9 research outputs found

    Cambios en la composición básica nutritiva y la composición de acidos grasos la producción del kulen de Eslavonia

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati promjene u osnovnom kemijskom sastavu i sastavu masnih kiselina Slavonskog kulena tijekom proizvodnog procesa. Tijekom proizvodnje uzimani su uzorci kulena (n=30) 1. dan (sirovi kulen/nadjev) i tijekom procesa zrenja (30., 60., 90. i 120. dan) te su provedene kemijske analize osnovnog nutritivnog sastava i sastava masnih kiselina. Promjene osnovnog kemijskog sastava Slavonskog kulena po fazama proizvodnog procesa bile su u skladu s literaturnim podacima. U gotovim proizvodima utvrđen je omjer n-6/n-3 masnih kiselina od 7,61±0,62, MUFA/SFA od 1,04±0,08 te PUFA/SFA od 0,20±0,02, što su omjeri masnih kiselina karakteristični za proizvode od svinjskog mesa. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da proces fermentacije te tromjesečnog zrenja Slavonskog kulena nema značajniji utjecaj (P>0,05) na omjer n-6/n-3 masnih kiselina, dok su za ostale skupine masnih kiselina odnosno njihove omjere, u pojedine dane tijekom proizvodnog procesa, određene statistički značajne razlike (P 0.05) on the ratio of n 6/n-3 fatty acids, while for the particular other groups of fatty acids or their ratios, on individual days during the production process, resulted with statistically significant differences ( p 0,05) auf das Verhältnis n-6/n-3 der Fettsäuren hat, während für andere Gruppen der Fettsäuren bzw. deren Verhältnisse in manchen Tagen während des Herstellungsprozesses statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede (P0,05) sul rapporto degli acidi grassi n-6/n-3, mentre, per quanto riguarda gli altri gruppi di acidi grassi, o meglio i loro rapporti, in singoli giorni del processo produttivo sono state registrate differenze statisticamente rilevanti (P0,05) sobre la proporción n-6/n-3 de ácidos grasos, mientras para el resto de los ácidos grasos y sus proporciónes fueron determinadas las diferencias estadísticamente significantes (P<0,05) durante algunos días del proceso de la producción

    El porcentaje de grasas y composición de ácidos grasos en el lubina de mercado (dicentrarchus labrax) criado en la zona del mar Mediterráneo

