7 research outputs found

    Field Data from 1978 and 2011/2012 sampling

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    This dataset includes the cone production data and accompanying tree and site information from the sites sampled in New Mexico and northwestern Oklahoma in 1978 and 2011/2012


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    This pdf file has pictures to help you understand how to distinguish an annual whorl and identify the corresponding year for each cone or cone scar. This file also provides a definition of a leader shoot (also referred to as a cone bearing branch) and accompanying diagram to further help you understand the methodology


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    This spreadsheet provides data on how many juveniles were found in each microsite, including units. For a description of each column on this spreadsheet, please see the metadata file titled, 'nurse_data_dryad_metadata'. These data were used in the interaction (also referred to as electivity) analyses in the associated manuscript


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    This spreadsheet provides data on tree juvenile density, woodland structure (tree density, tree mortality, etc.), vegetation cover, and abiotic characteristics for each site. For a description of each column on this spreadsheet, please see the metadata file titled, 'data_summary_dryad_metadata'. These data were used in all structural equation modeling in the associated manuscript


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    This spreadsheet provides a written description of each column in the spreadsheet titled, 'data_summary_dryad', including the units


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    This spreadsheet provides a written description of each column in the spreadsheet titled, 'nurse_data_dryad', including the units. These data also note which columns were not used in any of the analyses