2,838 research outputs found

    Neural network modelling of a boiler combustion system

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    Boiler combustion systems represent highly nonlinear systems with associated lags and delays which depend on operating point. Such systems represent a significant challenge to the control engineer. In this paper, we present a model typical of a medium-size industrial boiler, which highlights the difficulties associated with such systems. As a starting point for nonlinear control design, we demonstrate how a neural network may be used to obtain a concise functional description of the system, initially for fixed operating points and then for variation over the full range of operation

    Random acyclic networks

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    Directed acyclic graphs are a fundamental class of networks that includes citation networks, food webs, and family trees, among others. Here we define a random graph model for directed acyclic graphs and give solutions for a number of the model's properties, including connection probabilities and component sizes, as well as a fast algorithm for simulating the model on a computer. We compare the predictions of the model to a real-world network of citations between physics papers and find surprisingly good agreement, suggesting that the structure of the real network may be quite well described by the random graph.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Localization Transition of Biased Random Walks on Random Networks

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    We study random walks on large random graphs that are biased towards a randomly chosen but fixed target node. We show that a critical bias strength b_c exists such that most walks find the target within a finite time when b>b_c. For b<b_c, a finite fraction of walks drifts off to infinity before hitting the target. The phase transition at b=b_c is second order, but finite size behavior is complex and does not obey the usual finite size scaling ansatz. By extending rigorous results for biased walks on Galton-Watson trees, we give the exact analytical value for b_c and verify it by large scale simulations.Comment: 4 pages, includes 4 figure

    Interfaces and the edge percolation map of random directed networks

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    The traditional node percolation map of directed networks is reanalyzed in terms of edges. In the percolated phase, edges can mainly organize into five distinct giant connected components, interfaces bridging the communication of nodes in the strongly connected component and those in the in- and out-components. Formal equations for the relative sizes in number of edges of these giant structures are derived for arbitrary joint degree distributions in the presence of local and two-point correlations. The uncorrelated null model is fully solved analytically and compared against simulations, finding an excellent agreement between the theoretical predictions and the edge percolation map of synthetically generated networks with exponential or scale-free in-degree distribution and exponential out-degree distribution. Interfaces, and their internal organization giving place from "hairy ball" percolation landscapes to bottleneck straits, could bring new light to the discussion of how structure is interwoven with functionality, in particular in flow networks.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    The Balkan Aegean migrations revisited: changes in material culture and settlement patterns in the late bronze age central Balkans in light of new data

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    Alleged “Aegean migrations” have long been seen as underlying major transformations in lifeways and identity in the Balkans in the 12th–11th centuries BC. Revisiting the material culture and settlement changes in the north-south “routeway” of the Velika Morava–Južna Morava–Vardar/Axios river valleys, this paper evaluates developments within local communities. It is argued that mobility played an important role in social change, including an element of inward migration from the north. We argue that rather than an Aegean end point, these river valleys themselves were the destination of migrants. The prosperity this stimulated within those communities led to increased networks of personal mobility that incorporated elements from communities from the wider Carpathians and the north of Greece over the course of two centuries

    Properties of Random Graphs with Hidden Color

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    We investigate in some detail a recently suggested general class of ensembles of sparse undirected random graphs based on a hidden stub-coloring, with or without the restriction to nondegenerate graphs. The calculability of local and global structural properties of graphs from the resulting ensembles is demonstrated. Cluster size statistics are derived with generating function techniques, yielding a well-defined percolation threshold. Explicit rules are derived for the enumeration of small subgraphs. Duality and redundancy is discussed, and subclasses corresponding to commonly studied models are identified.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    A dissemination strategy for immunizing scale-free networks

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    We consider the problem of distributing a vaccine for immunizing a scale-free network against a given virus or worm. We introduce a new method, based on vaccine dissemination, that seems to reflect more accurately what is expected to occur in real-world networks. Also, since the dissemination is performed using only local information, the method can be easily employed in practice. Using a random-graph framework, we analyze our method both mathematically and by means of simulations. We demonstrate its efficacy regarding the trade-off between the expected number of nodes that receive the vaccine and the network's resulting vulnerability to develop an epidemic as the virus or worm attempts to infect one of its nodes. For some scenarios, the new method is seen to render the network practically invulnerable to attacks while requiring only a small fraction of the nodes to receive the vaccine

    Matchings and loose cycles in the semirandom hypergraph model

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    We study the 2-offer semirandom 3-uniform hypergraph model on nn vertices. At each step, we are presented with 2 uniformly random vertices. We choose any other vertex, thus creating a hyperedge of size 3. We show a strategy that constructs a perfect matching, and another that constructs a loose Hamilton cycle, both succeeding asymptotically almost surely within Θ(n)\Theta(n) steps. Both results extend to ss-uniform hypergraphs. Much of the analysis is done on an auxiliary graph that is a uniform kk-out subgraph of a random bipartite graph, and this tool may be useful in other contexts

    Percolation transition and distribution of connected components in generalized random network ensembles

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    In this work, we study the percolation transition and large deviation properties of generalized canonical network ensembles. This new type of random networks might have a very rich complex structure, including high heterogeneous degree sequences, non-trivial community structure or specific spatial dependence of the link probability for networks embedded in a metric space. We find the cluster distribution of the networks in these ensembles by mapping the problem to a fully connected Potts model with heterogeneous couplings. We show that the nature of the Potts model phase transition, linked to the birth of a giant component, has a crossover from second to first order when the number of critical colors qc=2q_c = 2 in all the networks under study. These results shed light on the properties of dynamical processes defined on these network ensembles.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figure

    Evolution equation for a model of surface relaxation in complex networks

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    In this paper we derive analytically the evolution equation of the interface for a model of surface growth with relaxation to the minimum (SRM) in complex networks. We were inspired by the disagreement between the scaling results of the steady state of the fluctuations between the discrete SRM model and the Edward-Wilkinson process found in scale-free networks with degree distribution P(k)kλ P(k) \sim k^{-\lambda} for λ<3\lambda <3 [Pastore y Piontti {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 76}, 046117 (2007)]. Even though for Euclidean lattices the evolution equation is linear, we find that in complex heterogeneous networks non-linear terms appear due to the heterogeneity and the lack of symmetry of the network; they produce a logarithmic divergency of the saturation roughness with the system size as found by Pastore y Piontti {\it et al.} for λ<3\lambda <3.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure