32 research outputs found

    En defensa de Dios

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    Does God need someone who defends him? Is it necessary to invent miracles? In this text, a metaphor of a god, not the one of the scriptures, is proposed in a formula that contains the infinitely small and the infinitely large and some ideas of great thinkers such as Spinoza and Asimov, among others, are reviewed. It is proposed to reflect on whether the description made of God can be reconsidered.¿Dios necesita quien lo defienda? ¿Es necesario inventar milagros? En este texto, se propone una metáfora de un dios, no el de las escrituras, en una fórmula que contiene lo infinitamente pequeño y lo infinitamente grande y se retoman algunas ideas de grandes pensadores como Spinoza y Asimov, entre otros. Se propone reflexionar si la descripción que se hace de Dios se puede reconsiderar

    Memorias de un profesor para ingenieros

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    Sin pretender ser protagonista, quizá los años, las circunstancias, o qué sé yo, me han convencido escribir estas memorias para compartir una versión sobre los pasos vacilantes de un profesor común, a veces criticado, y otras no tanto. Esta historia es la historia de muchos otros profesores. Todos aquellos que tuvieron que ausentarse de su familia, con el único fin de continuar su formación académica, lo saben

    Application of an Annular/Sphere Search Algorithm for Speaker Recognition

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    In this work, an alternative search algorithm for vector quantization codebook is applied as a way to improve the performance of an automatic speaker recognition system. The search algorithm is based on geometrical properties of the vector space, defining annular and spherical regions instead of a full search method. The speaker recognition system is intended to identify a suspect, between a small group of persons, using low quality recordings, working as a text independent automatic speaker recognition system. Because the rate of recognition required in forensic applications is extremely important, the use of good discrimination algorithms can reduce the risk of bad decisions. The performance of the system under such a conditions is reported. Besides the few speaker samples used for training, a high recognition rate was obtained, so it was found an improvement of the recognition rate over the full search method

    Image Addition by Computer Generated Multiplexed Holograms

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    A new approach to perform image addition via computer generated multiplexed holograms is described. The purpose of this work is to handle flat objects that are to be stored in a hologram. When holograms are reconstructed, images appear simultaneously in the same direction and same diffraction order, thus recovering a more complex image. The experimental results demonstrate the suggested procedure

    A Texas instruments DSP-based acoustic source direction finder

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    This document describes the implementation of a DSP-based acoustic source direction finder and its application to control the direction of a steerable camera. For real-time implementation a TMS320F2812 digital signal controller was used. The system can be used for different applications like in teleconferencing rooms or surveillance systems. This report presents a description of the developed system in three phases of the project: direction of arrival estimation, analog interfase, and servomotor control. The application was developed by undergraduate students at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas as a final project in the course “DSPs programming”, which is one of the DSP courses thought in the Communications and Electronics Engineering program, with a major in DSP

    A reduced search algorithm for speaker recognition

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    In this work, a reduced search algorithm for vector quantization codebooks is applied as a way to reduce the risk of wrong decisions in an automatic speaker recognition system. Instead of a full search method, the algorithm is based on the geometrical properties of the vector space, reducing the search to those codebooks which are closer to the vector under test. The speaker recognition system is intended to identify a suspect, between a small group of persons, using low quality recordings, working as a text independent automatic speaker recognition system. It was found that the alternative search algorithm can be used to reduce the risk of wrong decisions, which is specially important in forensic applications

    Diseño De Un Sistema Multicanal Para Sensores De Microdeformaciones

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    Se reporta el diseño de un sistema multicanal para la adquisición y el procesamiento de señales de muy bajo nivel provenientes de sensores de deformación a base de galgas extensiométricas (strain gauges). Se presenta la descripción de los módulos que componen al sistema, las ecuaciones de diseño, y se incluyen los cálculos de resolución, en micras, y del alcance esperado en las mediciones. El sistema se conecta a cualquier computadora personal a través del puerto serie, e incluye módulos de acondicionamiento de señales con capacidad de 8 canales por módulo. Para la multicanalización de los sensores, se propone un puente de resistencias en configuración Chevron, lo cual representa una simplificación tanto en la construcción como en el número de resistencias que lo componen. Además, una vez calibrado, el sistema no requiere de ajuste manual ya que emplea la técnica de puente desbalanceado

    Implementation of a neuron-based autonomous Mobil Robot on a DSP

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    An autonomous mobil robot has been implemented on a Digital Signal Processor (for real time operation) using neural networks as the main part of the program that runs on the processor. The neural network was based on a single layer perceptron (SLP) with two neurons, four inputs coming from four sonar sensors, and two outputs to control the direction of two CD motors. The goal of the mobil robot is to avoid obstacles while it runs randomly in a given room. Two training sets were tested to provide two di®erent reactive behaviors, the first one with forward direction, left turn and right turn, and the second which includes reverse direction. Both behaviors were compared

    Obtención de la respuesta en frecuencia auditiva usando un modelo bio-mimético

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    Se propone un modelo matemático con relación a la posición en el espacio de una fuente de sonido. El modelo matemático es función de los ángulos de azimut y elevación, partiendo de la medición de la Respuesta en Frecuencia Relativa a la Cabeza (HRTF) en un modelo bio-mimético. El modelo bio-mimético se construye con base en un maniquí (cabeza) que simula a una persona a la cual se le hacen incidir ondas sonoras desde diferentes posiciones en un espacio radial. Se observó que la posición de los polos y ceros del modelo matemático pueden dar información de la localización de la fuente