54 research outputs found

    Pandangan Gerakan Islam Liberal Terhadap Hak Asasi Wanita

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    Kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pandangan Gerakan Islam Liberal terhadap Hak Asasi Wanita. Objektif kajian ini juga mengemukakan sejarah perkembangan gerakan Islam Liberal, mengkaji pandangan gerakan Islam Liberal terhadap Hak Asasi Wanita dan mengetahui pandangan Islam terhadap Hak Asasi Wanita yang diperjuangkan oleh gerakan Islam Liberal. Di antara metodologi yang digunakan untuk mendapakan data bagi kajian ilmiah ini ialah Metode Penentuan Subjek, Metode Pengumpulan Data serta Metode Analisis Data. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa pemikiran Islam Liberal berfungsi untuk membebaskan pemikiran umat Islam yang kononnya kolot dan jumud kepada pemikiran yang lebih moden bersesuaian dengan peningkatan intelektual masyarakat Islam masa kini. Dari aspek luaran, aliran ini seolah-olah memperjuangkan apa yang dituntut oleh syariat Islam, namun pada hakikatnya mereka begitu lantang mempertikai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengannya. Mereka juga menjadikan golongan wanita antara sasaran utama dengan menyebarkan isu-isu kontroversi berkenaan wanita dalam dalam usaha meraih pengaruh dari kaum hawa. Jadi dapatan kajian ini telah mengemukakan garis panduan serta hukum-hukum syarak berkaitan dengan isu-isu yang dikontroversikan oleh gerakan ini terhadap wanita berdasarkan dalil al-Quran dan as-Sunnah serta pandangan ulama dan intelektual Islam

    Parenting education through the Prophet Ya’qub method and his approaches to cope with teenager misbehaviour

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    Youth of today face a very challenging era. The excellent education provided to them will shape them into individuals with an excellent personality, where they can be the apprentice of good behaviour generation. However, the increase of misconduct amongst teenagers is reported to indirectly affect the role of parents as a main social agent. These social agents can contribute to the development of teenagers’ personality. Al Quran, as Manhaj Rabbani, provides solutions and guidance in shaping the personality of children and youth. Thus, this paper aims to study the excellent values and educational approaches practiced by Prophet Ya’cub a.s in handling the behaviour of his children and analyse those approaches to address the youth of today’s social problem. This study used a qualitative approach in the form of content analysis. The data analysis used a descriptive approach. The samples of study include Quranic verses in Surah Yusuf related to the values of Prophet Ya’cub a.s especially in the aspect of educating children. Excellent values such as good communication, useful advice, high level of patience, taqwa to Allah and willingness to forgive others shall be applied by parents in dealing with their children’s misconduct. The implication of this study is expected to encourage the effort and create a formula in nurturing youth with good values and a noble character in their action and interaction, thereby reduce their risk of performing misconduct and getting involved in social problems

    Students view on text chats (CH), forum discussion (FR), and online learning interaction (LI)

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    The objective of this research is to get the students’ opinion on using online forum discussion (FR), text chatting (CH), and online learning interaction (LI). Quantitative and qualitative approaches were used through questionnaires and semi-structured questions which were administered to 133 Social Science students of a Malaysian public university, selected using volunteer random sampling. The result of a descriptive analysis shows that FR was more favoured by the students (mean = 4.11) compared to CH (mean = 3.87) and LI (mean = 4.06). Next, the path analysis found that FR is more significant (r = 0.59, p < .05) compared to CH (r = 0.35, p < .05) towards LI aspect. However, FR and CH are interrelated with critical ratio (C.R) = 6.455, p < .05). Qualitative analysis found that student’s views leaned more towards FR because of its ability to generate meaningful discussions in LI compare to CH according to some of stated reasons. From the perspective of LI, students need a learning environment that encourages them to participate in learning activities actively and involves the lecturer as learning supervisors. The results of analysis explain that the online FR and CH have different perspectives of focus of use. The implication of this study suggests the involvement of students and lecturer during design and development stage of online learning process

    Motivating factors to breastfeed an adopted child in a Muslim community in Malaysia

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    Breast milk is the best milk for babies. Breastfeeding is not exclusive to biological mothers only, it is relevant to adoptive mothers too. Women who have never given birth are also able to produce breast milk by following induced lactation method. According to Islamic fiqh law (jurisprudence), woman who breastfeed a child who is not her biological child will be mahram to her nurse child. Therefore the aim of this study is to examine the motivating factors to breastfeeding a foster child in a Muslim community in Malaysia. This is a qualitative study using case studies and grounded theory. A total of 12 foster-mothers whom have successfully breastfed their foster children by induced lactation method were involved in this study. The method of collecting data is semi-structured interviews. Qualitative data were analyzed using QSR NVivo Version 10 software using the techniques of content analysis, word based analysis and code based analysis. This study found, the main motivating factor for a foster-mothers to breastfeed her foster child is to build a mahram relationship with her foster child, followed by the maternal instinct, psychology, nutrition, technology, offspring and obligations. Breastfeeding a foster child in the context of a Muslim community in Malaysia aims to achieve two objectives: Islamic tenet (syariat) and goals of humanity. Both of these goals are linked by science i.e. induced lactation technology. This study proves that a Muslim foster-mother can apply induced lactation as a way to build a fosterage (milk kinship) relationship with her foster child which ultimately facilitate in their family life