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    Analiziran je udjel masti i sastav masnih kiselina lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax) uzgajanog na više uzgajališta na području Jadrana te uzorkovanog u jesensko-zimskom razdoblju na tržištu Republike Hrvatske od studenog 2013. do ožujka 2014. Analiza je provedena na ukupno 64 uzoraka lubina konzumne veličine. Rezultati su pokazali da postoje statistički značajne razlike (p<0,05) po grupama uzoraka odnosno mjesecima uzorkovanja i to u udjelu ukupne masti i udjelu skupina masnih kiselina. Utvrđene razlike mogu se pripisati različitom sustavu uzgoja i načinu ishrane, ali i razdoblju odnosno mjesecima uzorkovanja. Među višestruko nezasićenim masnim kiselinama, dominantne su bile omega-6 masne kiseline, a vrijednosti omega-3 masnih kiselina pokazale su se manjim u usporedbi sa drugim istraživanjima, vjerojatno zbog načina ishrane. Dobiveni omjer omega-6 i omega-3 masnih kiselina iznosio je 3,04±0,61, u skladu sa zdravstvenim preporukama (3-5:1).The fat content and fatty acid composition of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) cultivated on different fish farms in the Adriatic sea and sampled during the autumn-winter period, on the Croatian market since November 2013 until March 2014, were evaluated. A total of 64 samples of sea bass of commercial size were analyzed. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) among sampled groups in the proportion of total fat content and composition of fatty acid groups. These differences can be attributed to the different farming systems and diets the fish were fed on, but also the sampling period. Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 fatty acids were dominant, and the value of omega-3 fatty acids has proven to be lower than those reported in other studies, possibly because of diet. The resulting omega-6/omega-3 ratio was 3.04±0.61, according to the health recommendations (3-5:1).Es wurden Fettanteil und Fettsäurenzusammensetzung im Seebarsch (Dicentrarchus labrax) gezüchtet in mehreren Zuchtstätten in der Adria analysiert, u.zw. die im Herbst/Winter, vom November 2013 bis März 2014, auf dem Markt der Republik Kroatien zu Musterprobe genommen wurden. Die Analyse wurde auf Mustern von insgesamt 64 Seebarschstücken von üblicher Konsumgröße durchgeführt. Die Resultate haben gezeigt, dass statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede (p<0,05) nach Mustergruppen bzw. Monaten der Musterproben bestehen, u.zw. dies sowohl im gesamten Fettanteil als auch im Anteil der Fettsäurengruppen. Die vorgefundenen Unterschiede können sowohl dem verschiedenen Zuchtsystem und verschiedener Fütterungsart, als auch der Zeitperiode bzw. den Monaten, in denen die Musterproben genommen wurden, zugeschrieben werden. Unter mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren dominierten Omega-6 Fettsäuren. Die Werte von Omega-3 Fettsäuren waren niedriger im Vergleich mit anderen Untersuchungen, möglichst wegen der Fütterungsart. Das Verhältnis zwischen Omega-6 und Omega-3 Fettsäuren war 3,04±0,61, dies im Einklang mit Gesundheitsempfehlungen (3-5:1).Fueron analizados el porcentaje de grasas y la composición de ácidos grasos en el lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax) criado en varios viveros en la zona del Mar Mediterráneo y fueron tomadas las muestras en el mercado de Croacia durante el período del otoño e invierno, desde el noviembre de 2013 hasta el marzo de 2014. El análisis fue hecho en 64 muestras en total en lubina del tamaño optimal para el consumo. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de diferencias stadísticamente significantes (p<0,05) en cuanto a los grupos de las muestras, es decir en cuanto a los meses de muestreo en porcentaje de grasa en total y en porcentaje de grupos de ácidos grasos. Diferencias detectadas pueden ser atribuidas al sistema de crianza tanto como al método de alimentación diferentes y período o sea los meses en los que fue hecho el muestreo. Entre los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados dominan omega-6 ácidos grasos. Los valores de los omega-3 ácidos grasos fueron más bajos que en otras investigaciones, probablemente debido al sistema de alimentación. La proporción obtenida entre omega-6 y omega-3 ácidos grasos fue 3,04±0,61, de acuerdo con las recomendaciones sanitarias (3-5:1)

    The importance of malolactic fermentation in wine production

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    Jabučno-mliječna fermentacija (JMF) je dekarboksilacija L-malata u L-laktat koju provode bakterije mliječne kiseline (BMK) (uglavnom bakterija Oenococcus oenos) u vinu. Posljednjih desetljeća među vinarima je porasla svijest o važnosti ovog procesa, koji je bitan zbog tri razloga: deacidifikacije, modifikacije okusa i mikrobiološke stabilnosti vina. JMF se obično odvija nakon alkoholne fermentacije, ali se može odvijati i istodobno s njom. Važna je za vina koja se proizvode iz grožda uzgojenog u području hladne klime i koja su kisela te imaju nisku pH-vrijednost. Rast BMK u vinu limitiran je različitim fizikalnim, kemijskim i biološkim čimbenicima. Da bi se JMF u vinariji mogla učinkovito provesti potrebno je poznavati utjecaje svakog od ovih čimbenika. Selekcija dobrog bakterijskog soja, koji ima željena tehnološka i kvalitativna svojstva, preduvjet je za proizvodnju kvalitetnih vina.Malolactic fermentation (MLF) is decarboxylation of L-malate to L-lactate conducted in wine by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (mainly Oenococcus oenos). Awareness of its importance among winemakers increased during last few decades. MLF is important in winemaking for three reasons: for deacidification, for flavor modification, and for microbial stability. It usually occurs after the alcoholic fermentation but it may occur during the alcoholic fermentation. MLF is important in wines which are produced from grapes grown in cool climates which often have a high acid content and low pH. The growth of LAB in wine is often limited by different physical, chemical and biological factors. MLF could be most efficiently performed in the winery if the influence of each of theese factors is well known. Selection of a good bacterial strain for MLF having desirable properties is a prerequisite for quality wine production

    Evolution of bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum strains from Croatian autochthonous fermented products during prolonged stationary phase

