17 research outputs found


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    The quality and some minerals contents were followed in the green mass and hay from different localities on Divčibare. Samples were taken from three different altitudes, up to 250 m, from 250 m to 550 m and over 550 m above sea level. Twelve samples of early bloom plants were taken (four samples of green mass from the same altitude), and after mowing, samples of hay were also taken from the same meadow. The samples were prepared from ashes by use of atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) macro- and microelements content was determined, while the phosphorus content was determined by application of standard methods. Average calcium content in the plants valued 5.85 g/kg, phosphorus 2.41 g/kg, magnesium 2.47 g/kg, sodium 0.93 g/kg and potassium 10.35 g/kg in dry substance. In the samples of hay, macro elements content was 6.65, 1.56, 1.54, 0.78 and 10.76 g/kg respectively. Average iron content in the samples of plants from Divčibare region amounted to 171.87 mg/kg, copper 5.12 mg/kg, zinc 21.67 mg/kg, manganese 63.97 mg/kg and selenium 17.17 μg/kg in dry substance. The average amount of iron 92.47 mg/kg, 4.75 mg/kg copper, 19.65 mg/kg zinc, 113.29 mg/kg manganese and 26.00 μg/kg selenium were found in the hay from the same localities.Vrsta i sadržaj nekih minerala praćen je u zelenoj masi i sijenu s različitih lokacija na Divčibarama. Uzorci su uzimani s različitih nadmorskih visina: do 250 m, od 250 do 550 m i iznad 550 m. Uzeti su uzorci dvanaest rano procvalih biljaka (po četiri uzorka zelene mase s jedne nadmorske visine), a nakon košnje uzorci sijena su uzeti s iste livade. Uzorci su pripremljeni iz pepela korištenjem metode atomske spektrofotometrijske absorpcije (ASA), dok je sadržaj fosfora utvrđen primjenom standardnih metoda. Prosječan sadržaj kalcija u zelenoj masi iznosio je 5.85 g/kg, fosfora 2.41 g/kg, magnezija 2.47 g/kg, natrija 0.93 g/kg i kalija 10.35 g/kg suhe tvari. Odnosni iznosi makro elemenata u uzorcima sijena iznosili su: 6.65, 1.56, 1.54, 0.78 i 10.76 g/kg. Prosječan sadržaj željeza u uzorcima zelene mase s područja Divčibara iznosio je: 171.87 mg/kg, bakra 5.12 mg/kg, cinka 21.67 mg/kg, mangana 63.97 mg/kg i selena 17.17 μg/kg suhe tvari. Prosječan sadržaj tih elemenata u uzorcima sijena s istog područja iznosio je za željezo 92.47 mg/kg, bakar 4.75 mg/kg, cink 19.65 mg/kg, mangan 113.29 mg/kg, te selen 26.00 μg /kg

    In vivo ispitivanje enzimske aktivnosti nekih Ru(II) jedinjenja sa N-alkilfenotiazinima

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate and compare the effects of two ruthenium complexes with trifl uoperazine on acethylcholinesterase enzyme activity and lactate dehydrogenase levels in vivo under physiological conditions in rats blood. Complexes 1 and 2 showed positive effects on acethylcholinesterase at all doses and did not disturb its normal activity. Total LDH activity was inhibited in the presence of both complexes, but Ru(II) complexes showed different effects on the activity of LDH isoenzymes. The activities of LDH1 and LDH2 isoenzymes were decreased in all applied doses of the complex 2, while the activity of LDH2 reduced using complex 1 in the same doses. Results of the present study suggest the neuro-and cardio protective potential of oral administration of complexes 1 and 2, as non-toxic compounds under physiological conditions. These protective effects are the result of their potent antioxidant activity.Cilj ovog rada je da se ispitaju i uporede efekti dva kompleksa rutenijuma sa trifluoperazinom na aktivnost enzima acetilholinesteraze i laktat-dehidrogenase in vivo pod fiziološkim uslovima u krvi pacova. Kompleksi 1 i 2 pokazali su pozitivan efekat na aktivnost acetiholinesteraze u svim primenjenim dozama. Ukupna aktivnost LDH je inhibirana u prisustvu oba kompleksa, ali kompleksi Ru(II) pokazuju različite rezultate na izoenzimske oblike ovog enzima. Aktivnosti izoenzima LDH1 i LDH2 su smanjene u svim primenjenim dozama kompleksa 2, dok kompleks 1 smanjuje aktivnost samo izoenzima LDH2 u tim istim koncentracijama. Rezultati prikazanog istraživanja ukazuju na neuro - i kardio zaštitni potencijal oralne primene kompleksa 1 i 2, kao netoksičnih jedinjenja pod fiziološkim uslovima, indukovano preko njihovog snažnog antioksidativnog efekta

    Synthesis, characterization and biological study of new dinuclear zinc(ii) and nickel(ii) octaaza macrocyclic complexes

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    Two new nitrato complexes of zinc and nickel with 1,4,8,11-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (tpmc), have been synthesized and characterized. The IR spectral peaks showed that the coordinated and ionic nitrate ions are in agreement with the formula proposed by elemental analysis. Conductometric titrations predicted methanol to be a convenient solvent for synthesis and revealed the stoichiometry of the complexes, while molar electrical conductivities indicated a 1 : 3 complex electrolyte type for the zinc complex, and a 1 : 2 complex electrolyte type for the nickel complex. The optimized complex structure was obtained by molecular modeling and density functional theory calculations. The biological activity of the novel complexes was examined by screening eight different bacterial strains and two cancer cell lines. The zinc complex showed better antimicrobial activity against the bacterial strains, while the complexes did not show significance antiproliferative activity toward cancer cells MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231

    N-alkylphenothiazines - synthesis, structure and application as ligands in metal complexes

