754 research outputs found

    Structure of Fe-Cu coatings prepared by the magnetron sputtering method

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    This work presents the results of our research concerning the synthesis of metallic Fe-Cu coatings by use of the magnetron sputtering method. The structure of the coatings synthesized during two modes of pulsed magnetron sputtering was compared . In our experiment the pulsed magnetron power supply generated a series of pulses gated at 1kHz - standard pulsed mode (SPM) and 2 Hz - low frequency pulsed mode (LFPM). The analysis of the microstructure by means of SEM and TEM show that obtained coatings are characterized by nanocrystalline structure. Additionally the optical emission spectra (OES) during the copper and iron sputtering were measured

    XM_HeatForecast: Heating Load Forecasting in Smart District Heating Networks

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    Forecasting is an important task for intelligent agents involved in dynamical processes. A specific application domain concerns district heating networks, in which the future heating load generated by centralized power plants and distributed to buildings must be optimized for better plant maintenance, energy consumption and environmental impact. In this paper we present XM_HeatForecast a Python tool designed to support district heating network operators. The tool provides an integrated architecture for i) generating and updating in real-time predictive models of heating load, ii) supporting the analysis of prediction performance and errors, iii) inspecting model parameters and analyzing the historical dataset from which models are trained. A case study is presented in which the software is used on a synthetic dataset of heat loads and weather forecast from which a regression model is generated and updated every 24 h, while predictions of load in the next 48 h are performed every hour. Software available at: https://github.com/XModeling Video available at: https://youtu.be/JtInizI4e_s

    Progress in development and applications of cherenkovtype detectors for fast electron studies in tokamaks

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    The paper presents advance in a new method developed in the Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ) for direct detection of high-energy (super-thermal, runaway) electrons generated in tokamaks. The technique in question is based on registration of the Cherenkov radiation, emitted by energetic electrons, moving through a transparent medium (radiator body) with a velocity higher than the velocity of light in this material. The main aim of the presented studies was to develop a diagnostic technique applicable for investigation of fast electron beams within magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) facilities.Представлено досягнення нового методу, розробленого в Інституті ядерних досліджень(ИЯД) для прямої реєстрації високоенергетичних (надтеплових, втікаючих) електронів, генеруємих у токамаках. Технічно задача заснована на реєстрації черенковського випромінювання, що випускається енергетичними електронами, які рухаються через прозоре середовище(випромінювальне тіло) зі швидкістю вище швидкості світла в даному матеріалі. Основною метою представлених досліджень була розробка діагностичної методики, застосованої для вивчення швидких електронних пучків у термоядерних магнітних пастках(ТМП).Представлены достижения нового метода, разработанного в Институте ядерных исследований (ИЯИ) для прямой регистрации высокоэнергетических (надтепловых, убегающих) электронов, генеруємых в токамаках. Технически задача основана на регистрации черенковского излучения, испускаемого энергитичными электронами, движущимся через прозрачную среду(излучательное тело) со скоростью выше скорости света в данном материале. Основной целью представленных исследований была разработка диагностической методики, применимой для изучения быстрых электронных пучков в термоядерных магнитных ловушках(ТМЛ)

    Conservatives and the Constabulary in Great Britain: cross-dressing conundrums

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    Purpose This chapter is devoted to analysing the historical peculiarity of the contemporary British politics of policing. Methodology/approach Research is based on an analysis of policy statements and debates, news reports, and official statistics, in the light of historical studies of the earlier politics of policing. Findings The Conservative government’s police reform programme severely diminishes the resources, powers, status and independence of the police, reversing the Tory’s traditional unquestioning support of the police. The package is shown to reflect broader changes in political economy and culture under neoliberalism. Originality/value There has been no previous academic analysis bringing together the various aspects of the reform programme, contrasting it with previous historical understanding of the politics of policing, and linking it to broader contemporary change