18 research outputs found

    Appendix C. Animations showing the spatial and temporal patterns of canopy accession (including both gap origin and release) in the four disturbance history plots.

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    Animations showing the spatial and temporal patterns of canopy accession (including both gap origin and release) in the four disturbance history plots

    Appendix D. Number of gapmakers in different decay classes for Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba and density of seedlings and saplings in the three windthrow and neighboring control areas.

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    Number of gapmakers in different decay classes for Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba and density of seedlings and saplings in the three windthrow and neighboring control areas

    Appendix E. Maps of canopy gaps for the four disturbance history plots.

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    Maps of canopy gaps for the four disturbance history plots

    Appendix B. Plots of percentage growth change values with respect to prior growth for annual growth increments of Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica, including the boundary line functions for both species.

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    Plots of percentage growth change values with respect to prior growth for annual growth increments of Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica, including the boundary line functions for both species

    Spatial patterns of regeneration.

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    <p>A) Spatial patterns of saplings (small: 50–90 cm, large: 90–200 cm); B) spatial relationship between spruce and rowan saplings; C) spatial relationship between saplings and canopy living trees and D) spatial relationship between saplings and snags or stumps evaluated with univariate and bivariate pair correlation function. Both strongly self-aggregated spruce and rowan saplings are clustered to canopy (>25 m) trees, snag and stumps.</p

    The conceptual figure illustrates how the structural complexity of an old-growth forest carries over to the next stand, in spite of a severe canopy-removing bark beetle disturbance.

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    <p>Structurally simple patches dominated by a dense overstory tend to be replaced by a young simple cohort (high density, more evenly spatially distributed, shorter and more uniform heights). Structurally complex patches that include gaps tend to be replaced by with a similarly complex young cohort (lower density, larger patches of open space, greater maximum and wider variability in heights). This difference in post-disturbance early-seral structural development pathways is attributed to light conditions and microsite availability when the advance regeneration bank was formed: Under densely closed canopies, there are suitable microsite conditions (sparse herb layer) for seedling establishment but not enough light for sustainable height growth over a certain threshold. In contrast, under moderate canopy cover, the establishment of new seedlings is inhibited by a dense herb layer. Seedlings and saplings that do manage to establish in these patches are subject to mortality due to resource competition by the herb layer, resulting in lower advance regeneration density, larger patches of open space and wider height variability under moderate canopy cover.</p

    Distribution of empty space function (<i>F(r)</i>) from spruce point pattern.

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    <p>Point pattern is formed by living before and living after disturbance, killed by disturbance and newly recruited spruces above 50 cm. The numbers of individuals are specified in brackets. The evaluation of post-disturbance living spruce spatial pattern is shown in subplot using univariate pair correlation function and CSR null model.</p

    Ordination biplots of rowan sapling, spruce seedling, and spruce sapling densities in different height classes.

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    <p>Regeneration densities are represented by text (indicating height in cm) and arrows show the direction from smaller to larger height classes of saplings. The passively projected environmental variables (Alpine-lady fern and canopy cover) are represented by blue and brown arrow. The passively projected spruce regeneration density, height homogeneity and height heterogeneity are overlain. Brown isolines show the gradient in the canopy cover.</p

    Mortality and recruitment spatial pattern.

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    <p>Bivariate spatial pattern between disturbance-killed and survived individuals of; (A) all pre-disturbance recruited spruce, (B) pre-disturbance recruited spruce saplings and (C) the bivariate pattern between all survived and newly recruited spruce above 50 cm. Positions of spruces killed by disturbance (A, B) or newly recruited spruces (C) are marked in each subplots. Spruce-free patches (gaps) before disturbance (A, B) and after disturbance (C) are stressed by colour spectrum that represents the distance to the nearest live individual in meters.</p