82 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a New Standardized Nasal Sampling Method for Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA via RT-PCR

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    The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of nasal sampling using a novel anterior nasal swab (ANS) (Rhinoswab) versus combined oro-nasopharyngeal (OP/NP) sampling in COVID-19 suspected patients. This prospective observational study was performed from 11 November to 2 December 2021 (part 1), and from 16 January to 22 February 2022 (part 2). Adult patients who attended the emergency room with suspected COVID-19 were asked to participate. One ANS and one OP/NP sample were consecutively collected, and both were analyzed via reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The result of the OP/NP sample was considered to be the reference standard. A total of 412 patients were included, of whom 171 (41.5%) had a positive RT-PCR of the OP/NP swab, whereas 139 (33.7%) were positive on the ANS sample. The overall diagnostic accuracy for ANS sampling in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value was 80.7% (95% CI 73.8–86.2), 99.6% (95% CI 97.3–100), 99.3% (95% CI 95.5–100), and 87.9% (95% CI 83.3–91.4), respectively. In conclusion, ANS sampling with the Rhinoswab identified 80.7% of all presented COVID-19 patients in an emergency department. Future studies should investigate if nasal Rhinoswab self-sampling is suitable for reliable diagnosis of COVID-19 in an outpatient setting

    Evaluation of information in summaries of product characteristics (SMPCs) on the use of a medicine in patients with hepatic impairment

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    Background: In 2005, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) released guidance on pharmacokinetic studies in patients with hepatic impairment. This guidance describes the design of these studies and what information should be presented in the Summary of Product

    Samen de lat hoger leggen: Onderzoek naar de governance en het tuchtrecht voor veilige en integere sport

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    Veiligheid in de sport staat steeds meer in de aandacht. Zaken rond machtsmisbruik en (seksuele) intimidatie hebben grote impact op betrokkenen. Daarnaast heeft de sport te maken met integriteitsproblemen rond doping, matchfixing en criminele inmenging. Het blijkt moeilijk om misstanden effectief aan te pakken: er zijn veel partijen en belangen betrokken, die elk hun rol moeten pakken binnen hun deel van het stelsel. Daarom heeft het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS) gevraagd om een onderzoek naar de governance en het tuchtrecht van veiligheid en integriteit in de sport. Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd door Andersson Elffers Felix (AEF) in samenwerking met Mulier Instituut, de Universiteit Utrecht, en Kennedy Van der Laan. Doel van het onderzoek is om in beeld te krijgen hoe taken, rollen en verantwoordelijkheden zijn verdeeld in het landschap van sport en overheid. Wie draagt welke verantwoordelijkheid om veiligheid en integriteit te bevorderen? En hoe kan dit stelsel effectiever georganiseerd worden, zodat misstanden beter kunnen worden aangepakt en waar mogelijk voorkomen? Als specifiek onderdeel hiervan hebben de onderzoekers gekeken naar de rol van het tuchtrecht in de sport, en het functioneren van het Instituut Sportrechtspraak (ISR). Aanbevelingen worden gedaan voor het versterken van de uitvoering en de ontwikkeling van het ISR. Bij dit onderzoek zijn veel partijen betrokken vanuit zowel de georganiseerde sport, de ondernemende sport, justitiële partijen, en de overheid (rijk en gemeenten). Ook is gesproken met slachtoffers van grensoverschrijdend gedrag. Met al deze gesprekspartners is nagedacht over hoe het stelsel verbeterd kan worden en wat daarvoor nodig is

    Midtrimester preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM):expectant management or amnioinfusion for improving perinatal outcomes (PPROMEXIL - III trial)

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    BACKGROUND: Babies born after midtrimester preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM) are at risk to develop neonatal pulmonary hypoplasia. Perinatal mortality and morbidity after this complication is high. Oligohydramnios in the midtrimester following PPROM is considered to cause a delay in lung development. Repeated transabdominal amnioinfusion with the objective to alleviate oligohydramnios might prevent this complication and might improve neonatal outcome. METHODS/DESIGN: Women with PPROM and persisting oligohydramnios between 16 and 24 weeks gestational age will be asked to participate in a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. Intervention: random allocation to (repeated) abdominal amnioinfusion (intervention) or expectant management (control). The primary outcome is perinatal mortality. Secondary outcomes are lethal pulmonary hypoplasia, non-lethal pulmonary hypoplasia, survival till discharge from NICU, neonatal mortality, chronic lung disease (CLD), number of days ventilatory support, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), periventricular leucomalacia (PVL) more than grade I, severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) more than grade II, proven neonatal sepsis, gestational age at delivery, time to delivery, indication for delivery, successful amnioinfusion, placental abruption, cord prolapse, chorioamnionitis, fetal trauma due to puncture. The study will be evaluated according to intention to treat. To show a decrease in perinatal mortality from 70% to 35%, we need to randomise two groups of 28 women (two sided test, β-error 0.2 and α-error 0.05). DISCUSSION: This study will answer the question if (repeated) abdominal amnioinfusion after midtrimester PPROM with associated oligohydramnios improves perinatal survival and prevents pulmonary hypoplasia and other neonatal morbidities. Moreover, it will assess the risks associated with this procedure. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NTR3492 Dutch Trial Register (http://www.trialregister.nl)

