable areas between 1939 and 2001. Moran-I tests suggest that rich areas had rich neighbors, and poor ones were agglomerated on poor neighborhoods. Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) indicates that high grown clusters are located on the Serra region and the low ones on the Campanha region. The standard model indicates absolute (-convergence, but it also shows spatial autocorrelation. In order to deal with it, spatial lag and error models were tested. Both performed better than the standard model, and the spatial error seems to be the best option. Tests of structural break indicate that the Campanha region, the south of the state, has a different spatial regime than the rest of the state. Again, spatial error and lag models are appropriate; and the former has the best fitting.


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    This paper analyzes the heights of the Brazilian people using anthropometric and economic data from the Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) 2002-2003. The literature suggests that height is a good proxy of the physical life conditions of the populations. The tabulations of POF microdata indicate that the difference among the heights of 21 and 65-year-old men is circa 6 centimeters. The same value, by chance, represents the difference on the stature of the poorest and richest quintiles. There are also steady regional differences; in the North and Northeast, the heights are about 2 centimeters lower than the national average, for any cohort. Regression analyses show that proxy variables related to life conditions during body growth and regional dummies were statistically significant causes of the variation on the height of individuals. In contrast, color, urban/rural and inequality variables were not significant. The results replicate what the historiography on life conditions and stature says: the social environment has a significant impact on the average height of the populations.

    Growth and inequalities of height in Brazil (1939-1981)

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    This paper analyzes the heights of Brazilian people using anthropometric and economic data. The literature suggests that height is a good proxy of the material living conditions of different populations. Data indicate that the difference between the heights of 21 and 65-year-old men is approximately six centimetres. The same value, by coincidence, represents the difference in the stature of the poorest and richest quintiles. Adjusted data show an increase of 3.8 centimetres in the heights of adult male Brazilians born between 1939 and 1981. There are also stable regional differences; in the North and Northeast of the country, heights are about two centimetres lower than the national average for all groups. Regression analyses show that proxy variables related to living conditions during bodily growth, and using regional dummies, were statistically significant causes of the variation in the heights of individuals. In contrast, colour, urban/rural, and inequality variables were not significant. The results replicate what the historiography of the relation between living conditions and stature makes clear: the social environment has a significant impact on the average height of populations


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    Este artigo analisa os mecanismos da discriminação com base na ancestralidade dos trabalhadores brasileiros. O estudo utiliza informações de sobrenomes para identificar grupos de ancestralidades e examina se houve discriminação em favor de indivíduos com ancestralidade germânica após a derrota da seleção brasileira de futebol na Copa do Mundo de 2014. Limitando a nossa análise nos trabalhadores que apenas entraram no mercado de trabalho formal em 2014, antes e depois do jogo em questão, estimamos regressões mincerianas com controles baseados na ancestralidade indicada pelos sobrenomes e modelos probit para a obtenção do primeiro emprego. Os resultados mostram que a vitória da Alemanha teve um impacto positivo nos salários dos trabalhadores com sobrenomes germânicos, mas também resultou em uma redução na probabilidade desses trabalhadores serem contratados. Foram observados impactos menores para trabalhadores com sobrenomes italianos, ibéricos e japoneses, com efeitos positivos para os primeiros e negativo para os japoneses. O estudo contribui para uma compreensão mais ampla dos efeitos econômicos de eventos socioculturais e se relaciona com pesquisas anteriores que exploram os impactos da ancestralidade nos salários e na probabilidade de contratação no mercado de trabalho

    Immigration and the origins of regional inequality: Government-sponsored European migration to Southern Brazil before World War I

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    This paper studies the long-term consequences of the government-sponsored programs of European immigration to Southern Brazil before the Great War. We find that the municipalities closer to the original sites of nineteenth century government sponsored settlements (colônias) have higher per capita income, less poverty and dependence on Bolsa Família cash transfers, better health and education outcomes; and for the areas close to German colonies, also less inequality of income and educational outcomes than otherwise. Since that is a reduced form relationship, we then attempt to identify the relative importance of more egalitarian landholdings and higher initial human capital in determining those outcomes. Our findings are suggestive that more egalitarian land distribution played a more important role than higher initial human capital in achieving the good outcomes associated with closeness to a colônia

    Estrutura espacial das aglomerações e determinação dos salários industriais no Rio Grande do Sul

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    This paper estimates the effects of agglomeration economies on the wages of industrial workers in Rio Grande do Sul. The techniques of Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Data have been used to locate the clusters of the state industry in 2000. This information was then added to census microdata in order to run wage regressions inspired by the empirical tests of the New Economic Geography models (Hanson, 1998, specially). The results were statistically and economically significant: even when controlled by demographic variables, the individual wages of industrial workers were higher in larger and more urbanized cities closer to the economic centre of the Rio Grande do Sul. This suggests how intense the economic forces that shape the spatial structure of the state are.Neste trabalho, estimam-se os efeitos das economias de aglomeração nos salários dos trabalhadores industriais, no Rio Grande do Sul. Para tal, utilizam- -se os recursos da análise exploratória de dados espaciais para localizar os “clusters” da indústria gaúcha em 2000. Em seguida, combinam-se tais informações a microdados censitários e estimam-se regressões salariais inspiradas nos testes empíricos associados aos modelos da Nova Geografia Econômica (Hanson, 1998, em especial). Os resultados mostram-se estatística e economicamente significantes: mesmo quando controlados por variáveis demográficas, os salários individuais dos trabalhadores industriais são maiores nas cidades mais urbanizadas, com maior população e mais próximas do centro econômico do Rio Grande do Sul. Isso sugere o quão intensas são as forças econômicas que determinam a estrutura espacial produtiva no Estado. Palavras-chave Economia regional; Nova Geografia Econômica; análise exploratória de dados

    Growth and inequalities of height in Brazil (1939-1981)

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    This paper analyzes the heights of Brazilian people using anthropometric and economic data. The literature suggests that height is a good proxy of the material living conditions of different populations. Data indicate that the difference between the heights of 21 and 65-year-old men is approximately six centimetres. The same value, by coincidence, represents the difference in the stature of the poorest and richest quintiles. Adjusted data show an increase of 3.8 centimetres in the heights of adult male Brazilians born between 1939 and 1981. There are also stable regional differences; in the North and Northeast of the country, heights are about two centimetres lower than the national average for all groups. Regression analyses show that proxy variables related to living conditions during bodily growth, and using regional dummies, were statistically significant causes of the variation in the heights of individuals. In contrast, colour, urban/rural, and inequality variables were not significant. The results replicate what the historiography of the relation between living conditions and stature makes clear: the social environment has a significant impact on the average height of populations