152 research outputs found

    Spatial Distributions of Excited Atoms in Argon Plasma

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    Plasma describes the property of ionized gas that follows the shape of the object where it was created. The interests in low-temperature plasma have been increasing over the years for uses in the biotech and semiconductor industry, making it essential for modern technology. Though it has become more commonly used in the industry the fundamental characteristics of plasma are still being researched, thus improving on understanding and controlling it is essential for the industry, which is why we have tried to observe and understand plasma characteristics. The experiment was conducted using pure Argon in a radio-frequency cavity discharge, using a commercial low-temperature RF generator operating at a frequency of 13.56 MHz, at powers of 30-100 W, and the working pressure in the quartz chamber of 15-50 mTorr. We created an automated optical measurement system for distance measurements, using two high precision stepper motors and translational stages operated by a Raspberry Pi. Using an optical emission spectrometer (OES) we were able to detect the various excited energy levels higher than ground and metastable states. We are using the OES as our primary measurement tool to observe the spectra of the argon excited states by measuring photons emitted from the plasma. We developed a robust 2D plasma tomography method to find spatial distributions of excited argon levels, as well as calculating the average of various levels. Through our measurement methods, we are able to collect the light of various wavelengths emitted from the plasma, through this we are able to determine plasma intensities, the population densities, graph robust two angle tomography, and electron configurations

    Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Tentang Panduan Berpakaian Untuk Perempuan Bertubuh Kecil

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    Penampilan sangat penting bagi semua perempuan, didukung dengan adanya trend dengan berbagai rancangan model pakaian. Namun tidak semua perempuan dapat menikmati setiap trend yang ada, khususnya para perempuan yang bertubuh kecil, sehingga mereka harus lebih selektif dan terbatas dalam memilih model pakaian. Perancangan buku ilustrasi tentang panduan berpakaian untuk perempuan bertubuh kecil ini dibuat dalam bentuk ilustrasi fashion yang menarik, jelas dan mudah dipahami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan panduan, informasi dan saran mengenai pakaian yang sesuai untuk perempuan bertubuh kecil

    Perancangan Video Promosi PT. Scuto Indonesia

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    Pada zaman modern ini, periklanan dipandang sebagai media yang paling lazim digunakan suatu Perusahaan untuk mengarahkan komunikasi yang persuasif pada konsumen. Iklan ditujukan untuk mempengaruhi perasaan, pengetahuan, makna, kepercayaan, sikap, dan citra konsumen yang berkaitan dengan suatu produk atau merek. Selain itu iklan menjadi sarana untuk membantu pemasaran yang efektif dalam menjalin komunikasi antara Perusahaan dan konsumen, dan sebagai upaya Perusahaan dalam menghadapi pesaing. Perancangan tugas akhir ini memiliki tujuan untuk merancang suatu media iklan berupa Video promosi sebagai upaya mempertahankan image Perusahaan PT.Scuto Indonesia terhadap konsumen. Perancangan ini menggunakan metode penelitian SWOT. Perancangan video promosi ini akan difokuskan di media online agar lebih efisien dan mudah diakses. Dengan dibuatnya video promosi ini maka keeksistensian Perusahaan PT.Scuto Indonesia dapat dipertahankan

    Perancangan Corporate Identity CV. Inti Calcium

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    Corporate Identity dapat membawa pengaruh besar bagi suatu Perusahan, karena merupakan image Perusahaan di mata masyarakat dan menjadi pembeda dengan Perusahaan lain yang sejenis agar mudah dikenali. Sebagai Perusahaan yang sudah cukup lama bekerja di bidangnya yaitu 5 tahun, Perusahaan CV. Inti Calcium masih belum mempunyai corporate identity yang sesuai dan efisien bagi Perusahaan. Oleh karena itu agar CV. Inti Calcium mempunyai identitas dibutuhkan sebuah perancangan Corporate Identity yang sesuai dan efisien. Corporate Identity yang akan dipakai adalah berupa Logo, Kop surat, Company profile, Office stationery, dan media penunjang lainnya