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    Phenothiazines are a large group of heterocyclic, aromatic molecules with nitrogen and sulphur between two benzene rings. Their derivatives, N-alkylphenothiazines have substituent on heterocyclic nitrogen atom which gives them different properties. Also, a series of these molecules have substitution on carbon atom at place 2 of phenothiazine benzene ring. Alkylphenothiazines contain aminoalkyl substituent and their alkyl, acyl and sulphonil derivatives, as well as monocyclic and bicyclic heterocycles attached at thiazine nitrogen atom or directly linked to benzene ring. The N-alkylphenothiazines have been known as antipsychotic drugs, but they also possess antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer activity, and ability to react with macromolecules and to coordinate to the metals. Metal complexes with N-alkylphenothiazines are biological active compounds with different antimicrobial activities and cytotoxic effect against tumor cell lines. The large field of application of N-alkylphenothiazines is very attractive in terms of synthesis of new related derivatives, metal complexes, studying their properties and applications. This article presents a review of the literature and a contemporary view at N-alkylphenothiazines - their synthesis and application, as well as their metal complexes which have promising biological effects

    Physicochemical characteristics of gamma irradiation crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol)/magnetite ferrogel composite

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    Magnetic field sensitive gels, ferrogels, are new promising class of hydrogels. The coupling of hydrogels and magnetic particles has potential application in soft actuators, such as artificial muscles, or for hyperthermia application. In this study, the composite of magnetite particles (Fe3O4) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogel is developed using gamma irradiation as a crosslinking agent. PVA and Fe3O4 were chosen due to their well-established biocompatibility, radiation crosslinking potential (PVA), mild magnetic properties and the Curie point near desired heating temperature range (Fe3O4). Physicochemical characteristics of these systems show the effect of the presence of particles in the process of radiation-induced crosslinking. Obtained PVA/Fe3O4 ferrogel composite has greater swelling capacity, activation energy of dehydration and dehydration rate compared to PVA hydrogel, crosslinked under the same conditions

    Thermal decomposition of new chlorido(p-cymene) ruthenium(II) complexes containing N-alkylphenothiazines

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    The thermal decomposition of [RuCl2(eta(6)-p-cymene)](2) (1) and its biologically active N-alkylphenothiazine compounds of composition L[RuCl3(eta(6)-p-cymene)] where L = CPH+ (2), TFH+center dot HCl (3), and TRH+ (4) (chlorpromazine hydrochloride, CP center dot HCl; trifluoperazine dihydrochloride, TF center dot 2HCl; and thioridazine hydrochloride, TR center dot HCl, respectively) has been studied. The crystal and molecular structure of compound 3 was determined earlier by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The thermal data were collected by simultaneous TG/DSC measurements. For evolved gas detection, the qualitative reaction of chlorides with AgNO3 in an acidic solution was applied. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range to 700 A degrees C in nitrogen atmosphere. Compounds of L[RuCl3(eta(6)-p-cymene)] crystallize with water or water/2-propanole. On the basis of thermal data, the trend in the solvent bonding energies was assessed

    Thermal decomposition of new ruthenium(II) complexes containing N-alkylphenothiazines

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    Thermal decomposition of chlorpromazine hydrochloride (CP center dot HCl), trifluoperazine dihydrochloride (TF center dot 2HCl) and thioridazine hydrochloride (TR center dot HCl), and the ruthenium complexes with dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso) of composition [RuCl(2)(dmso)(4)] and L[RuCl(3)(dmso)(3)]center dot xEtOH, L = CP center dot HCl, TF center dot 2HCl or TR center dot HCl is described. The phenothiazines are stable to temperature range of 200-280 A degrees C with an increasing stability order of TF center dot 2HCl < CP center dot HCl < TR center dot HCl. The decomposition of all the compounds takes place in superposing steps. For detection of chlorides and sulfides, EGD analysis was performed. The decomposition pattern of the complexes, due to their similar structure, is similar. The thermal data unambiguously resolve the contradiction between the elemental analysis and X-ray structural data for (TF center dot 2HCl)[RuCl(3)(dmso)(3)]Cl center dot EtOH. The compound crystallizes with one EtOH, evaporating in part at room temperature

    Ruthenium(II)-N-alkyl phenothiazine complexes as potential anticancer agents

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    In recent years, the search for effective anticancer compounds based on transition metal complexes has been the focus of medical investigations. The synergy between the ruthenium(II) and N-alkylphenothiazine counter-ions (chlorpromazine hydrochloride, thioridazine hydrochloride and trifluoperazine dihydrochloride, respectively) through the formation of three different complexes (1–3) was investigated. We explored whether the selected counter-ions and complexes might affect redox homeostasis and genome integrity of normal human blood cells, and induce an inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase and AChE at pharmacologically relevant doses. Our results have shown that counter-ions and complexes did not affect the activity of Na+/K+-ATPase, while AChE activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. All investigated compounds disturbed the viability and redox homeostasis of lymphocytes. Complexes 1 and 2 displayed potent cytotoxic and prooxidant action while complex 3 behaved as a weaker genotoxic inducer. Still, the tested complexes appeared to be less genotoxic and more cytostatic than the corresponding counter-ions. The effects of selected complexes were also tested in PC12 and U2OS cancer cells with special attention being given to the ability of phenothiazines to affect dopamine D2 receptors. Using the confocal laser scanning microscopy, we observed that all the complexes reduced cell viability. Although all investigated complexes have been bound to the dopamine receptor D2-eGFP, only complex 3 reduced its surface density and increased its lateral mobility in investigated cell lines. Albeit the role of alternative targets for complex 3 cannot be ruled out, its effects should be further examined as potential treatment strategy against cancer cells that overexpress D2