    Hyaluronic Acid in Synovial Fluid Prevents Neutrophil Activation in Spondyloarthritis

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    Spondyloarthritis (SpA) patients suffer from joint inflammation resulting in tissue damage, characterized by the presence of numerous neutrophils in the synovium and synovial fluid (SF). As it is yet unclear to what extent neutrophils contribute to the pathogenesis of SpA, we set out to study SF neutrophils in more detail. We analyzed the functionality of SF neutrophils of 20 SpA patients and 7 disease controls, determining ROS production and degranulation in response to various stimuli. In addition, the effect of SF on neutrophil function was determined. Surprisingly, our data show that SF neutrophils in SpA patients have an inactive phenotype, despite the presence of many neutrophil-activating stimuli such as GM-CSF and TNF in SF. This was not due to exhaustion as SF neutrophils readily responded to stimulation. Therefore, this finding suggests that one or more inhibitors of neutrophil activation may be present in SF. Indeed, when blood neutrophils from healthy donors were activated in the presence of increasing concentrations of SF from SpA patients, degranulation and ROS production were dose-dependently inhibited. This effect was independent of diagnosis, gender, age, and medication in the patients from which the SF was isolated. Treatment of SF with the enzyme hyaluronidase strongly reduced the inhibitory effect of SF on neutrophil activation, indicating that hyaluronic acid that is present in SF may be an important factor in preventing SF neutrophil activation. This finding provides novel insights into the role of soluble factors in SF regulating neutrophil function and may lead to the development of novel therapeutics targeting neutrophil activation via hyaluronic acid or associated pathways

    X chromosome inactivation skewing is common in advanced carotid atherosclerotic lesions in females and predicts secondary peripheral artery events

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Sex differences in atherosclerosis have been described with female plaques being mostly perceived as stable and fibrous. Sex-specific mechanisms such as mosaic loss of the Y chromosome in men have been linked to cardiovascular health. In women, X-linked mechanisms such as X chromosome inactivation (XCI) skewing is common in several tissues. Yet, information on the role of XCI in female atherosclerotic plaques is lacking. Here, we investigated the presence of XCI skewing in advanced atherosclerotic lesions and its association with cardiovascular risk factors, histological plaque data, and clinical data. METHODS: XCI skewing was quantified in 154 atherosclerotic plaque and 55 blood DNA samples of women included in the Athero-Express study. The skewing status was determined performing the HUMARA assay. Then, we studied the relationship of XCI skewing in female plaque and cardiovascular risk factors using regression models. In addition, we studied if plaque XCI predicted plaque composition, and adverse events during 3-years follow-up using Cox proportional hazard models. RESULTS: XCI skewing was detected in 76 of 154 (49.4%) plaques and in 27 of 55 (67%) blood samples. None of the clinical risk factors were associated with plaque skewing. Plaque skewing was more often detected in plaques with a plaque hemorrhage (OR [95% CI]: 1.44 [1.06-1.98], P = 0.02). Moreover, skewed plaques were not associated with a higher incidence of composite and major events but were specifically associated with peripheral artery events during a 3-year follow-up period in a multivariate model (HR [95%CI]: 1.46 [1.09-1.97]; P = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: XCI skewing is common in carotid plaques of females and is predictive for the occurrence of peripheral artery events within 3 years after carotid endarterectomy

    Development and measurement of guidelines-based quality indicators of caesarean section care in the Netherlands: A RAND-modified delphi procedure and retrospective medical chart review

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    Background There is an ongoing discussion on the rising CS rate worldwide. Suboptimal guideline adherence may be an important contributor to this rise. Before improvement of care can be established, optimal CS care in different settings has to be defined. This study aimed to develop and measure quality indicators to determine guideline adherence and identify target groups for improvement of care with direct effect on caesarean section (CS) rates. Method Eighteen obstetricians and midwives participated in an expert panel for systematic CS quality indicator development according to the RAND-modified Delphi method. A multi-center study was performed and medical charts of 1024 women with a CS and a stratified and weighted randomly selected group of 1036 women with a vaginal delivery were analysed. Quality indicator frequency and adherence were scored in 2060 women with a CS or vaginal delivery. Results The expert panel developed 16 indicators on planned CS and 11 indicators on unplanned CS. Indicator adherence was calculated, defined as the number of women in a specific obstetrical situation in which care was performed as recommended in both planned and unplanned CS settings. The most frequently occurring obstetrical situations with low indicator adherence were: 1) suspected fetal distress (frequency 17%, adh

    The GPR120 agonist TUG‐891 promotes metabolic health by stimulating mitochondrial respiration in brown fat

