225 research outputs found

    STUDIES ON THE KINETO-ADAPTATION : I. On the Index of Limb Bones and the Locomotion in some Frogs

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    ArticleJournal of the Shinshu University. 2: 83-93(1952)departmental bulletin pape

    A STUDY OF BATS : II. The Palatal Ridges of the Bat

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    Article信州大学教養部紀要. 第二部, 自然科学 1: 1-25(1967)departmental bulletin pape

    Comparison of the effects of sustained contractions in different positions of the upper extremity and different degrees of resistance by pinch on the active range of motion

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    無作為に選択した健常者10名を対象に,上肢静止性収縮時における肩・肘関節の肢位と負荷の相違が,手関節屈曲の自動関節可動域と手関節屈曲の主動筋と拮抗筋の表面筋電図に及ぼす影響を検討した.肩・肘関節の肢位は固有受容性神経筋促通(PNF)肢位(肩135°屈曲,45°内転,中等度外旋位,肘軽度屈曲,前腕90°回外)の上肢PNF肢位と非PNF 肢位(肩90°屈曲,内外旋中間位,肘伸展,前腕90°回内)の2種を選択し,負荷はピンチ力の最大随意収縮の30~40%(軽負荷)および70~80%(重負荷)の2種とした.重負荷・PNF 肢位の組み合わせによる静止性収縮後の手関節屈曲の自動関節可動域改善率が重負荷・非PNF 肢位の自動関節可動域改善率より有意に大きかった(p < 0.05).軽負荷と比較し重負荷で主動筋の積分筋電図値が有意に大きな値を示したが,PNF 肢位では認められなかった.積分筋電図値の指標と自動関節可動域改善との関連性は認められなかった.This study aimed to compare the effects of sustained contractions in different positions of the upper extremity and different degrees of load on both the active range of motion (AROM) of wrist flexion and the surface electromyographic (EMG) activity of wrist agonist and antagonist for ten healthy subjects randomly selected. The positions of the upper extremity were the non-PNF position (shoulder flexion (90°) and elbow extension with forearm pronation) and the PNF position (shoulder flexion-adductionexternal rotation and elbow extension with supination). The target loads by fingertip force spanned a range from 30% to 40% of maximal voluntary contraction (light load) to 70% to 80% (heavy load). The improvement percentage of AROM after each sustained contraction was calculated in comparison with AROM before the contractions, and each integrated EMG (IEMG) ratio was normalized to the IEMG of each maximal voluntary contraction. The results of this study showed that the improvement of AROM by a sustained contraction combined with the PNF position and a heavy load was significantly larger (P < 0.05) compared with the non-PNF position combined with a light load. The IEMG ratio of the agonist during heavy load was greater than for the light load, which may be explained by the observation that the facilitation of the agonist in the heavy load, but there was no facilitation of the agonist in the PNF position of the upper extremity. Because of the non-significant correlation coefficient between improvement of AROM and IEMG, there was no relation between AROM and facilitation of the agonist activity

    Effect of TU-100 in NASH

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    Background : Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is associated with a higher risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and the importance of the gut–liver axis has been recognized in NASH-associated HCC. We investigated the effect of TU-100 on the intestinal microbiome and hepatocarcinogenesis in a NASH model. Methods : Seven-week-old Tsumura Suzuki obese diabetes mice, a model that shows the spontaneous onset of NASH and HCC, were used. They were divided into a TU-100 treated group and a control group. Mice were sacrificed at 24 and 48 weeks to evaluate hepatic steatosis, fibrosis, carcinogenesis, cytokine expression, and microbiome abundance. Results : At 24 weeks, the TU-100 group showed significantly lower expression of IL6, IL1B, and ACTA2 mRNA in the liver (P < 0.05). At 48 weeks, the TU-100 group showed significantly lower levels of serum alanine aminotransferase. The TU-100 group also showed a lower rate of NASH than the control group (28% vs 72% ; P = 0.1). Tumor diameter was significantly smaller in the TU-100 group compared with that in the control group (P < 0.05). Regarding the intestinal microbiome, the genera Blautia and Ruminococcus were increased in the TU-100 group (P < 0.05), whereas Dorea and Erysipelotrichaceae were decreased in the TU-100 group (P < 0.05). Conclusions : TU-100 regulates the intestinal microbiome and may suppress subsequent hepatocarcinogenesis in the NASH model

    X box-binding protein1を介した小胞体ストレス応答不全は非アルコール性脂肪肝炎モデルマウスにおける肝部分切除後の肝再生不良の主要な要因である

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    Background Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease. Poor regeneration after hepatectomy in NAFLD is well recognized, but the mechanism is unclear. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress plays an important role in the development of NAFLD. Here, we show that an impaired ER stress response contributes to poor liver regeneration in partially hepatectomized mice. Methods Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) was induced in mice using our patented feed and 70% partial hepatectomy (PH) was performed. Mice were sacrificed 0, 4, 8, 24, or 48 hours, or 7 days after PH, and liver regeneration and the mRNA expression of ER stress markers were assessed. Results NAFLD activity score was calculated as 4–6 points for NAFL and 7 points for NASH. NASH was characterized by inflammation and high ER stress marker expression before PH. After PH, NASH mice showed poorer liver regeneration than controls. High expression of proinflammatory cytokine genes was present in NASH mice 4 hours after PH. Xbp1-s mRNA expression was high in control and NAFL mice after PH, but no higher in NASH mice. Conclusions Dysfunction of the ER stress response might be a cause of poor liver regeneration in NASH

    NMR study in the superconducting silicon clathrate compound NaxBaySi46

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    29Si, 23Na, 137Ba, and 135Ba NMR experiments were carried out in the superconducting silicon clathrate compound NaxBaySi46 to study the electronic states above the superconducting transition temperature. We observed three distinct 29Si signals with different Knight shift (2036, 862, and 720 ppm at 90 K with a small temperature dependence of ∼10%), which were ascribed to inequivalent Si sites in the Si46 structure. The results indicate that the conduction-electron spin and/or charge density is strongly site-dependent. At all the atomic sites, the Korringa relation in NMR relaxation was observed, indicative of metallic electronic structure with moderate electronic correlation. The Na and Ba atoms are partially ionized in NaxBaySi46, which shows the noticeable difference from the system of alkali-metal-doped fullerides. The comparison with band calculations is discussed