    Critical thinking from stem education and al-quran perspectives

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    There is a growing interest among educators and professionals in developing educational platforms in order to prepare students critical thinking skill in solving current problems. The integration between STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), which focusing on divergence skill and The Al-Quran, which emphasizes the appreciation of the servant to the greatness of Allah the Almighty, has the ability to position our country for global competitiveness as well as not to marginalize the glory of Allah through the appreciation of Al-Quran. The introduction of STEM education, which is increasingly gaining attention in the Malaysian education field, should not only cultivate problem-solving skills but also critical thinking skills in solving the problem in order to maintain the student's interest. Critical thinking in solving the problem is the skills that need to develop in order for a student to be able to face the world outside their classroom. Therefore, this paper tries to synthesize critical thinking in western perspectives through STEM education, critical thinking in Al-Quran perspectives and rationalize the link between critical thinking from Al-Quran and western perspectives in preparing the student with the most significant 21st century skills

    Technology facilitation assessment for Malaysia halal quality assurance for food and beverages, consumer goods, logistics, and cosmetics industry

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    This study aimed to identify the appropriate characteristics of assistive technology to facilitate the quality control process in halal industry segments, namely, food and beverages, consumer goods, logistics, and cosmetics. For this purpose, four separate research projects were conducted to cover these four different industry segments. This paper combined the findings and provided a compilation of all the results. Questionnaire surveys were distributed during the 13th Malaysian International Halal Showcase (MIHAS 2016) as the pilot study. Main data collection was done on the industry in Johor in the southern part of Malaysia. The seven elements of technology characteristics selected for this study are speed, convenience, integration, auto-report, customizable, cost, and data accessibility. Findings of this study show that each industry segments have different technology characteristics preference. Nevertheless, the majority of respondents agreed that technological assistance in halal quality control is vital in helping companies to ensure the halal integrity of their products and services

    Exploring factors of choosing halal cosmetics among cosmetics entrepreneurs in Malaysia

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    Halal cosmetics is expanding well in the manufacturing sector. It has gained the government’s attention to support its development. Generally, the halal industry has been divided into seven sectors which are food services, consumer goods, financial, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, halal logistics, and tourism. This study attempts to address the influencing factors for choosing halal cosmetics among cosmetics entrepreneurs. The researcher adopts the quantitative method to gather data from the respondents. A random sampling technique was used. The findings indicate that the awareness among young halal cosmetics entrepreneurs is very high and there are high consumptions of halal cosmetics among consumers that have become the push factor of young cosmetic entrepreneurs to choose halal cosmetics as their products

    Homoseksual: antara hukum dan kemajuan sains

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    Homosexuality is a phenomenon that has ling existed in human history. It is became the targer of the study to find the contri buting factors to the tennets of the Islamic perspec tive. The desire of homosexuals to change the physical conditions of a male to femare or vice versa is a good convention for sexual purposes or desore to become a mother or father status. The pace and progress of science and technology has helped homesexua ls meet their needs, even if the outcome of these treatments may bring much harm to themselves or those around them. High costs of sex change surgeries ca used many homosezual stuck to the nature of adultery and leave a negative impact on health. The purpos e of this paper is to understand the factor that cause homosexuality: Between law and science. The method used is a qualitative approach and a library. The findidngs of the study showd that the f actors that cause the occurrence of homosexuality no only dep end on environmental factors such as parents, peers, social and biological factors, but diet and drugs. There is a lack of research on the different schools of taught concerning the change of gender studies, hence it is has become prevalent in the Muslim c ommunity. If this is not handled as soon as possible, it not only gives an image that is not healthy within our communities but aslo under mine the development of Islamic civilization

    Pregnancy out of wedlock and abandoned babies: is adoption able to save the babies?

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    This article discusses the issue of pregnancy out of wedlock which has become a great social challenge that needs to be tackled immediately. Getting pregnant out of wedlock leads to the risk of babies being abandoned or left to die which will affect our generation. The purpose of this article is to discuss pragmatic steps that can be taken so that the babies have the rights to live. One of the steps is the creation of baby hatch, shelter for affected teenagers, and adoption. Adoption seems like an appropriate solution to let the illegitimate child grow within a family but there are challenges that need to be tackled such as legal issues, psychological issues, Islamic rules and breast feeding of adopted children

    Green technology management in the Muslim world

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    Green technology or clean technology is recognised as the application of environment science to conserve the natural environment and resources for the purpose of curbing the negative impact of human activities. In this paper, the correlation between management and green technology will be discussed and construed in accordance with Islamic perspectives. This paper explores the problems on how to implement green technology in management and the way to solve human activities that give negative impacts to the natural environment in the Muslim World. In addition, the comparison of waste disposal system management, the production of an electricity energy by renewable resources and wastewater management system are made between Islamic countries and non-Islamic countries. Islam urges humanity to be kind to nature and not to abuse the trust that had been placed on human shoulders. This finding includes both the authorities of the Quran and hadis which emphasize the accountability and responsibility of humans towards protecting and maintaining God’s balanced creation