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) activation stimulates energy expenditure in human adults, which makes it an attractive target to combat obesity and related disorders. Recent studies demonstrated a role for G protein‐coupled receptor 120 (GPR120) in BAT thermogenesis. Here, we investigated the therapeutic potential of GPR120 agonism and addressed GPR120‐mediated signaling in BAT. We found that activation of GPR120 by the selective agonist TUG‐891 acutely increases fat oxidation and reduces body weight and fat mass in C57Bl/6J mice. These effects coincided with decreased brown adipocyte lipid content and increased nutrient uptake by BAT, confirming increased BAT activity. Consistent with these observations, GPR120 deficiency reduced expression of genes involved in nutrient handling in BAT. Stimulation of brown adipocytes in vitro with TUG‐891 acutely induced O2 consumption, through GPR120‐dependent and GPR120‐independent mechanisms. TUG‐891 not only stimulated GPR120 signaling resulting in intracellular calcium release, mitochondrial depolarization, and mitochondrial fission, but also activated UCP1. Collectively, these data suggest that activation of brown adipocytes with the GPR120 agonist TUG‐891 is a promising strategy to increase lipid combustion and reduce obesity

    Investigating Homology between Proteins using Energetic Profiles

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    Accumulated experimental observations demonstrate that protein stability is often preserved upon conservative point mutation. In contrast, less is known about the effects of large sequence or structure changes on the stability of a particular fold. Almost completely unknown is the degree to which stability of different regions of a protein is generally preserved throughout evolution. In this work, these questions are addressed through thermodynamic analysis of a large representative sample of protein fold space based on remote, yet accepted, homology. More than 3,000 proteins were computationally analyzed using the structural-thermodynamic algorithm COREX/BEST. Estimated position-specific stability (i.e., local Gibbs free energy of folding) and its component enthalpy and entropy were quantitatively compared between all proteins in the sample according to all-vs.-all pairwise structural alignment. It was discovered that the local stabilities of homologous pairs were significantly more correlated than those of non-homologous pairs, indicating that local stability was indeed generally conserved throughout evolution. However, the position-specific enthalpy and entropy underlying stability were less correlated, suggesting that the overall regional stability of a protein was more important than the thermodynamic mechanism utilized to achieve that stability. Finally, two different types of statistically exceptional evolutionary structure-thermodynamic relationships were noted. First, many homologous proteins contained regions of similar thermodynamics despite localized structure change, suggesting a thermodynamic mechanism enabling evolutionary fold change. Second, some homologous proteins with extremely similar structures nonetheless exhibited different local stabilities, a phenomenon previously observed experimentally in this laboratory. These two observations, in conjunction with the principal conclusion that homologous proteins generally conserved local stability, may provide guidance for a future thermodynamically informed classification of protein homology

    Atherosclerotic Plaque Epigenetic Age Acceleration Predicts a Poor Prognosis and Is Associated With Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Humans

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    BACKGROUND: Epigenetic age estimators (clocks) are predictive of human mortality risk. However, it is not yet known whether the epigenetic age of atherosclerotic plaques is predictive for the risk of cardiovascular events. METHODS: Whole-genome DNA methylation of human carotid atherosclerotic plaques (n=485) and of blood (n=93) from the Athero-Express endarterectomy cohort was used to calculate epigenetic age acceleration (EAA). EAA was linked to clinical characteristics, plaque histology, and future cardiovascular events (n=136). We studied whole-genome DNA methylation and bulk and single-cell transcriptomics to uncover molecular mechanisms of plaque EAA. We experimentally confirmed our in silico findings using in vitro experiments in primary human coronary endothelial cells. RESULTS: Male and female patients with severe atherosclerosis had a median chronological age of 69 years. The median epigenetic age was 65 years in females (median EAA, -2.2 [interquartile range, -4.3 to 2.2] years) and 68 years in males (median EAA, -0.3 [interquartile range, -2.9 to 3.8] years). Patients with diabetes and a high body mass index had higher plaque EAA. Increased EAA of plaque predicted future events in a 3-year follow-up in a Cox regression model (univariate hazard ratio, 1.7; P=0.0034) and adjusted multivariate model (hazard ratio, 1.56; P=0.02). Plaque EAA predicted outcome independent of blood EAA (hazard ratio, 1.3; P=0.018) and of plaque hemorrhage (hazard ratio, 1.7; P=0.02). Single-cell RNA sequencing in plaque samples from 46 patients in the same cohort revealed smooth muscle and endothelial cells as important cell types in plaque EAA. Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition was associated with EAA, which was experimentally confirmed by TGFβ-triggered endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition inducing rapid epigenetic aging in coronary endothelial cells. CONCLUSIONS: Plaque EAA is a strong and independent marker of poor outcome in patients with severe atherosclerosis. Plaque EAA was linked to mesenchymal endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition was associated with EAA, which was experimentally validated. Epigenetic aging mechanisms may provide new targets for treatments that reduce atherosclerosis complications