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    The changes in bacterial metabolism and proteome were observed after prolonged stationary phase. Bacterial cells adapt to stress condition by stress response systems and gene mutation, which have a bacterial evolution as result. Objective: Studies in the lactic acid bacteria growth performance as well as adaptation to stress are of great interest because of the large use of these microorganisms in the food industry. The aim of this study was to investigate a long term growth and evolution of Croatian autochthonous Lactobacillus plantarum strains. The bacterial evolution was observed based on the changes on metabolism, proteome and bacterial competition during the prolonged stationary phase. Methods: The number of bacterial cells and bacterial competition were monitored during the long term growth by measuring colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU). High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to observe differences in metabolism between 1-day-old strains and 10-day-old strains based on the production of organic acids. HPLC was also used in order to determine stability of a 10-day-old strain metabolism. To identify the proteins that were responsible for the metabolic differences between 1-day-old strain and 10-day-old strain and proteins involved in the adaptation of 10-day-old strain to long term growth, these proteins were separated by 2-DE. The differential display analysis of expressed proteins was performed by using MALDI-TOF/TOF. Tandem mass spectrometry MS/MS ion search data was used to search the Fimicutes (Gram-positive bacteria) by accessing the NCBInr database through MASCOT search engine. Protein-protein integrated map of differentially expressed proteins between 1-day-old cells and 10-day-old cells was obtained by using http://string-db.org/ analyzer. Results: After long term growth different percentages of long term survivors were obtained. Based on results we concluded that mutation and evolution are random processes. Differences between 1-day-old and 10-day-old strain’s metabolism and proteome were also obtained. 10-day old strains had lower organic acid production and different expressed proteins involved in bacterial metabolism and stress response. However bacterial competition against pathogen strain remained stable

    The importance of malolactic fermentation in wine production

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    Jabučno-mliječna fermentacija (JMF) je dekarboksilacija L-malata u L-laktat koju provode bakterije mliječne kiseline (BMK) (uglavnom bakterija Oenococcus oenos) u vinu. Posljednjih desetljeća među vinarima je porasla svijest o važnosti ovog procesa, koji je bitan zbog tri razloga: deacidifikacije, modifikacije okusa i mikrobiološke stabilnosti vina. JMF se obično odvija nakon alkoholne fermentacije, ali se može odvijati i istodobno s njom. Važna je za vina koja se proizvode iz grožda uzgojenog u području hladne klime i koja su kisela te imaju nisku pH-vrijednost. Rast BMK u vinu limitiran je različitim fizikalnim, kemijskim i biološkim čimbenicima. Da bi se JMF u vinariji mogla učinkovito provesti potrebno je poznavati utjecaje svakog od ovih čimbenika. Selekcija dobrog bakterijskog soja, koji ima željena tehnološka i kvalitativna svojstva, preduvjet je za proizvodnju kvalitetnih vina.Malolactic fermentation (MLF) is decarboxylation of L-malate to L-lactate conducted in wine by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (mainly Oenococcus oenos). Awareness of its importance among winemakers increased during last few decades. MLF is important in winemaking for three reasons: for deacidification, for flavor modification, and for microbial stability. It usually occurs after the alcoholic fermentation but it may occur during the alcoholic fermentation. MLF is important in wines which are produced from grapes grown in cool climates which often have a high acid content and low pH. The growth of LAB in wine is often limited by different physical, chemical and biological factors. MLF could be most efficiently performed in the winery if the influence of each of theese factors is well known. Selection of a good bacterial strain for MLF having desirable properties is a prerequisite for quality wine production

    Evolution of bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum strains from Croatian autochthonous fermented products during prolonged stationary phase

