7 research outputs found

    Quality of life of diabetes amputees following major and minor lower limb amputations

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    Introduction: Minor amputation was performed as a salvage procedure because most of the patients were not able to ambulate and become dependent following major amputation. Minor amputation is defined as amputation at the level of ankle joint and below while major amputation is defines by amputation above the ankle joint. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life among diabetes patients following major and minor amputations. Methods: A total of 94 diabetes patients were reviewed six months following amputation. Their walking ability, dependency status and quality of life were evaluated, using the Malay translated version of the Short Form Health Survey 36 (SF-36) questionnaire. Results: During the follow up only three patients (8.3%) following major amputation were dependant compared to 30 patients (51.7%) following minor amputation. Forty-nine (84.5%) of minor amputation and only 15 (41.7%) of major amputation patients were ambulating independently. Patients with minor amputation have significantly better Physical functioning, Role - physical, General health, Role – emotional, and Mental health score (p<0.001). However, they have worse BP and SF score than those following major amputation (p<0.001). The VT score of both groups were not significantly different. Conclusion: Patients with minor amputation are more independent, ambulatory and had better quality of life than those with major amputation. Despite the risk of persistent infection and amputation stump complication, minor amputation should be attempted in diabetes patients

    Soil Velocity Profile on Soft Soil using Seismic Refraction

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    Abstract. Soil velocity profile often used as subsurface characterization by using geophysical techniques. Seismic refraction is one of geophysical technique to determine primary wave (p-wave) velocity of the soil profile. In this paper, seismic refraction technique has been performed on two different types of soft soil (peat soil and Soft clay) for comparison of its p-wave velocity soil profile. From p-wave velocity soil profile comparison, its show the peat soil has soil velocity range from 211 m/s -534 m/s at depth of 0 -4 m while the soft clay show soil velocity range from 248 m/s -1842 m/s at depth of 0 -5.5 m

    Soil Velocity Profile on Soft Soil using Seismic Refraction

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    Abstract. Soil velocity profile often used as subsurface characterization by using geophysical techniques. Seismic refraction is one of geophysical technique to determine primary wave (p-wave) velocity of the soil profile. In this paper, seismic refraction technique has been performed on two different types of soft soil (peat soil and Soft clay) for comparison of its p-wave velocity soil profile. From p-wave velocity soil profile comparison, its show the peat soil has soil velocity range from 211 m/s -534 m/s at depth of 0 -4 m while the soft clay show soil velocity range from 248 m/s -1842 m/s at depth of 0 -5.5 m

    Estimation of shear wave velocity using 1-D Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and shear modulus of peat

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    In geotechnical earthquake engineering problems, dynamic soil properties determination is a critical task. Shear wave velocity (Vs), and shear modulus (G) are fragments of dynamic soil properties. This study focused on the peat shear wave velocity determination using 1-D multichannel analysis of surface waves, the in-situ density using the peat sampler and the shear modulus estimation using empirical formula. The study was conducted at Parit Nipah, Johore and Penor, Pahang as it contains a large composition of peat. The result of the study indicates that, the peat shear wave velocity ranged from 30.4 m/s to 43.8 m/s for Parit Nipah and 43.4 m/s to 105.8 m/s for Penor. While the peat density ranged from 1.00 g/cm³ to 1.24 g/cm³ for Parit Nipah and 0.72 to 1.36 g/cm³ for Penor. The peat shear modulus, Gmax for Parit Nipah ranged from 736.0 kPa to 2589.6 kPa and 1474.7 kPa to 11265.0 kPa for Penor. The results indicate that the peat shear wave velocity was affected by the changes in peat soil density, while the peat density was governed by the depth. The peat shear modulus value was directly proportional to the peat shear wave velocity. Finally, the slight variation in results obtained might be due to the heterogeneity of peat

    Psychological impacts among diabetic amputee patients in Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital, Kuantan

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    Background Literature review on diabetic foot problem in Malaysia so far has mainly report on epidemiology and complication related to diabetic foot problems. To date, there were no local study that investigates the psychological aspect and the quality of life among patients with diabetic foot problems. . Objectives The aims of this study were to analyze the short and long term psychological impact and health related quality of life (HrQOL) among diabetic patients who had underwent amputation. Methods Ninety four diabetic patients who underwent amputations at TengkuAmpuanAfzan General Hospital Kuantan were recruited in this prospective study from January 2012 to July 2013. There were 58 (61%) major amputation and 36 (38%) minor amputation. The level of depression and anxiety was assessed by the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) and the assessment of quality of life was done by using SF-36. Results The study showed major amputation patients, unemployment, patientswho stayed in a single story house, patients who were functional dependent and inability to walk tend to have immediate poor HrQOL and worsen with time. Factors that associated with severe depression, anxiety and stress include male, Malays, patients who were functionaldependant, inability to walk and patients who had underwent major amputation. There were strong correlation between immediate and long term poor HrQOL with severity of the depression, anxiety and stress. Conclusion Poor HrQOL are associated with increased risk to develop stress, anxiety and depression. Holistic approach with multidiscipline department such as rehabilitation unit, internal medicine unit, psychiatric unit and welfare unit are needed in major amputation patients to prevent poor HrQOL and adverse psychological effec

    Correlation between the length and breadth of the nose and the face in different races

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    This study is aimed at determining whether there exists a correlation between the relative dimensions of the nose and the face. Through this study, we hoped to give a normal range for the different races in Malaysia. We randomly chose 100 Malay, 50 Chinese and 50 Indian subjects. We chose equal numbers of male and female subjects, mainly in their 20's and 30's. There is a correlation between the length of the nose and the face among Malays, with 78% of the subjects measured having a nose:face ratio of less than 0.27. There is also a correlation between the breadth of the nose and the face among Malays, with 670/0 of the subjects having a ratio of less than 0.28. Similar correlations were found with Chinese and Indian subjects. The length and breadth of the nose in relation to the face is greater in males than in females. Further research is required before conclusive evidence is found for the existence or non existence of a correlation between the length and breadth of the nose and face in the different races in Malaysia