147 research outputs found


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    Characterized by eclectism and depth of scientific rigor, Professor Virgil Madgearu performed a remarkable activity in the economic sciences. Analyzing the efforts, the teaching and scientific work of the Romanian professor, his areas of expertise come off: economics, management, finance, sociology, cooperative work and study. We also found a major contribution to shaping a new discipline for those times, namely, the management of commercial and industrial companies. Realizing the importance of developing modern managerial skills among Romanian economists and leaders, Virgil Madgearu was the first who wrote, taught university courses and published the first technical and business theory, laying the foundations of science management.economic sciences, management of commercial and industrial companies, Virgil Madgearu.

    Genetic analysis of the mouse cytomegalovirus nuclear egress complex

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    Being the center of attention: A Person-Context CNN framework for Personality Recognition

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    This paper proposes a novel study on personality recognition using video data from different scenarios. Our goal is to jointly model nonverbal behavioral cues with contextual information for a robust, multi-scenario, personality recognition system. Therefore, we build a novel multi-stream Convolutional Neural Network framework (CNN), which considers multiple sources of information. From a given scenario, we extract spatio-temporal motion descriptors from every individual in the scene, spatio-temporal motion descriptors encoding social group dynamics, and proxemics descriptors to encode the interaction with the surrounding context. All the proposed descriptors are mapped to the same feature space facilitating the overall learning effort. Experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of jointly modeling the mutual Person-Context information, outperforming the state-of-the art-results for personality recognition in two different scenarios. Lastly, we present CNN class activation maps for each personality trait, shedding light on behavioral patterns linked with personality attributes

    Nonverbal Communication through Dance

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    The hypothesis from which we begin our approach is that a significant way of communication is non-verbal, the language of the body that can express emotions, thoughts, attitudes, without the need for words, postures, movements and gestures. Very important in non-verbal communication is the dance, which involves a specific way of communicating with others, but also with yourself. Through dance, communication blockages are overcome. Movement and gestures, expressive or symbolic, along with certain postures, can "communicate" emotions, feelings, attitudes, giving us access to the inner world of the dancer. In the study, we want to argue in favour of dance, as a form of communication and as a form of therapy, able to allow communication and harmonization of relations between people. We also seek to make some references to the LOVE Life and Dance: Expressive therapy for empowering youth, which will be conducted at the Faculty of Communication and International Relations, at Danubius University of Galati

    Some Aspects Specific to Communication and Religious Image in Christianity

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    The hypothesis from which we start is that religious communication is prescriptive. Religion is a universal relationship, which is a conscious and free relationship of the human being with the divinity. Both religion and religious communication have an important role in preserving the social order "the possibility of predisposing people to exercise restraint and control” (Wilson, 2000, pp. 84-85) as well as the development of the personal experience of the sacred. For Mircea Eliade, the becoming and the growth of the existence into human being means being religious (Eliade, 1981, p. VIII). Religious communication can be approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, which values the religious symbols, rituals and attitudes. Prayers, rituals, rites, religious ceremonies are manifestations of communication with divinity. In the process of religious communication, there are coordinated interactions such as divinity, faithfulness, religious institutions, world, transcendental, texts, images and religious symbols

    Values of Academic Autonomy and Integrity

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    The hypothesis from which we start in our approach is that in order to take the most appropriate decisions in university governance, certain principles should be applied, meant to ensure quality and performance in higher education. Thus, the principle of autonomy and the principle of integrity underlies, in academic area, quality of didactic and research activities, performance evaluation activities, efficient management, etc. At present, it is increasingly necessary to consolidate a culture of academic integrity. Between society and the academic community there are certain expectations that imply the internalization of a set of values and values, the ethical principle that any higher education institution must promote. Another fundamental principle represents academic freedom, such as freedom to research, freedom to teach and freedom of free speech about the education system or any of its institutions. We argue in favor of our ideas using the official documents of Danubius University: the Charter and the Code of Ethics and Professional Deontology

    Professional Mobility and the Human Resources Flexibility - Premises of the Employment Improvement of Labor Force in Industry

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    During the transition years, the most striking and at the same time alarming process in matters of employment has been the severe decrease of the employed population. The causes that determine a process or another in the field of workforce employment can be grouped into: economic causes, institutional causes, educational and training causes, social causes, the management of the labour market. In this paper we have approached mainly the educational and training causes, taking into account the mass privatization process of the Romanian enterprises which led to the apparition/disappearance of qualifications, associated with big changes in the content of jobs and qualifications. In order to know the structural or circumstantial changes concerning the qualifications required on the labour market it is necessary to have an information inquiry about the qualifications and the qualification needs, which means investigations at the firms from the town/area. To this purpose we have made a research (to be seen in a questionnaire-based survey) at the level of Cluj county on a statistical population of 2736 enterprises. As a result of the research, we have elaborated the classification of the most wanted and most vulnerable jobs specific to industry on the labour market from Cluj and we have identified the main employment difficulties. Under the actual conditions of restructuring economy in general and industry in particular we consider that the flexibility of human resources represents a decisive factor for improving employment in economy in general and in industry in particular.employment; unemployment; jobs/qualifications; professional mobility; flexibility.

    Multimodal Fusion Based on Information Gain for Emotion Recognition in the Wild

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    Fashion Object Detection for Tops & Bottoms

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    Fashion is one of the largest world's industries and computer vision techniques have been becoming more popular in recent years, in particular, for tasks such as object detection and apparel segmentation. Even with the rapid growth in computer vision solutions, specifically for the fashion industry, many problems are far for being resolved. Therefore, not at all times, adjusting out-of-the-box pre-trained computer vision models will provide the desired solution. In the present paper is proposed a pipeline that takes a noisy image with a person and specifically detects the regions with garments that are bottoms or tops. Our solution implements models that are capable of finding human parts in an image e.g. full-body vs half-body, or no human is found. Then, other models knowing that there's a human and its composition (e.g. not always we have a full-body) finds the bounding boxes/regions of the image that very likely correspond to a bottom or a top. For the creation of bounding boxes/regions task, a benchmark dataset was specifically prepared. The results show that the Mask RCNN solution is robust, and generalized enough to be used and scalable in unseen apparel/fashion data