238 research outputs found

    Economic and technical feasibility of replacing conventional combines with a new straw crusher combine

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    This study was conducted to investigate economic and technical feasibility of replacing conventional combines with a new combine harvester. In the new combine that called crusher combine, along with separating the wheat from the cluster and straw, the straw is also crushed and stored in a separate tank that is added to the combine behind the grain tank. Thirty conventional and new combine harvesters were randomly selected and examined.  Parameters such as; combine forward speed, reel index, field capacity, pre harvest loss, head loss, threshing and cleaning loss, total loss and quality loss were measured. Results show that total machine loss in conventional and new combines were 3.93 and 4.44% respectively. However, in the conventional combines, all the grain loss are thrown to the ground but in new combine 2.45% of grains fall down in the ground through of platform and 2.46% of grains through of threshing and cleaning units are mixed with straw and collected in straw tank and is used to feed livestock. The amount of straw harvested by the conventional and new combines was 1570 and 2970 kg/Ha and yield was, 2770 and 2920 kg/Ha, respectively. Farmers are keen on the new combine because of gathering more straw, crushing it and storing it in the tank. The rate of seed breakage in seed tank of conventional and new combines were 3.37 and 2.81% and seed germination percentage were 90.8 and 94.7%, respectively. In new harvesters, due to the severe blows to the crushing unit, about 12.5% of the seeds have fracture or invisible damage and are unable to germinate, therefore, the grain harvested with this combine is not suitable for use as a seed. The results show that using the new combine instead of the conventional combine increases the income of the farmer and the combiner by 7 288 790 and 1 636 049 IRR/Ha, respectively

    The mental health of asylum-seeking children and parents facing insecure residency in Australia

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    A growing body of research has documented adverse mental health outcomes for adult asylum seekers and unaccompanied children exposed to prolonged resettlement stress and residential insecurity. There is little information however on the wellbeing of children who seek asylum as part of intact family units. This research examined the mental health and psychosocial functioning of a cohort of asylum-seeking children and their primary caregiver affected by insecure residency while living in the community, compared to refugee and immigrant children and families. The project investigated the prevalence of psychosocial problems among Iranian and Afghani asylum seeker, refugee and immigrant children and adolescents, and their caregivers who arrived in Australia from 2010. In total, n=196 asylum seeker, immigrant and refugee children aged between 5-18 years old, and their primary caregiver were asked about family visa status, country of origin, level of education, parent symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (Harvard Trauma Questionnaire) and child wellbeing (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire). An additional n=362 Farsi and Dari speaking children, recruited through the Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA) study, a national representative sample of families with permanent refugee visas, was also included. Findings revealed that asylum seeker children display significantly more psychosocial problems compared to children from families with full refugee protection and immigrant background within the current sample and when benchmarked against a national sample of Farsi-Dari speaking refugee children. Higher parental posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms were found to be a significant predictor of poorer child psychosocial functioning. This effect was more marked for children in families with insecure residency. At a policy level the findings raise important questions in relation to the Australian Government’s harsh immigration regime which has heartless disregard for the people and specific children who are harmed. It is important that future research examine further the prospective impact of harsh immigration policies and possible protective factors that can be used to promote better outcomes

    Pre- and post-employment issues of bipolar patients and predisposing factors and vocational rehabilitation implications: a new perspective

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the employment issues of bipolar patients and their predisposing factors. Materials and Methods: This study was performed using the moose systematic qualitative method, by using research articles that addressed the employment issues of bipolar patients. Initially, 2204 articles were extracted but after primary and secondary screening and studying the full text finally, 15 articles were selected according to predetermined criteria. Results: The extracted employment issues of bipolar patients were divided into two general types of pre- and post-employment issues and the factors causing the employment issues.  Pre- and post- employment issues of bipolar patients were divided into three sub-domains (Unemployment, lack of productivity in the workplace, and ethical-communication problems). factors causing bipolar employment issues were divided into three domains (factors related to symptoms of the disorder, psychosocial factors and inappropriate therapeutic interventions). Discussion: Although pre- and post- employment issues of bipolar patients appear to be a major issue both in society and in researches; the underlying causes of these patients' employment issues are also important driving factors, which need attention and consideration and rehabilitation

    The molecular investigation of celiac disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated disorder resulting in nutrient malabsorption now thought to have a prevalence of 1:100 in the Iranian population.Symptoms of CD are included diarrhea, abdominal pain, steatorrhea, bloating, cramps, flatulence, weight loss, weakness and short stature. In addition to presenting symptoms, patients are also at increased risk of metabolic bone disease, lymphoma (enteropathy-associated with T-cell) and other malignancies in different parts of the body such as gastric, esophageal, bladder, breast and brain. There appears to be a strong genetic component to this disease. In this short review we provided the historical, clinical and genetic aspects of this disease and highlight numerous findings from recent molecular immunology studies.

    Removing or Authorizing the Agheleh Guarantee and Proposing the Replacement of the “Physical Injuries Compensation Fund Caused by Mistake Crimes”

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    Of the cases, that the legislator has accepted the criminal liability resulting from the other’s act is agheleh guarantee under section of which the agheleh is bound to pay for the murder blood money and the mistake injuries on behalf of the wrongdoer criminal according to the provisions stipulated in the law. This way of remedy that has been made in systems that lived as tribes, has been followed by many advantages such as unity and cooperation among the tribe members. However, it seems that at present and considering the social structure of current communities in which the kinship relationships and even familial ones are becoming corer day by day, the existence of such a guarantee, which had been created for facilitation, will sometimes become problematic and due to the same reason, it can be stated that the above-mentioned guarantee has lost the efficacy of the past period and one should use the establishment of a new fund in the name of “physical injuries compensation fund due to mistake crimes” by removing or authorizing it

    Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection among healthy individuals referred to the medical center laboratories in Tehran City, Capital of Iran

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    Background: Toxocarosis is a zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution. Humans’ infection occurred by incidental ingestion of eggs shed in feces of dogs or cats. Studies on general population are rare in Iran. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated seroprevalence, and risk factors associated with toxocariasis among the healthy individuals in Tehran, capital if Iran.Materials and Methods: In total, 374 sera samples were investigated for the presence of anti-Toxocara IgG. We applied ELISA as screening test using available commercial kit. In addition, demographic data were obtained from participant’s questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using SPSS16.Results: The overall seroprevalence of toxocariasis was found 5.6% (21/374). Regarding the socio-demographic variables, age (P<0.001) and eating unwashed vegetables (P=0.049) were significantly associated to toxocariasis in univariate analysis. In the logistic regression analysis, only age (P<0.001) was identified as potential risk factor associated with Toxocara infection.Conclusion: This study revealed that seroprevalence of toxocariasis is relatively low in the healthy individuals in Tehran. We suggest carrying out further studies in the different part of Iran and investigate on the prevalence of toxocariasis in high-risk groups such as asthma, hyper-eosinophilic, epilepsy, rheumatism and schizophrenia patients
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