14 research outputs found

    The relationship between motivation, training, and job suitability with employee performance: a study of employees in the private sector

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    Employee performance is an important factor in the success of an organization in the profit-oriented private sector. Deterioration of performance among employees will affect negatively towards the quality and productivity of the organization. The paper aims to examine the relationship between motivation, training, and job suitability for the performance of employees. A total of 136 respondents was involved in this study through distributed to employees working in a private company in northern Peninsular Malaysia. The findings of the study indicate that there is a moderate and significant correlation between motivation, training, and job suitability with employee performance. The findings reveal motivational factors are the most significant contributing factors to employee performance, which motivation is claimed to be crucial in improving employee performance. Employees will be more enthusiastic and strive to perform their duties if they are motivated. In addition, training and job suitability are also important elements in determining the level of performance among employees

    Exploring Commuting for Work in Kuala Lumpur

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    Many workers face challenges in suburban areas when commuting to the urban areas from home to work. Public transportation is a fundamental component of efficient transportation in urban areas. Efficient transportation will increase economic opportunity, accessibility, and social development. This paper explored the characteristics of commuting behavior of the workers in the Klang Valley who commute to work in Kuala Lumpur, including their choice of transportation modes and the challenges they faced in traveling from home to work. This study engaged a mixed methodology where data were collected from 709 respondents voluntarily. The survey was initiated in December 2020 and lasted for six months. The respondents were approached through voluntary face-to-face and electronic means. Interviews were conducted with 14 key informants in April 2021 with workers from various backgrounds who commute to work every day. The interviews were done one-on-one. The result showed that the likelihood of choosing public transport over driving privately owned car was unfavorable where most individuals stated that the public transportation was insufficient; they had to take more than one modes to reach their workplace, and the facilities provided were insufficient for them to choose public transportation for commuting to work. These results shown that the urban workers in Kuala Lumpur preferred to drive to work rather than using public vehicles. This shows that Malaysians, especially in urban areas such as Kuala Lumpur, are not ready to adapt to SDG 11. Therefore, the government needs to create more initiatives to encourage the use of public transport

    The relationship between government stability and foreign investment for selected ASEAN countries

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    The current paper investigates the relationship between government stability and foreign direct investment for nine selected ASEAN countries. Based on the panel data analysis, it is identified that political stability, government effectiveness, and control of corruption are significant in explaining foreign direct investment while regulatory quality and rule of law are not. With the exception to government effectiveness, the remaining government stability variables that are significant show positive relationship with the inflow of capital where an increase in political stability and control of corruption lead to a higher level of foreign investment. The economic growth which is represented by the Gross Domestic Product is also identified to be a vital determinant of foreign investment. From the results, it is clear that government stability is an important factor in attracting foreigners to invest in the domestic markets of ASEAN and should not be taken lightly by the policymakers. Any adverse movement in government stability may disrupt foreign investment and ultimately affecting the econom

    Kesan dan cabaran pelaksanaan kursus khidmat komuniti Di Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia

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    Kursus Khidmat Komuniti yang merupakan salah satu kursus Mata Pelajaran Umum dalam kelompok Umum 4 (U4) telah ditawarkan sejak 2018 di Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM). Kursus ini merupakan kursus elektif wajib. Pelaksanaan kursus ini memerlukan para pelajar membangunkan sebuah program khidmat komunti secara berkumpulan bermula dari merangka kertas cadangan program, penyediaan poster, pendanaan, penyediaan video dan penulisan laporan. Objektif penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat apakah faktor yang mencetuskan minat pelajar, cabaran yang dihadapi serta inisiatif yang dilaksanakan bagi memastikan program dapat dijalankan dengan jayanya. Kajian kes ini melibatkan lapan responden dalam kalangan pelajar UPNM yang pernah mengambil kursus ini. Responden telah ditemubual dan maklum balas mereka direkodkan menggunakan Microsoft Teams. Rakaman tersebut kemudiannya ditranskripsikan secara verbatim dan dianalisis secara tematik. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelajar keseluruhannya amat berpuas hati dan menghayati kursus ini melalui program khidmat komuniti yang dilaksanakan. Namun, terdapat pelbagai cabaran yang dilalui oleh para pelajar semasa melaksanakan program khidmat komuniti; sebagai contoh masalah untuk mendapatkan dana program dan pandemik COVID-19 yang menyebabkan khidmat komuniti secara fizikal tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Kajian ini akan memberi cadangan kepada penambahbaikan pelaksanaan kursus ini supaya para pelajar dapat mengoptimumkan kebolehan diri dan kerja berkumpulan dengan lebih baik pada masa akan datang

    Kecerdasan emosi dan keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan dalam kerjaya ketenteraan : suatu tinjauan konseptual