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    The changes in bacterial metabolism and proteome were observed after prolonged stationary phase. Bacterial cells adapt to stress condition by stress response systems and gene mutation, which have a bacterial evolution as result. Objective: Studies in the lactic acid bacteria growth performance as well as adaptation to stress are of great interest because of the large use of these microorganisms in the food industry. The aim of this study was to investigate a long term growth and evolution of Croatian autochthonous Lactobacillus plantarum strains. The bacterial evolution was observed based on the changes on metabolism, proteome and bacterial competition during the prolonged stationary phase. Methods: The number of bacterial cells and bacterial competition were monitored during the long term growth by measuring colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU). High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to observe differences in metabolism between 1-day-old strains and 10-day-old strains based on the production of organic acids. HPLC was also used in order to determine stability of a 10-day-old strain metabolism. To identify the proteins that were responsible for the metabolic differences between 1-day-old strain and 10-day-old strain and proteins involved in the adaptation of 10-day-old strain to long term growth, these proteins were separated by 2-DE. The differential display analysis of expressed proteins was performed by using MALDI-TOF/TOF. Tandem mass spectrometry MS/MS ion search data was used to search the Fimicutes (Gram-positive bacteria) by accessing the NCBInr database through MASCOT search engine. Protein-protein integrated map of differentially expressed proteins between 1-day-old cells and 10-day-old cells was obtained by using http://string-db.org/ analyzer. Results: After long term growth different percentages of long term survivors were obtained. Based on results we concluded that mutation and evolution are random processes. Differences between 1-day-old and 10-day-old strain’s metabolism and proteome were also obtained. 10-day old strains had lower organic acid production and different expressed proteins involved in bacterial metabolism and stress response. However bacterial competition against pathogen strain remained stable

    Effects of Weather Conditions on Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity in Juice of Chokeberries (Aronia melanocarpa L.)

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    Chokeberries are a subject of numerous studies due to a high phenolic compound content, antioxidant properties and potential positive influence on the health. Effects of weather conditions on fruit quality attributes, phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) juice over three consecutive years were investigated. Total phenolic content and total flavonoids range were from 8834 to 11093 mg/L and from 6993 to 9710 mg/L, respectively. High variations and discrepancy during different growing seasons are due to the different air temperature, sunlight and rainfall rate. The highest concentrations of anthocyanins and phenolics were observed in fruits harvested in 2012, which is most likely due to the favorable weather conditions (temperature and bright sunshine hours). All chokeberry juices possess high antioxidant activity (12.9–14.6 mmol/L; 128–167 mmol/L). Strong correlation implies that flavonoids and non-flavonoids were the major contributors to the antioxidant capacity. This study indicates that although the examined properties vary considerably through the growing seasons (p≤0.05), chokeberry juices can serve as a good source of bioactive phytochemicals in a human diet

    Mémoire et histoire en Europe centrale et orientale

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    La question de la mémoire, devenue un champ de recherche fécond dans l'historiographie française, allemande et anglo-saxonne, est en passe de devenir l'objet d'études importantes en Europe centrale et orientale. Lieu d'affrontement de forces impériales et locales, durablement confronté à la nécessité de reconstruire et repositionner des identités aussi bien individuelles que collectives, l'espace centre et est-européen se présente comme un champ privilégié de questionnements sur les modalités de la constitution d'une culture historique et mémorielle. La mémoire constitue de fait un défi majeur posé aujourd'hui à la fois à la recherche historique, mais plus généralement aussi aux sociétés d'Europe centrale et orientale. Cette question est rendue plus aigüe encore par le contexte actuel de transition postcommuniste, d'intégration européenne et de globalisation, qui posent la question de la révision de la mémoire historique, de sa (re)construction et de la subversion de modèles identitaires. À travers des chapitres thématiques, les auteurs de cet ouvrage collectif abordent la question de l'instrumentalisation de l'histoire et de la mémoire par le pouvoir politique, la construction de lieux de mémoire et leurs représentations et usages, la mémoire dans la construction des identités nationales, mais aussi municipales, régionales et transnationales. Le patrimoine, au niveau local ou régional, fait l'objet d'analyses qui mettent en relief le fonctionnement de ses mises en scène, sans en éluder les omissions. Ces thèmes ont été abordés à partir de différentes perspectives disciplinaires : études germaniques, histoire politique et culturelle, histoire de l'art, slavistique, littérature, sociologie et ethnologie. Placés dans des unités thématiques, les articles proposent une progression chronologique, de l'époque médiévale à la période postcommuniste, en passant par la Seconde Guerre mondiale et les guerres dans l'espace yougoslave des années 1990, à travers des études de cas pris dans l'ensemble de l'espace centre et est-européen. La Croatie, dont la mémoire fait tout particulièrement l'objet d'analyses, fait figure ici de paradigme privilégié, à partir duquel s'offrent des perspectives comparatives