286 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal stability of weed patches in cereal fields under direct drilling and harrow tillage

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    The adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) techniques by farmers is changing the dynamics of weed communities in cereal fields and so potentially their spatial distribution. These changes can challenge the use of site-specific weed control, which is based on the accurate location of weed patches for spraying. We studied the effect of two types of CA (direct drilling and harrow-tilled to 20 cm) on weed patches in a three-year survey in four direct-drilled and three harrow-tilled commercial fields in Catalonia (North-eastern Spain). The area of the ground covered by weeds (hereafter called “weed cover”) was estimated at 96 to 122 points measured in each year in each field, in 50 cm × 50 cm quadrats placed in a 10 m × 10 m grid in spring. Bromus diandrus, Lolium rigidum, and Papaver rhoeas were the main weed species. The weed cover and degree of aggregation for all species varied both between and within fields, regardless of the kind of tillage. Under both forms of soil management all three were aggregated in elongated patterns in the direction of traffic. Bromus was generally more aggregated than Lolium, and both were more aggregated than Papaver. Patches were stable over time for only two harrow-tilled fields with Lolium and one direct-drilled field with Bromus, but not in the other fields. Spatial stability of the weeds was more pronounced in the direction of traffic. Herbicide applications, crop rotation, and traffic seem to affect weed populations strongly within fields, regardless of the soil management. We conclude that site-specific herbicides can be applied to control these species because they are aggregated, although the patches would have to be identified afresh in each season.This research was funded by the Spanish National Program (project: AGL2010-22084-C02-0). A.E.M. was funded by the Institute Strategic Programme (ISP) grants, “Soils to Nutrition” (S2N) grant number BBS/E/C/000I0330, and the joint Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) ISP grant “Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Systems” (ASSIST) grant number BBS/E/C/000I0100, using facilities funded by the BBSRC

    Valuing improvements in biodiversity due to controls on atmospheric nitrogen pollution

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    Atmospheric nitrogen pollution has severe impacts on biodiversity, but approaches to value them are limited. This paper develops a spatially explicit methodology to value the benefits from improvements in biodiversity resulting from current policy initiatives to reduce nitrogen emissions. Using the UK as a case study, we quantify nitrogen impacts on plant diversity in four habitats: heathland, acid grassland, dunes and bogs, at fine spatial resolution. Focusing on non-use values for biodiversity we apply value-transfer based on household's willingness to pay to avoid changes in plant species richness, and calculate the benefit of projected emission declines of 37% for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and 6% for ammonia (NH3) over the scenario period 2007–2020. The annualised benefit resulting from these pollutant declines is £32.7m (£4.4m to £109.7 m, 95% Confidence Interval), with the greatest benefit accruing from heathland and acid grassland due to their large area. We also calculate damage costs per unit of NO2 and NH3 emitted, to quantify some of the environmental impacts of air pollution for use alongside damage costs for human health in policy appraisal. The benefit is £103 (£33 to £237) per tonne of NO2 saved, and £414 (£139 to £1022) per tonne of NH3 saved

    EEG potentials associated with artificial grammar learning in the primate brain

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    AbstractElectroencephalography (EEG) has identified human brain potentials elicited by Artificial Grammar (AG) learning paradigms, which present participants with rule-based sequences of stimuli. Nonhuman animals are sensitive to certain AGs; therefore, evaluating which EEG Event Related Potentials (ERPs) are associated with AG learning in nonhuman animals could identify evolutionarily conserved processes. We recorded EEG potentials during an auditory AG learning experiment in two Rhesus macaques. The animals were first exposed to sequences of nonsense words generated by the AG. Then surface-based ERPs were recorded in response to sequences that were ‘consistent’ with the AG and ‘violation’ sequences containing illegal transitions. The AG violations strongly modulated an early component, potentially homologous to the Mismatch Negativity (mMMN), a P200 and a late frontal positivity (P500). The macaque P500 is similar in polarity and time of occurrence to a late EEG positivity reported in human AG learning studies but might differ in functional role