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    Kecerdasan emosi dan keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan merupakan dua elemen yang kini kian mendapat perhatian oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat. Para sarjana juga sering mengkaji faktor-faktor ini dalam pelbagai sektor pekerjaan. Tuntutan di antara mengimbangi keperluan dan kehendak di samping peningkatan taraf hidup telah menyebabkan individu sering berhadapan dengan konflik emosi antara kerjaya dan keluarga. Kesan kegagalan individu dalam mengawal emosi telah menyebabkan berlakunya peningkatan isu-isu berkaitan bunuh diri, penceraian, kemurungan dan sebagainya akibat daripada tekanan di tempat kerja. Artikel ini membincangkan secara tinjauan konseptual kesan kecerdasan emosi terhadap keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan dalam konteks kerjaya sebagai anggota tentera. Bukti secara empirikal daripada kajian-kajian lepas menjadi sandaran dalam membincangkan isu-isu berkaitan kecerdasan emosi dan keseimbangan kerja. Berdasarkan kajian-kajian lepas yang pernah dijalankan telah membuktikan terdapat hubungan signifikan yang positif antara kecerdasan emosi dengan keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan. Para pengkaji mendapati individu yang memiliki tahap kecerdasan emosi yang tinggi mampu mengimbangi kerjaya dan kehidupan peribadi mereka. Oleh itu, salah satu faktor yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh organisasi dalam meningkatkan kualiti kerja dan kehidupan pekerja adalah dengan menitik beratkan elemen kecerdasan emosi. Keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan merupakan elemen yang penting dalam kerjaya ketenteraan kerana anggota tentera sering berhadapan dengan tuntutan tugas yang berat dan mencabar

    Sectoral effect of oil price, natural gas and LNG prices on Malaysia’s services sector

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    This study investigates on the impact of GDP on services sector towards oil and gas prices. This study takes account three types of energy prices, namely Brent Crude, Natural Gas and LNG, and explore the impact of these energies on the services subsectors that was ranked as the higest contibuter for Malaysia’s Gross Domestic Products (GDP). The study employed an econometrics time series analysis using ARDL estimates with time series data spanning from 1987 to 2017. The empirical findings depicted a high energy intensity services subsectors that requires high input production of oil adversely affected with oil price changes. Brent Crude price shows a negative long-run relationship with storage and communication services subsectors while no relationship detected on others services subsectors that is less energy intensity namely wholesale services and finance services with natural gas and LNG prices. The study outcomes are significant for policymakers in planning budget allocation on specific services subsectors that highly contribute to GDP. An empirical finding that absent on the highest contributor of Malaysia’s GDP namely wholesale subsectors on the fluctuating energy prices, indicates that this subsector is not depended on energy prices and potential in generating Malaysia’s GDP. However, a highly affected subsectors like storage and communication services subsectors could be assisted by providing oil subsidy and tax exemption on affected industries. This is to ensure that such external impact would not affect the production performance, as well as to ascertain betterment in aiding policymakers and safeguarding these crucial sectors


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    This study focused on how the price of natural gas influences the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in manufacturing sectors and subsectors as the relationship remains ambiguous given the influence of heterogeneity across diverse sectors. This study investigates the key subsectors in economic that are highly contribute to Malaysia’s GDP. Specifically, this study employed ARDL estimates on yearly time series data between 1987 and 2019. The empirical findings concluded that there is a inversed relationship between natural gas price with manufacturing’s output. The empirical results revealed a negative long-run and short-run relationship between prices of natural gas on all manufacturing subsectors and the magnitude of respond depended on the level of energy intensity across subsectors. Policy recommendation highlighted the need to replace both oil and gas as production inputs with renewable energy sources of large scale, such as biodiesel, solar, hydroelectric, and nuclear for the manufacturing sector in Malaysia to circumvent the adverse effects of fluctuating global oil and gas prices on the country’s economy. Adding to that, it is also recommended to diversify the economic sectors from energy-intensive sector to lower energy-intensive sector like services sector


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    Economic progress of a country can be seen from the global economic structure changes. Similarly, Indonesia has started the process of development since the New Order proved to have changed the economic structure of the expenditure is declared successful. The purpose of this study wanted to determine the development of the expenditure side after the reform era because of the various phenomena that occur as weaker purchasing power and the high burden of government in providing public goods. From the calculation result that after the reform of private consumption to GDP ratio decreased and the ratio of government spending to GDP increased significantly so in accordance with the theory of structural changes in the economy

    The Impact of Oil and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Prices on Economic Sectors in Malaysia

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of oil and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) prices fluctuation to economy sectors in Malaysia. We investigate four economics sectors in Malaysia namely industry, manufacturing, agriculture and services sector. Annual time series data were collected from 1985 to 2015.Econometrics methods like unit root, co-integration, VECM and causality test were tested to identify a long run relationship and causality from energy prices to economic sector. Data for economic sectors and energy prices were extracted from World Bank and Energy Information Administration (EIA). The empirical results found that all series are associated and move together in a long run but there is no short-run dynamics exist. Pairwise Granger causality test suggested that oil and LNG prices affect industrial and manufacturing sectors in Malaysia


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    The development of virtual business systems, such as virtual stores and virtual companies where businesspeople run their business and commerce through the internet and no longer rely on conventional real company business. Various problems that arise as a result of information technology and must be faced by the law should have been quite clear and predictable. So how is the legal challenge of e-commerce development and how is the role of government in encouraging the emergence of startups (startup) in the e-commerce field. The research method used uses a qualitative and descriptive approach, with data analysis techniques using an interactive model. The results of the study stated that the challenges of novice business players must be able to see the potential and opportunities of business opportunities as a result of the development of information technology by utilizing e-commerce. It is important to understand and understand by them various issues related to legal challenges in building electronic commerce businesses such as business contracts as an effort to minimize legal issues that can occur in the future and the government prepares various e-commerce regulations namely the Ministry of Communication and Information, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Authority as material for policy making and the formation of e-commerce regulations