13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Conceptual Properties by Layperson in Residential Façade Designs

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    When it comes to aesthetic evaluation of a design, architects and non-architects differ from each other. This study demonstrates how aesthetic evaluation of buildings could be predicted. These predictions are important for architects as they can be used to find the users preferences and expectations of the design. Preference is considered to involve conceptual evaluation about whether the design is liked or disliked. In environmental preference, this type of conceptual evaluation might be conscious or unconscious. The aim of this study is to identify the essential conceptual properties that are related to aesthetic evaluation of façade designs using qualitative methodology. As a result it can be concluded that not all the conceptual properties are related to aesthetic evaluation of the design. Some conceptual properties are not important from the eye of non-architects and some are highly important. Findings of this research could help architects to understand the perception of non-architects. Keywords: Aesthetic evaluation, Conceptual properties, Environmental Perception, Façade design, User preferenc

    Family participation in house design of Iran

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    Contemporary roles of family have transformed from conventional to unconventional family types. These and the changes in gender ideologies have given rise to family participation in house modification. The conventional housing design fails to accommodate contemporary families spatial needs in their houses. Although researches have shown that families’ gender ideologies have influenced house design for housework, research into spatial needs of the different family members in housing has been limited. This study is an attempt to understand family participation and its influences on housing unit design. This study employed a qualitative methodology based on a multiple case studies. Interviews and visual documentation of the houses were the methods of data collection employed. Data from the interviews were analysed using content analysis techniques. Respondents in this case study were residents of family housing in an area in the city of Ahvaz in Iran. This study reveals that the traditional patriarchal decision making approach has been replaced by family decision-making. Not only the husbands decided the changes, the wife and the children also have played bigger roles in changing the houses design. Housewives have changed the design of the house especially kitchen, by replacing a counter instead of the wall and having an open space kitchen and the living rooms, by placing a permanent place for a dining room. The children have also been involved in the decision-making process but the participation of children was limited only to their bedrooms and not in all the spaces. The study also shows that family income has a great influence on the husband in their participation in house modification. The most common factor that influenced the children was the variation in family size that implicates the need for extra bedrooms. This study shows that involving different family members in the design process not only help families to have suitable spaces in their houses but it could also help architects to understand family needs in house design process

    Evaluation of conceptual properties by layperson in residential façade design

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    When it comes to aesthetic evaluation of a design, architects and non-architects differ from each other. This study demonstrates how aesthetic evaluation of buildings could be predicted. These predictions are important for architects as they can be used to find the users preferences and expectations of the design. Preference is considered to involve conceptual evaluation about whether the design is liked or disliked. In environmental preference, this type of conceptual evaluation might be conscious or unconscious. The aim of this study is to identify the essential conceptual properties that are related to aesthetic evaluation of façade designs using qualitative methodology. As a result it can be concluded that not all the conceptual properties are related to aesthetic evaluation of the design. Some conceptual properties are not important from the eye of non-architects and some are highly important. Findings of this research could help architects to understand the perception of non-architects

    Identifying the different aesthetic quality of building attributes from architects perspectives

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    It seems that many designers do not know, from a non-designer viewpoint, what a pleasant building looks like. If designers are ever to have more pleasant buildings in the eyes of the majority of the residents who are not designers, this problem desires study and explanations which in this study the researcher tries to answer. Part of the solution lies in discovering the physical and cognitive property of the differences in aesthetic criteria in designers. The aim of the present study is to identify objective physical building cues that are connected to aesthetic quality in Architects and the designers of the buildings. The researcher used a quantitative questionnaire to find the values of each building attribute among architects. The results found that building attribute have different values among architects. Some physical cues are very important for architects and some are not so much important

    Heat transfer reduction using self shading strategy in energy commission building in Malaysia

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    Most office buildings have been constructed without enough strategies for appropriate use of solar energy, especially in tropical regions. Different forms of buildings and strategies were recommended. Whereas conventional building envelops receive more solar radiation, self-shading strategy was suggested as a form of building to eliminate direct solar radiation; as a result, it causes less energy for cooling office spaces. Energy commission diamond building in Malaysia is an actual model of self-shading building. In this study, the objective is to investigate the amount of Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) reduction in energy commission diamond building. To this end, the effectiveness of self-shading strategy on OTTV is investigated through experimental and analytical approaches. Findings of this research demonstrate that the significant reduction occurs in using self-shading strategy. This strategy can be applied for forthcoming design of office buildings to reduce energy consumption as well as to meet the purpose of sustainable architecture

    Identifying the Different Aesthetic Quality of Building Attributes From Architects Perspective

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    It seems that many designers do not know, from a non-designer viewpoint, what a pleasant building looks like. If designers are ever to have more pleasant buildings in the eyes of the majority of the residents who are not designers, this problem desires study and explanations which in this study the researcher tries to answer. Part of the solution lies in discovering the physical and cognitive property of the differences in aesthetic criteria in designers. The aim of the present study is to identify objective physical building cues that are connected to aesthetic quality in Architects and the designers of the buildings. The researcher used a quantitative questionnaire to find the values of each building attribute among architects. The results found that building attribute have different values among architects. Some physical cues are very important for architects and some are not so much important

    An Ensemble-Learning-Based Technique for Bimodal Sentiment Analysis

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    Human communication is predominantly expressed through speech and writing, which are powerful mediums for conveying thoughts and opinions. Researchers have been studying the analysis of human sentiments for a long time, including the emerging area of bimodal sentiment analysis in natural language processing (NLP). Bimodal sentiment analysis has gained attention in various areas such as social opinion mining, healthcare, banking, and more. However, there is a limited amount of research on bimodal conversational sentiment analysis, which is challenging due to the complex nature of how humans express sentiment cues across different modalities. To address this gap in research, a comparison of multiple data modality models has been conducted on the widely used MELD dataset, which serves as a benchmark for sentiment analysis in the research community. The results show the effectiveness of combining acoustic and linguistic representations using a proposed neural-network-based ensemble learning technique over six transformer and deep-learning-based models, achieving state-of-the-art accuracy

    Effects of cylindrical and cubic piles on motion of density currents

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    Gradijentno strujanje je gibanje fluida kroz neki drugi fluid drugačije gustoće, uz često negativan utjecaj na okoliš. Zbog problema taloženja uzrokovanih djelovanjem gradijentnih struja u blizini tijela brana, često se poduzimaju odgovarajuće mjere kako bi se ublažio ili eliminirao utjecaj takvih struja u srednjem dijelu akumulacija. U tom se smislu u sredini akumulacije postavljaju odgovarajuće prepreke. U ovom se radu eksperimentalno istražuje utjecaj valjkastih i kockastih prepreka na kretanje prednje fronte (glave) gradijentnih struja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je utjecaj kockastih prepreka na parametre strujanja veći od utjecaja valjkastih prepreka.Density current is the motion of a fluid in another fluid of a different density, with frequent negative environmental impacts. According to the deposition problems caused by density currents in the vicinity of dam bodies, attempts are usually made to weaken or eliminate these types of currents in the middle of the reservoir. Appropriate barriers are placed in the middle of the reservoir for this purpose. The effects of cylindrical and cubic obstacles on the motion of the head of the saline density current are experimentally investigated in this study. The results show that the effect of cubic obstacles on current parameters is greater compared to cylindrical obstacles