    In planta production of Human Papillomavirus 8 L1 protein

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    Summary Human papillomavirus 8 (HPV-8), one of the high-risk cutaneous papillomaviruses (cHPVs), is associated with epidermodysplasia verruciformis and nonmelanoma skin cancer in immuno- compromised individuals. Currently, no vaccines against cHPVs have been reported; however, recent studies on cross-neutralizing properties of their capsid proteins (CP) have fostered an interest in vaccine production against these viruses. We examined the potential of producing HPV-8 major CP L1 in Nicotiana benthamiana by agroinfiltration of different transient expression vectors: (i) the binary vector pBIN19 with or without silencing suppressor con- structs, (ii) the nonreplicating Cowpea mosaic virus-derived expression vector pEAQ-HT and (iii) a replicating Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-based vector alone or with signal peptides. Although HPV-8 L1 was successfully expressed using pEAQ-HT and TMV, a 15-fold increase was obtained with pEAQ-HT. In contrast, no L1 protein could be immune detected using pBIN19 irrespective of whether silencing suppressors were coexpressed, although such con- structs were required for identifying L1-specific transcripts. A fourfold yield increase in L1 expression was obtained when 22 C-terminal amino acids were deleted (L1DC22), possibly eliminating a nuclear localization signal. Electron microscopy showed that plant-made HPV-8 L1 proteins assembled in appropriate virus-like particles (VLPs) of T = 1 or T = 7 symmetry. Ultra- thin sections of L1DC22-expressing cells revealed their accumulation in the cytoplasm in the form of VLPs or paracrystalline arrays. These results show for the first time the production and localization of HPV-8 L1 protein in planta and its assembly into VLPs representing promis- ing candidate for potential vaccine production

    Communicating the uncertainty in estimated greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture

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    In an effort to mitigate anthropogenic effects on the global climate system, industrialised countries are required to quantify and report, for various economic sectors, the annual emissions of greenhouse gases from their several sources and the absorption of the same in different sinks. These estimates are uncertain, and this uncertainty must be communicated effectively, if government bodies, research scientists or members of the public are to draw sound conclusions. Our interest is in communicating the uncertainty in estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture to those who might directly use the results from the inventory. We tested six methods of communication. These were: a verbal scale using the IPCC calibrated phrases such as ‘likely’ and ‘very unlikely’; probabilities that emissions are within a defined range of values; confidence intervals for the expected value; histograms; box plots; and shaded arrays that depict the probability density of the uncertain quantity. In a formal trial we used these methods to communicate uncertainty about four specific inferences about greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Sixty four individuals who use results from the greenhouse gas inventory professionally participated in the trial, and we tested how effectively the uncertainty about these inferences was communicated by means of a questionnaire. Our results showed differences in the efficacy of the methods of communication, and interactions with the nature of the target audience. We found that, although the verbal scale was thought to be a good method of communication it did not convey enough information and was open to misinterpretation. Shaded arrays were similarly criticised for being open to misinterpretation, but proved to give the best impression of uncertainty when participants were asked to interpret results from the greenhouse gas inventory. Box plots were most favoured by our participants largely because they were particularly favoured by those who worked in research or had a stronger mathematical background. We propose a combination of methods should be used to convey uncertainty in emissions and that this combination should be tailored to the professional grou

    Facilitating the elicitation of beliefs for use in Bayesian Belief modelling

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    Expert opinion is increasingly being used to inform Bayesian Belief Networks, in particular to define the conditional dependencies modelled by the graphical structure. The elicitation of such expert opinion remains a major challenge due to both the quantity of information required and the ability of experts to quantify subjective beliefs effectively. In this work, we introduce a method designed to initialise conditional probability tables based on a small number of simple questions that capture the overall shape of a conditional probability distribution before enabling the expert to refine their results in an efficient way. These methods have been incorporated into a software Application for Conditional probability Elicitation (ACE), freely available at https://github.com/KirstyLHassall/ACE Hassall (2019

    Dynamics of bacterial blight disease in resistant and susceptible rice varieties

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    Bacterial blight (X. oryzae pv. oryzae) is a serious disease in rice across the world. To better control the disease, it is important to understand its epidemiology and how key aspects of this (e.g. infection efficiency, and spatial spread) change according to environment (e.g. local site conditions and season), management, and in particular, variety resistance. To explore this, we analysed data on the disease progress on resistant and susceptible varieties of rice grown at four sites in the Philippines across five seasons using a combination of mechanistic modelling and statistical analysis. Disease incidence was generally lower in the resistant variety. However, we found no evidence that the primary infection efficiency was lower in resistant varieties, suggesting that differences were largely due to reduced secondary spread. Despite secondary spread being attributed to splash dispersal which is exacerbated by wind and rain, the wetter sites of Pila and Victoria in south Luzon tended to have lower infection rates than the drier sites in central Luzon. Likewise, we found spread in the dry season can be substantial and should therefore not be ignored. In fact, we found site to be a greater determinant of the number of infection attempts suggesting that other environmental and management factors had greater effect on the disease than climate. Primary infection was characterised by spatially-random observations of disease incidence. As the season progressed, we observed an emerging short-range (1.6 m-4 m) spatial structure suggesting secondary spread was predominantly short-range, particularly where the resistant variety was grown