    Rumen microbial communities influence metabolic phenotypes in lambs

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    The rumen microbiota is an essential part of ruminants forging their nutrition and health. Despite its importance, it is not fully understood how various groups of rumen microbes affect host-microbe relationships and functions. The aim of the study was to simultaneously explore the rumen microbiota and the metabolic phenotype of lambs for identifying host-microbe associations and potential biomarkers of digestive functions. Twin lambs, separated in two groups after birth were exposed to practices (isolation and gavage with rumen fluid with protozoa or protozoa-depleted) that differentially restricted the acquisition of microbes. Rumen microbiota, fermentation parameters, digestibility and growth were monitored for up to 31 weeks of age. Microbiota assembled in isolation from other ruminants lacked protozoa and had low bacterial and archaeal diversity whereas digestibility was not affected. Exposure to adult sheep microbiota increased bacterial and archaeal diversity independently of protozoa presence. For archaea, Methanomassiliicoccales displaced Methanosphaera. Notwithstanding, protozoa induced differences in functional traits such as digestibility and significantly shaped bacterial community structure, notably Ruminococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae lower up to 6 folds, Prevotellaceae lower by ~40%, and Clostridiaceae and Veillonellaceae higher up to 10 folds compared to microbiota without protozoa. An orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis of urinary metabolome matched differences in microbiota structure. Discriminant metabolites were mainly involved in amino acids and protein metabolic pathways while a negative interaction was observed between methylotrophic methanogens Methanomassiliicoccales and trimethylamine N-oxide. These results stress the influence of gut microbes on animal phenotype and show the potential of metabolomics for monitoring rumen microbial functions

    Elektroredukcija cefetameta na elektrodama od žive, platine i zlata

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    The electroreduction of cefetamet (CEF) using gold and platinum electrodes has been investigated in slightly alkaline medium (pH 8.40) where adsorption, previously observed at mercury electrode, was pronounced. This investigation was performed in order to determine whether the adsorption interferes with the reduction process even at solid electrodes and to compare with a mercury electrode.Redukcija cefetameta na elektrodama od zlata i platine je proučavana u slabo alkalnoj sredini (pH 8,40) gde je u prethodnim ispitivanjima na živinoj elektrodi u toku reakcije uočena adsorpcija antibiotika. Ovaj rad je posvećen ispitivanju uticaja adsorpcije na elektroredukciju cefetameta na čvrstim elektrodama i poređenju sa živom

    The Structural and Functional Capacity of Ruminal and Cecal Microbiota in Growing Cattle Was Unaffected by Dietary Supplementation of Linseed Oil and Nitrate

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    peer-reviewedMicroorganisms in the digestive tract of ruminants differ in their functionality and ability to use feed constituents. While cecal microbiota play an important role in post-rumen fermentation of residual substrates undigested in the rumen, limited knowledge exists regarding its structure and function. In this trial we investigated the effect of dietary supplementation with linseed oil and nitrate on methane emissions and on the structure of ruminal and cecal microbiota of growing bulls. Animals were allocated to either a CTL (control) or LINNIT (CTL supplemented with 1.9% linseed and 1.0% nitrates) diet. Methane emissions were measured using the GreenFeed system. Microbial diversity was assessed using amplicon sequencing of microbial genomic DNA. Additionally, total RNA was extracted from ruminal contents and functional mcrA and mtt genes were targeted in amplicon sequencing approach to explore the diversity of functional gene expression in methanogens. LINNIT had no effect on methane yield (g/kg DMI) even though it decreased methane production by 9% (g/day; P < 0.05). Methanobrevibacter- and Methanomassiliicoccaceae-related OTUs were more abundant in cecum (72 and 24%) compared to rumen (60 and 11%) irrespective of the diet (P < 0.05). Feeding LINNIT reduced the relative abundance of Methanomassiliicoccaceae mcrA cDNA reads in the rumen. Principal component analysis revealed significant differences in taxonomic composition and abundance of bacterial communities between rumen and cecum. Treatment decreased the relative abundance of a few Ruminococcaceae genera, without affecting global bacterial community structure. Our research confirms a high level of heterogeneity in species composition of microbial consortia in the main gastrointestinal compartments where feed is fermented in ruminants. There was a parallel between the lack of effect of LINNIT on ruminal and cecal microbial community structure and functions on one side and methane emission changes on the other. These results suggest that the sequencing strategy used here to study microbial diversity and function accurately reflected the absence of effect on methane phenotypes in bulls treated with linseed plus nitrate.This experiment is a part of a large collaborative project led by INRA granted by 11 companies: Adisseo France SAS, Agrial, Apis Gene, Deltavit, DSM Nutritional Products AG, Institut de l'Elevage, Lallemand, Moy Park Beef Orléans, Neovia, Techna France Nutrition, Valorex. This project aims to reduce enteric methane emission by nutrition. MP was the recipient of a PHC Ulysses travel scholarship to Ireland, provided by the French ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (Ministères des Affaires Etrangères et du Développement International, MAEDI) and the ministry of National Education, Higher Education, and Research (Ministère de l'Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, MENESR). EM was the recipient of a FACCE-JPI scholarship