986 research outputs found

    Interoperation between Miniboxing and Other Generics Translations

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    Generics allow programmers to design algorithms and data structures that operate in the same way regardless of the data used by abstracting over data types. Generics are useful as they improve the programmer’s productivity by raising the level of abstraction, which in turn leads to reducing code duplication and uniform interfaces. However, as data on the low-level comes in different shapes and sizes, it is not a trivial job of compiler to bridge the gap between the uniform interface and the non-uniform low level implementation. Different approaches are used for generics translation and all of them can be categorized either into homogeneous or heterogeneous group. The characteristic of homogeneous translations is that all different data representations are transformed into an identical representation and use the same low-level code for this purpose. In the heterogeneous translations, code is duplicated and adapted for each incompatible data type. From a programmer’s point of view, there should be no difference between a generic method or class compiled using some homogeneous or heterogeneous translation. Therefore, the programmer can combine different types of translations together on different parts of the code and the program has to be correct. But, as different generics translations are implemented in different ways, interoperation between them introduces noticeable slowdowns as values need to be converted to the foreign object’s desired representation, incurring significant performance losses. In this thesis, it will be explored why slowdowns happen when different translations interact together and proposed the ways how they can interoperate more efficiently. Proposed approaches are implemented and their effectiveness is presented by benchmarking the implementation

    Photonics design tool for advanced CMOS nodes

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    Recently, the authors have demonstrated large-scale integrated systems with several million transistors and hundreds of photonic elements. Yielding such large-scale integrated systems requires a design-for-manufacture rigour that is embodied in the 10 000 to 50 000 design rules that these designs must comply within advanced complementary metal-oxide semiconductor manufacturing. Here, the authors present a photonic design automation tool which allows automatic generation of layouts without design-rule violations. This tool is written in SKILL, the native language of the mainstream electric design automation software, Cadence. This allows seamless integration of photonic and electronic design in a single environment. The tool leverages intuitive photonic layer definitions, allowing the designer to focus on the physical properties rather than on technology-dependent details. For the first time the authors present an algorithm for removal of design-rule violations from photonic layouts based on Manhattan discretisation, Boolean and sizing operations. This algorithm is not limited to the implementation in SKILL, and can in principle be implemented in any scripting language. Connectivity is achieved with software-defined waveguide ports and low-level procedures that enable auto-routing of waveguide connections.Comment: 5 pages, 10 figure

    Teški metali u vodi gradske vodovodne mreže Novog Beograda

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    In this work, the subject of research is the scale formed by heating the drinking water that flows through the city water supply of New Belgrade. Analysis of the scale showed that its main ingredient is CaCO3, but in the scale and in drinking water could be found alkali and alkaline earth metals, heavy metals, semimetals and radioactive elements. In tested drinking water elements whose presence in large quantities is not desirable (eg, Pb) are proven to exist, as well as elements that, so far, have not been found in the water of the Belgrade water supply (eg, Ni). Based on the results of fractional analysis, it is concluded that the uranium found in the scale and in the drinking water is in the form of potentially accessible and mobile fractions which indicate its anthropogenic origin. Analysis of scale, with all the parameters of scale existing (water flow, temperature, etc..), presents an indirect method of analyzing the quality of drinking water, especially for low levels of pollutants which are harmful to the human body.Predmet ispitivanja u radu bio je kamenac nastao zagrevanjem vode za piće koja protiče kroz gradsku vodovodnu mrežu Novog Beograda. Analiza kamenca pokazala je da je njegov glavni sastojak CaCO3, ali se u kamencu, a samim tim i u vodi za piće, nalaze i alkalni i zemnoalkalni metali, teški metali, polumetali i radioaktivni elementi. U ispitivanoj vodi za piće dokazani su elementi čije prisustvo u većoj količini nije poželjno (npr. Pb), ali i elementi koji, do sada, nisu nađeni u vodi beogradskog vodovoda (npr. Ni). Na osnovu rezultata frakcione ekstrakcije, zaključuje se da se uran u kamencu, a samim tim i u vodi za piće, nalazi u obliku potencijalno pristupačnih i mobilnih frakcija koje ukazuju na njegovo antropogeno poreklo. Analiza kamenca, uz poznavanje svih parametara nastanka kamenca (protok vode, temperatura i dr.), predstavlja posrednu metodu analize kvaliteta vode za piće, posebno za polutante niskih sadržaja štetnih za ljudski organizam

    Efekti mehanizovanog načina aplikacije tečnog startnog đubriva u proizvodnji kukuruza

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    Conventional corn production assumes usage of standard inorganic fertilizers which can be added to the soil by different methods. Unlike conventional production, this research was conducted with assumption that by using different application rates of basic and liquid starter fertilizers, as well as, with improved method of their application, higher yield values and lower moisture content of harvested kernels would be realized. This paper explored influence of mechanized application with different rates and ways of broadcasting basic and liquid starter fertilizer to the soil for corn production. Liquid starter fertilizers were applied concurrently with plantation in two ways: in lanes and spots individually for each plant. The results obtained show that kernel yield was higher in areas where starter fertilizer application was performed for 1.79 t•ha-1, while kernel moisture contents was 3.6% lower compared to results obtained over control surfaces.Konvencionalna proizvodnja kukuruza podrazumeva upotrebu standardnih mineralnih hraniva koja se u zemljiše mogu uneti na različite načine. Za razliku od konvencionalne proizvodnje, ova istraživanja su sprovedena uz predpostavku da će se primenom različitih normi osnovnih i tečnih startnih đubriva kao i unapređenim načinom njihove aplikacije ostvariti veće vrednosti prinosa i niži sadržaj vlage ubranog zrna. U radu je istraživan uticaj mehanizovane aplikacije različitih normi i načina unošenja osnovnog i tečnog startnog đubriva u zemljište pri proizvodnji merkantilnog kukuruza. Aplikacija tečnih startnih đubriva vršena je istovremeno sa setvom i to na dva načina: u trake i tačke pojedinačno za svaku biljku. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je prinos zrna na površinama gde je vršena aplikacija startnog đubriva viši za 1,79 t•ha-1, dok je sadržaj vlažnosti zrna niži za 3,6% u odnosu na rezultate dobijene na kontrolnoj površini

    Ispitivanje korelacije faze razvoja pšenice sorte Pobeda i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke

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    In selected parts of the wheat plant variety Pobeda in various stages of growth examined the content of heavy metals. Samples were taken from the fields and regions are at different distances from the oil refinery in Pančevo. Determination of heavy metals was carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the flame acetylene/air, Research on the effects of varieties, stage of wheat development and distance from the industrial zone on the dynamics of the adoption of heavy metals in some parts of the wheat plant (root and stem) was carried out on experimental fields of the Institute ”Tamiš” in the fields of Old Tamiš and Vojlovica. The results showed significant differences between the distance from the refinery to the content of heay metals in different parts of the wheat plant.Na odabranim delovima biljke pšenice sorte Pobeda u različitim fenofazama ispitivan je sadržaj teških metala. Uzorci su uzimani sa polja i regiona koji su na različitoj udaljenosti od Rafinerije nafte u Pančevu. Ispitivanje teških metala je obavljeno primenom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Istraživanja korelacije faze razvoja pšenice i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke (koren i stablo) obavljeno je na uzorku pšenice sorte Pobeda sa Oglednog polja Instituta „Tamiš”, polja Starog Tamiša i Vojlovice. Dobijeni rezultati prikazali su značajnost razlike između udaljenosti od Rafinerije u odnosu na sadržaj teških metala u različitim delovima biljke pšenice

    Design and Comparison of Two Web Service Based Frameworks for Parallel Evaluation of the Population in Genetic Algorithms

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    Genetic algorithms are powerful techniques for optimization of complexsystems. These methods require a large number of evaluations of candidate solutionswhich take huge CPU time. This paper introduces two web service based frameworksfor parallel evaluation of the population in genetic algorithm using the master-slavemodel. Developed frameworks can be easily incorporated into any genetic algorithm,giving a universal mechanism for distribution of individuals and collection of the eval-uation results. This concept provides parallelization of genetic algorithms on variousdistributed architectures, including multiprocessors and computing clusters. Performedtests have shown that proposed frameworks achieve signicant speedup, especially whenevaluating large-scale problems. In addition, a case study from the eld of hydrologyis presented

    Improving the Interoperation between Generics Translations

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    Generics on the Java platform are compiled using the erasure transformation, which only supports by-reference values. This causes slowdowns when generics operate on primitive types, such as integers, as they have to be transformed into reference-based objects. Project Valhalla is an effort to remedy this problem by specializing classes at load-time so they can efficiently handle primitive values. In its current early prototype, the Valhalla compilation scheme limits the interaction between specialized and erased generics, thus preventing certain useful code patterns from being expressed. Scala has been using compile-time specialization for 6 years and has three generics compilation schemes working side by side. In Scala, programmers are allowed to write code that freely exercises the interaction between the different compilation schemes, at the expense of introducing subtle performance issues. Similar performance issues can affect Valhalla-enabled bytecode, whether the code was written in Java or translated from other JVM languages. In this context we explain how we help programmers avoid these performance regressions in the miniboxing transformation: (1) by issuing actionable performance advisories that steer programmers away from performance regressions and (2) by providing alternatives to the standard library constructs that use the miniboxing encoding, thus avoiding the conversion overhead

    Toward quantum electronic-photonic systems-on-chip: a monolithic source of quantum-correlated photons with integrated frequency locking electronics and pump rejection

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    We demonstrate a CMOS electronic-photonic photon-pair source with integrated feedback-controlled frequency locking, >80 dB on-chip pump rejection, and signal/idler demultiplexing, achieving a CAR of ≃5 at ≃40 ccps pair rate.Accepted manuscrip